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姓名 廖家偉(Jia-Wei Liao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 結合類神經網路及Kinect深度攝影機之跌倒偵測系統
(A Fall Detect System Based on Neural Networks with Kinect Depth-Camera)
★ 以Q-學習法為基礎之群體智慧演算法及其應用★ 發展遲緩兒童之復健系統研製
★ 從認知風格角度比較教師評量與同儕互評之差異:從英語寫作到遊戲製作★ 基於檢驗數值的糖尿病腎病變預測模型
★ 模糊類神經網路為架構之遙測影像分類器設計★ 複合式群聚演算法
★ 身心障礙者輔具之研製★ 指紋分類器之研究
★ 背光影像補償及色彩減量之研究★ 類神經網路於營利事業所得稅選案之應用
★ 一個新的線上學習系統及其於稅務選案上之應用★ 人眼追蹤系統及其於人機介面之應用
★ 結合群體智慧與自我組織映射圖的資料視覺化研究★ 追瞳系統之研發於身障者之人機介面應用
★ 以類免疫系統為基礎之線上學習類神經模糊系統及其應用★ 基因演算法於語音聲紋解攪拌之應用
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摘要(中) 近年來社會面臨老年化日趨嚴重的問題,老人照護議題也越發重要;老
偵測的相關研究越來越蓬勃發展。本論文開發一套基於結合Kinect 及類神
實生活。本系統使用Kinect 所提供之深度資訊,找出場景中的地面資訊,
能因素。在全部的情境中總共有168 次跌倒事件以及168 次未跌倒事件,
Kappa 值為0.84,證明系統有幾乎與事實吻合的程度。
摘要(英) Recently, society is faced with the problematic issue of an aging population.
The eldercare issue is extremely important. The frequency of falls in the elderly
is higher than in younger people with a greater risk caused by treatment delay.
Therefore, the research of fall detection systems has been increasing drastically.
This thesis proposes to develop a fall detection system based on neural networks
with Kinect depth-camera. We hope it can operate reliable in a complex
environment or in multi-person scenarios. The system uses raw data of Kinect
depth images to locate the ground in the scene, identify the foreground pixels with
a background subtraction algorithm, and then tracked the foreground for analysis.
Last, the system will judge whether the fall events occurred by using its welltrained
neural networks model and the specified features. When fall events are
detected, the system would record the image and time immediately, then report to
caregivers for efficient aid. Additionally, this thesis will discuss the reasons for
rule decision system’s misjudgment and the advantages of using neural networks.
The performance of the proposed system was verified by six experimental
scenarios. There are three single person and for multi-person experimental
scenarios. After these experiments, we would compare the result of rule decision
system with the proposed system and discuss the difference and the reason of
misjudgment between both of them. Among all of these experimental scenarios:
168 are fall events and 168 are not fall events. The results show the sensitivity
rate and the specificity rate were 97% and 90%, respectively. And the Kappa value
of the proposed system is 0.84 which is higher than 0.80, showing that we have a
reliable system that accurately reflects reality in terms of fall events.
關鍵字(中) ★ Kinect
★ 跌倒偵測
★ 類神經網路
★ 影像監控
關鍵字(英) ★ Kinect
★ fall detect system
★ video surveilleance
★ eldercare
★ neural netwroks
論文目次 摘要 .......................................................................i
ABSTRACT ...................................................................ii
誌謝 .......................................................................iv
目錄 ........................................................................v
圖目錄 ....................................................................vii
表目錄 .....................................................................ix
第一章、 緒論 .............................................................. 1
1-1 研究動機 研究動機 ...................................................... 1
1-2 研究目的 研究目的 ...................................................... 3
1-3 論文架構 論文架構 ...................................................... 4
第二章、 相關研究 .......................................................... 5
2-1 跌倒偵測 跌倒偵測 ...................................................... 5
2-1-1 感測 ..................................................................5
2-1-2 影像式偵測系統 ....................................................... 7
2-1-3 加入機器學習 ......................................................... 9
2-2 類神經網路(Neural Networks) .......................................... 11
2-2-1 類神經網路簡介 ...................................................... 11
2-2-2 倒傳遞類神經網路 演算法 (Back-propagation networks) ..................12
2-2-3 放射狀基底函數類神經網路 (Radial Basis Function Networks, RBFN) .... 19
2-2-4 支撐向量機 (Support Vectors Machines, SVM) .......................... 24
2-2-5 深度學習 (Deep Learning) .............................................29
第三章、 跌倒偵測系統 ..................................................... 34
3-1 系統架構 系統架構 ..................................................... 35
3-1-1 硬體介紹 ............................................................ 35
3-1-2 軟體架構 ............................................................ 36
3-1-3 系統介面說明 ........................................................ 37
3-2 環境建置 環境建置 ..................................................... 39
3-2-1 座標轉換 ............................................................ 39
3-2-2 背景相減法 ...................................................... ... 44
3-3 簡單規則判斷式的跌倒偵測系統 .............................. ........... 46
3-4 特徵擷取 特徵擷取 ..................................................... 48
3-5 類神經網路訓練 類神經網路訓練 ......................................... 52
第四章、 實驗設計與結果 ................................................... 55
4-1 實驗設計 實驗設計 ..................................................... 55
4-1-1 評估指標 ............................................................ 55
4-1-2 情境設計 ............................................................ 58
4-1-3 不同之類神經網路比較 ............................................... 62
4-1-4 K 折交叉驗證法 (K -Fold cross validation) [40] ...................... 63
4-2 實驗結果 實驗結果 ..................................................... 64
4-2-1 規則式判斷跌倒偵測實驗結果 ......................................... 64
4-2-2 四種分類器以及 Neuroph Studio 訓練測試結果 .......................... 66
4-2-3 醫院模擬情境實驗結果 ............................................... 76
4-2-4 卷積類神經網路實驗結果 .............................................. 82
4-2-5 類神經網路跌倒偵測實驗結果 ......................................... 85
第五章、 結論與 未來展望 .................................................. 87
5-1 結論 .................................................................. 87
5-2 未來展望 ............................................................. 89
參考文獻 .................................................................. 90
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指導教授 蘇木春(Mu-Chun Su) 審核日期 2016-8-8
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