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姓名 蘇素鈴(Su-Ling SU)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系在職專班
論文名稱 公司併購對投資人的影響與公司治理之關聯性
(The Influence of Investment and Corporate Governance on Company Mergers and Acquisitions)
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摘要(中) 企業併購是企業追求成長最主要、最快速的經營策略之一,近年來全球企業不斷透過併購來擴大事業版圖。併購交易的關鍵問題為是否能替股東創造價值,過去在探討併購宣告對股價反應的研究中,大部份研究結果顯示普遍有正向異常報酬,也有少數文獻研究結果為負向異常報酬,並會受到公司規模、產業別、併購資金來源等其他因素影響。
摘要(英) Company mergers and acquisitions (M&A) is becoming one of the most important growth areas in business, and one of the fastest growing business strategies. In recent years, global companies have continued to expand their business territories through M&A. The key question is whether M&A has the ability to create value for shareholders; in past research investigating stock price reactions to M&A, most studies showed that there is generally a positive abnormal return rate, although there are some results in the literature showing a negative abnormal return rate, and these results are subject to influence from considerations such as company size, industry, M&A funding sources, and other factors.

This paper used event study methodology for 40 companies listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange for 2013 to 2016 as study samples in order to: investigate the influence of M&A on the share price activity of Taiwan Stock Exchange listed companies; analyze the relevance of corporate governance factors; and use event study analysis to determine the degree of influence of M&A activities on stock prices. The empirical results showed that for M&A announcements from bidding domestic companies listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange, there were negative abnormal return rates on the date of the announcement, which is consistent with the study results obtained from foreign scholars. In addition, in terms of verification of variables related to corporate governance, all of the results displayed no significant influence.
關鍵字(中) ★ 公司購併
★ 事件研究法
★ 公司治理
關鍵字(英) ★ Mergers and Acquisitions
★ Event Study
★ Corporate Governance
論文目次 目錄
摘要 I
目錄 III
表目錄 IV
圖目錄 IV
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與目的 1
1-2 研究大綱 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
2-1 企業購併動機理論 5
2-2 文獻回顧 6
第三章 樣本與變數 11
3-1 樣本資料來源 11
3-2 假說建立 11
3-3 變數衡量 12
3-3-1 事件宣告日 12
3-3-2 研究方法 12
3-4 變數說明 13
第四章 實證結果與分析 16
4-1 研究流程圖 16
4-2 樣本分類狀況 17
1.依年度別分類的樣本數統計 17
2.依產業分類的樣本數統計 18
4-3 各項模型建立 20
4-4 橫斷面複迴歸分析 24
第五章 結論與建議 26
5-1 結論 26
5-2 研究限制與後續研究建議 27
參考文獻 29
參考文獻 中文文獻
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指導教授 徐政義(Cheng-Yi Shiu) 審核日期 2016-6-20
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