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姓名 洪薏晴(I-Ching Hung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所在職專班
論文名稱 工作家庭措施可使用性對職家衝突與工作滿意之影響─以知覺組織支持為中介
(The impact of the Accessibility of Work Family Practices on Work Family Conflict and Job Satisfaction: Perceived Organizational Support as a Mediator)
★ 空服員之工作特性、工作壓力源與個人壓力反應★ 人力資源管理活動對員工離職意願之影響- 以工作滿意度為中介變項
★ 直線主管之管理訓練與其參與人力資源管理活動之關聯★ 直線經理參與人力資源管理活動之影響因素探討
★ 員工風險承擔對個人持股意願之影響★ 人力資本投資、知識分享與組織績效之關聯
★ 人力資源部門跨界活動對企業採行高績效人力資源管理實務之影響★ 賦權感知、工作滿意、組織承諾與服務行為之相關性研究―以某連鎖便利商店為例
★ 業務代表人格特質與核心職能對績效影響的探討 —以某藥廠為例★ 實施利益分享制度對心理賦權感及工作滿意之影響
★ 員工股票獎酬對員工心理所有權之影響---以內外控人格特質為干擾變項★ 組織氣候感知、組織承諾與組織公民行為之關聯
★ 人力資源高績效工作實務、創新氣候與組織績效之關聯-以IC設計產業為例★ 高績效工作實務對員工知識分享行為之影響 -
★ 人格特質與工作績效之關係研究─以航空服務業空服人員為例★ 員工對功能彈性氣候的感知對工作滿意度的影響 以工作自主與工作要求為中介變項
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摘要(中) 隨著勞動結構改變,雙薪家庭增高,台灣勞工平均工作時間長、且多數對工作感到不快樂,時代變遷之下,工作與事業不再是人們唯一追求,家庭生活也同樣重要。職家成為熱門討論議題,國內外的研究皆強調職家衝突對組織與員工的重大影響。



摘要(英) With the changes of structure among labor markets, double-income families increased, the average working time is so long and most of the labor are unhappy upon working. People no longer only care about their career but chase their family life as well. Work family related issues has become popular topics. Both domestic and international studies emphasize a significant impact on the labors and the organizations of work family conflicts.

The aim of this study is to examine the impact the accessibility of work-family practices on work family conflict and job satisfaction, also trying to figure out if the perception organization support would be a mediator. The study using structured questionnaires, 700 samples came from different industries in Taiwan were surveyed, 654 copies returned with effective rate of 93%.

After Data collected and statistical analysis to understand the work family measures, the company offers workability staff level family conflict and job satisfaction and whether the employees affected by the degree of perceived organizational support. The results are as follows:

1:Accessibility of work family practices have negative effects on work family conflict.
2:Accessibility of work family practices have positive effects on job satisfaction.
3:Accessibility of work family practices have positive effects on employee perceived organizational support.
4:Perceived organizational support have negative effects on work family conflict.
5:Perceived organizational support have positive effects on job satisfaction.
6:Perceived organizational support have full mediation effect on accessibility of work family practices to work family conflict.
7:Perceived organizational support have partial mediation effect on accessibility of work family practices to job satisfaction.

Based on the result, we know that perceived organizational support play an important role within the relationship between the accessibility of work family practices to work family conflict and job satisfaction. Therefore this study proposed some practical that organizations should create family support culture, and managers should be considerate, HR practitioners need to keep flexible when implement the work family practices, also employees should properly use of those practices when participate in.
關鍵字(中) ★ 工作家庭措施可使用性
★ 知覺組織支持
★ 職家衝突
★ 工作滿意
關鍵字(英) ★ Accessibility of Work Family Practices
★ Perceived Organizational Support
★ Work Family Conflict
★ Job Satisfaction
論文目次 目錄
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 工作家庭措施可使用性對職家衝突與工作滿意之影響 4
第二節 工作家庭措施可使用性對知覺組織支持的影響 7
第三節 個人知覺組織支持對於職家衝突及工作滿意之影響 9
第四節 知覺組織支持是否為工作家庭措施可使用性對職家衝突與工作滿意的中介變項 11
第三章 研究方法 14
第一節 研究架構 14
第二節 樣本對象 15
第三節 問卷設計 15
第四節 統計分析方法 19
第四章 研究結果 22
第一節 樣本統計 22
第二節 信度分析 23
第三節 相關分析 24
第四節 迴歸結果 27
第五章 結論 32
第一節 研究結果與討論 32
第二節 研究限制 35
第三節 管理意涵 37
參考文獻 40
中文部分 40
英文部分 41
參考文獻 中文部分
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指導教授 劉念琪(Nien-Chi Liu) 審核日期 2016-6-29
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