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姓名 林保宏(Pao-Hung Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系在職專班
論文名稱 結構型商品評價與分析─匯率與股權結構型商品
(The analysis of structured notes)
★ 人身保險業經營財富管理業務之探討★ 歐洲主權債信危機對台灣證券市場金融股的影響
★ 結構型商品之評價及分析-以匯率及股權連結型商品為例★ 多元通路行銷保險介紹與分析
★ TRF與DKO評價與客戶承做目的之分析★ 信用卡信用評分模型的建置與評等-以國內某銀行為例
★ 銀行財富管理行銷策略分析--以TF銀行與S銀行為例★ 金融科技應用之分析與探討
★ 企業併購之無形資產評價分析:以日月光併購矽品為例★ 一帶一路對中國股市影響之分析與探討
★ 三大法人進出與台灣股票短期報酬關係之研究★ 東協政治經濟發展介紹與分析
★ 逆向房屋抵押貸款之探討-以上海銀行契約為例★ 結構型商品之評價與分析 ―以多資產股權連結結構型商品與保息型匯率連結結構型商品為例
★ 台指選擇權隱含波動度價差之交易策略探討★ 衍生性商品與逆向抵押貸款之評價研究
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摘要(中) 摘要

摘要(英) Abstract
This study analyzes three structured notes, a foreign currency-linked note is the first one, the following comes to a multi-asset-equity-linked note and the last one is cumulative equity-linked note. This study decomposes the pricing process of these structured notes and analyzing sensitivity factors by Monte- Carol simulation method. This study provides more ideas of structure products for investors to make better decisions in future.
The first product, foreign currency-linked note, was an interest-guaranteed product and was launched in 2016. Through Monte-Carol method simulation, this study figured out the issuers would get meager profit and investors may stuffer loss due to the high probabilities of converting deposit currency into alternative currency. The investors need to think the usage of alternative currency if the conversion has been triggered.
The second product, the one-year range-accrual note, was launched in 2013. The yield of structured note was much higher than a one-year-deposit interest rate. Via Monte-Carol method simulation, this study found investors have to stand the volatility risk of underlying stock but could not earn the interest of nominal yield which they expected.
The third product, the one-and-half-year cumulative equity-linked structured note, was launched in 2007. This note was sold with a discount of market price of security. The Monte-Carol method simulation shows investors may not get the expected return.
This article would provide the reference of structured notes to help investors to have much understanding of financial instrument which promoted by the financial institutions.
關鍵字(中) ★ 結構型商品
★ 匯率連結
★ 股權連結
關鍵字(英) ★ structured notes
★ foreign-currency-linked
★ equity-linked
論文目次 目錄
中文摘要 ..............i
英文摘要 .............ii
誌謝 ................iii
目錄 .................iv
圖目錄 ................v
表目錄 ...............vi
第一章 緖論 .............1
第一節 衍生性商品市場概況 ......1
第二節 研究動機及研究目的 ......4
第三節 結構型商品簡介 ..........7
第四節 研究架構 ..............10
第二章 研究方法 ..............12
第一節 單資產價格隨機過程.......12
第二節 匯率價格隨機過程 ........13
第三節 雙資產價格隨機過程........13
第三章 匯率連結型結構型商品評價與分析 ...........14
第一節 外幣組合式交易簡介 .....14
第二節 匯率走勢分析 .............15
第三節 商品分析 ............15
第四節 風險評估 ..........16
第五節 情境分析 ..........17
第六節 商品評價 .........18
第七節 敏感性分析 ........19
第四章 區間計息股權連結型結構型商品評價與分析 ......22
第一節 商品介紹 ......22
第二節 商品分析 ....... 23
第三節 連結標的公司介紹 ...25
第四節 商品報酬情境分析 ........27
第五節 商品評價 ........ 28
第六節 敏感性測試 ...... 29
第五章 累積買進股權連結型結構型商品評價與分析 ....... 32
第一節 商品介紹 ...... 32
第二節 標的公司介紹 .....34
第三節 商品報酬情境分析 ......35
第四節 商品評價 ....... 36
第五節 敏感性分析...... 37
第六章 結論與建議 ......39
參考文獻 ..............40
參考文獻 中文參考文獻
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指導教授 吳庭斌(Ting-Pin Wu) 審核日期 2016-7-27
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