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論文名稱 消費者的可持續發展態度:恐怖管理理論的預測
★ 聯盟網絡對永續供應鏈管理績效的影響:以永續合作作為中介機制★ 產品創意或客戶志願服務貢獻:3D打印時代過早購買意向和客戶滿意度
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摘要(中) 對改善社會物質環境的日益重視使可持續性成為一個至關重要的問題。事實上,只有當人們在健康,消費主義,住房和生活質量等各個方面實現可持續生活時,才能實現可持續發展的環境。應用恐怖管理理論(TMT),本研究試圖調查死亡觀念的恐怖是否會影響消費者在宗教信仰的偶然條件下的可持續性態度。實地研究在印度尼西亞的瑪瑯進行。根據與TMT應用相關的實證文獻,本研究使用一項調查來實證研究該研究框架。為了確保瑪瑯人口具有足夠代表性的樣本,本研究使用配額抽樣技術,根據樣本人口的性別,年齡和教育情況使用人口分佈。本研究採用偏最小二乘法(PLS),使用SmartPLS 3軟件獲取和評估關鍵的可靠性和有效性指標,以及直接和調節效應。研究結果表明,死亡率突顯和自尊都會增加唯物主義。發現唯物主義加劇了消費者對綠色關注和消費者社會責任(CnSR)的可持續性態度。此外,這項研究發現,宗教信仰加強了與物質主義的死亡率和CnSR的唯物主義之間的聯繫。相反,宗教信仰削弱了唯物主義對綠色關注的影響。然而,沒有統計學證據證明宗教信仰對自尊 - 唯物主義聯繫的調節作用。這些發現為TMT的原則如何應用於可持續發展態度提供了新鮮而令人興奮的見解。調查結果還強調了唯物主義在可持續發展態度發展中的重要性,並推動了對宗教信仰如何擺脫有利於或反對可持續發展態度發展的理論的理論認識。最後,討論了研究結果的理論和管理意義以及未來的研究方向。
摘要(英) Increasing attention towards improving the socio-physical environment has made sustainability a crucial issue. As realised, the sustainable environment only can be achieved when people lead to sustainable lives in all aspects including health, consumerism, housing, and the quality of life. Applying the Terror Management Theory (TMT), this research attempts to investigate whether the terror of death perception will affect consumers’ sustainability attitudes under the contingent condition of religiosity. The field study is conducted in Malang, Indonesia. Following the empirical literature related to the TMT application, this research used a survey to empirically examine the research framework. In order to ensure a sufficiently representative sample of the Malang population, this current research used a quota sampling technique using the demographic distribution based on the sample population’s gender, age, and education. This study employed Partial Least Squares (PLS) using the software SmartPLS 3 to obtain and assess the key reliability and validity indices, and the direct and the moderating effects. The findings disclose that both mortality salience and self-esteem increase materialism. Materialism is found to intensify consumers’ sustainability attitudes of green concern and consumer social responsibility (CnSR). Also, this research finds that religiosity strengthens both the linkages from mortality on materialism and from materialism on CnSR. On the contrary, religiosity weakens the effect of materialism on green concern. However, there is no statistical evidence for the moderator effect of religiosity on the self-esteem – materialism linkage. The findings offer fresh and exciting insights into how the tenets of the TMT apply to sustainability attitudes. The findings also highlight the importance of materialism in the development of sustainability attitudes, and advance the theoretical understanding of how religiosity could swing the balance in favour of or against the development of sustainability attitudes. Finally, theoretical and managerial implications of the findings and also future research directions are discussed.
關鍵字(中) ★ 可持續性
★ 綠色關注
★ 消費者社會責任
★ 死亡率突顯
★ 自尊
關鍵字(英) ★ sustainability
★ green concern
★ consumer social responsibility
★ mortality salience
★ self-esteem

1.1. Background 1
1.2. Research Gap 3
1.3. Research Objectives 4
1.4. Research Contributions 5
1.5. Overview of Research Process 6
1.6. Organization of The Thesis 7

2.1. Terror Management Theory 10
2.1.1. Mortality Salience 13
2.1.2. Self-Esteem 15
2.1.3. Materialism 17
2.1.4. Religiosity 21
2.2. Sustainability 25
2.2.1. Consumer Green Concern 27
2.2.2. Consumer and Social Responsibility (CnSR) 28

3.1. Conceptual Framework 32
3.2. Research Questions Development 34
3.2.1. Mortality Salience and Materialism 34
3.2.2. Self-esteem and Materialism 36
3.2.3. Materialism and Consumer Green Concern................................37
3.2.4. Materialism and Consumer and Social Responsibility 39
3.2.6. The Moderating Role of Religiosity 40

4.1. Scale Operationalization and Development 45
4.2. Questionnaire Design 46
4.3. Data Collection 46

5.1. Sample Characteristic 51
5.2. Data Analysis 53
5.3. Scale Accuracy Analysis 53
5.4. Common Method Variance 57
5.5. Proposed Structural Model, and Direct and Moderating Effect
Testing 58

6.1. Conculusion and Discussion 60
6.2. Discussion 60
6.3. Theoretical and Managerial Implication 64
6.4. Limitation and Future Research Directions 65

APPENDIX 1: Scale Measurement 90
APPENDIX 2: Research Questionnaire in English 93
APPENDIX 3: Research Questionnaire in Bahasa 99
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