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姓名 雷鴻村(Hong Tsuen Lei)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 情感效應對社群網絡推薦的影響
(Effects of Sentiment on Recommendations in Social Network)
★ 在社群網站上作互動推薦及研究使用者行為對其效果之影響★ 以AHP法探討伺服器品牌大廠的供應商遴選指標的權重決定分析
★ 以AHP法探討智慧型手機產業營運中心區位選擇考量關鍵因素之研究★ 太陽能光電產業經營績效評估-應用資料包絡分析法
★ 建構國家太陽能電池產業競爭力比較模式之研究★ 以序列採礦方法探討景氣指標與進出口值的關聯
★ ERP專案成員組合對績效影響之研究★ 推薦期刊文章至適合學科類別之研究
★ 品牌故事分析與比較-以古早味美食產業為例★ 以方法目的鏈比較Starbucks與Cama吸引消費者購買因素
★ 探討創意店家創業價值之研究- 以赤峰街、民生社區為例★ 以領先指標預測企業長短期借款變化之研究
★ 應用層級分析法遴選電競筆記型電腦鍵盤供應商之關鍵因子探討★ 以互惠及利他行為探討信任關係對知識分享之影響
★ 結合人格特質與海報主色以類神經網路推薦電影之研究★ 資料視覺化圖表與議題之關聯
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摘要(中) 隨著社群網站的日益興起,在網路世界進行交流的人數急速增長,也逐漸成 為將產品推薦給使用者的媒介之一。
摘要(英) With the rise of social networking sites, the number of people communicating in the online world has grown rapidly, and SNS has gradually become one of the mediums for recommending products or services to users. In the past, the traditional Microblog product recommendation method mostly only concerned the user′s personal preferences and interests, but ignored other possible influencing factors, such as: the user′s emotional words in the post content.
This thesis adopted the sentiment word database to extract sentiment-related aspects from microblog posts, which were then used to investigate the effectiveness of various sentiment-related components on product recommendations.
This thesis found that the posts containing strong sentiments were discovered to receive more clicks than posts containing mellow sentiments. Recommendations associated with posts containing more than one positive sentiment words are more effective than posts containing only one such word. This thesis also demonstrated that posts classified as having negative polarity receive more clicks than those classified as having positive polarity. Additionally, posts containing implicit sentiment words receive more clicks than those containing explicit sentiment words in microblog.
This thesis could assist product or service marketers who use Plurk or similar microblogging platforms to determine how to focus their limited financial resources on potential online customers to achieve maximum sales revenue.
關鍵字(中) ★ 電子商務 關鍵字(英) ★ social networking site
★ social commerce
★ Plurk recommendation system
論文目次 中文摘要 .................................................................................................................. III
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................ IV
誌謝 ......................................................................................................................... V
LIST OF TABLES....................................................................................................... VIII
LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................ IX
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 1
2. LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................... 6
2.1 RECOMMENDER SYSTEMS ....................................................................................................... 6
2.2 RECOMMENDER SYSTEMS BASED ON SOCIAL COMMERCE ........................................................ 8
2.3 RECOMMENDER SYSTEMS ..................................................................................................... 11
2.4 APPLICATION OF SENTIMENT ANALYSIS IN MICROBLOGS ....................................................... 14
3. MODEL DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................ 15
4. MESSAGE ANALYSIS CONDUCTED BY BOTS ON PLURK ........................ 17
5. MEASURING SENTIMENTS IN MICROBLOG POSTS ................................. 21
6. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS ........................................................ 22
7. IMPLICATIONS ............................................................................................. 29
7.1 IMPLICATIONS FOR ACADEMIA ............................................................................................. 29
7.2 IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTITIONERS ...................................................................................... 30
8. CONCLUSION ................................................................................................ 31
8.1 RESEARCH LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS .............................................. 31
REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 34
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指導教授 許秉瑜 審核日期 2019-7-3
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