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姓名 陳柏霖(Po-Ling Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣科學學系
論文名稱 雲林斗六PM2.5濃度變化與氣膠光學特性及氣象條件之關聯性研究
★ 鹿林山背景站大氣輻射及氣膠輻射驅動力之研究★ 中南半島生質燃燒氣膠濃度分布之年際變化與其對區域環境衝擊研究
★ 中壢地區光達消光散射比之長期分析與污染物關聯性研究★ 臺灣大氣背景PM2.5質量濃度之推估
★ Mapping Surface Solar Radiation with Satellite Data over Taiwan★ 開發適用於大氣邊界層觀測的無人機系統
★ 利用AERONET資料解析中南半島地區氣膠種類及成分★ 氣膠對臺灣北部暖雲微物理和毛雨的影響
★ Characteristics and Corrections of Thermal Offset for Secondary Standard Pyranometers★ 氣膠對臺灣中部平原夏季降水日變化之影響
★ 中南半島生質燃燒氣膠傳送動力機制及區域氣候反饋★ 2019年春季泰國北部無人機觀測實驗: 邊界層特徵與氣膠垂直分布之研究
★ Investigating hygroscopic cloud-seeding effects in liquid-water clouds in northern Taiwan: in-situ measurements and model simulation★ 整合無人機與光達觀測解析斗六地區空污事件之演變過程
★ 氣膠光學及微物理反演法開發:以鹿林山大氣背景站應用為例★ 利用向日葵8號衛星及單層輻射模式反演地面輻射量
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摘要(中) 雲林縣近三年(2013-2015年)為全台灣污染最嚴重之縣市,轄區內之斗六地區污染源眾多,污染成因及氣膠種類複雜,因此本研究於較少受境外傳送污染影響之秋季,分析斗六及鄰近區域2005-2015年長期區域PM2.5濃度時空分布特性及與氣象因子相關性,於2015年秋季觀測期間進一步以氣膠光學儀器分析斗六地表和垂直氣柱氣膠光學特性,配合氣膠垂直分布及氣象條件資訊,希望解釋影響斗六地區地表氣膠濃度及特性之因素。

分析2005-2015年秋季斗六、崙背、台西空品站PM2.5濃度日平均值顯示斗六PM2.5濃度最高,台西最低,但污染事件日PM2.5濃度增加比例以台西最多,斗六最少,三站PM2.5濃度逐年下降,斗六下降趨勢最為明顯,PM2.5濃度小時值顯示斗六PM2.5濃度於日間上升夜間下降,台西站於夜間上升日間下降,為海陸風環流造成之差異。斗六站PM2.5濃度日平均與相對濕度、風速、溫度、垂直大氣穩定度相關係數(r)值分別為-0.30、-0.29、-0.18、0.19,四變數線性回歸R2值為0.22,代表上述氣象條件變異對PM2.5濃度變化造成22 %之影響。

In the last three years (2013-2015), the most serious air pollution county in Taiwan is Yunlin. Douliu city, the capital of Yunlin, has many emission sources of particulate matter indicating complicated aerosol environment. In this study, we use 10 years (2005-2015) PM2.5 data of Douliu aera in autumn to analysis its temporal variation, spatial distribution and correlation with meteorology conditions. Aerosol data obtaining from an experiment in 2015 autumn at Douliu city has been used to further analyze aerosol vertical distribution and aerosol optical properties in both surface and vertical column. We try to use meteorology data, aerosol vertical distribution and the aerosol optics both at surface and vertical column to understand what the reason of aerosol concentration and the deterioration of air quality in Douliu city in autumn.

  The daily mean PM2.5 concentrations for Taixi, Lunbei, and Douliu from 11 years (2005-2015) fall season show the highest value for Douliu and the lowest value for Taixi. However, during polluted events, Taixi PM2.5 concentration growth rates is highest and Douliu is lowest. All three sites show decreasing trend of PM2.5 concentrations in the past ten years, especially for Douliu site. Hourly PM2.5 data reveal Douliu concentration increase at daytime and decrease at nighttime, whereas an opposite day-night trend for Taixi, suggesting it may in relation to the local land-sea breeze circulation. Correlation coefficients (R) between four meteorology conditions (relative humidity, wind speed, temperature, and vertical stability) and PM2.5 concentrations at Douliu are -0.30, -0.29, -0.18, 0.19, respectively. If we consider all of above meteorological parameters together with PM2.5 concentration, R-squared can reach 0.22. It suggests that 22 percent of PM2.5 concentration variation is associated with meteorology conditions.

Results from 2015 field experiment showed that three meteorology parameters (relative humidity, wind speed and temperature) have better correlation coefficient with higher absorption aerosols (i.e. low single-scattering albedo). Correlation coefficient between temperature and absorption coefficient is 0.63 durning polluted event period. Higher correlation coefficient between meteological prameters and aerosol size are found to be -0.60, 0.50, 0.56 for RH, wind speed, and temperature, respectively. PM2.5 concentration shows positive correlation with AOD in the experimental period in general but shows a negative correlation durning polluted event period. This result implies the main sources of air pollution are local emissions and short-term near ground transport during the normal days. As contrast, lidar observation reveals high altitude aerosols downward transport to the ground durning polluted days. Positive correlation between PM2.5 concentration and PBL height also suggests that PM2.5 concentration will increase when atmospheric mixing is stronger. Results from case studies show that the increasing of surface air pollution in Douliu are due to local emission, aerosol transport by land-sea breeze circulation, nighttime residual layer downward to the surface by atmospheric vertical convection, and poor diffusion by high vertical stability. This study has implications on air quality diagnostic, forecast, as well as control policy making for the high PM2.5 area such as Douliu.
關鍵字(中) ★ 氣膠光學特性
★ 光達
★ 太陽光度計
★ 垂直大氣穩定度
摘要 i
Abstract iii
致謝 v
目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
1. 前言 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
2. 文獻回顧 4
2.1光達的發展與應用 4
2.2氣膠光學特性研究 5
2.3定義垂直大氣穩定度與光達反演邊界層頂方法 9
2.4台灣中部地區PM2.5濃度及氣象因子相關性研究 10
3. 研究方法 12
3.1 研究流程架構 12
3.2 實驗時間與地點 12
3.3 實驗設備與觀測原理 12
3.3.1 太陽光度計(Sun-photometer) 12
3.3.2 微脈衝光達(Micro-Pulse Lidar, MPL) 14
3.3.3 積分式散光儀(Integrating Nephelometer) 15
3.3.4 黑碳儀(Aethalometer) 16
3.4 氣膠光學參數 16
3.4.1 氣膠光學厚度(Aerosol Optical Depth, AOD或τ) 16
3.4.2 Ångström exponent (AE, ) 17
3.4.3 單次散射反照率(Single-scattering albedo, SSA, ω0) 17
3.5 定義垂直大氣穩定度 18
3.6 定義邊界層頂高度 19
4. 結果與討論 20
4.1 長期污染特性分析 20
4.2 斗六垂直大氣穩定度與氣象參數對PM2.5濃度影響分析 22
4.3 斗六空品站觀測期間資料分析 25
4.3.1 地表污染物特性與氣象條件相關性分析 25
4.3.2 垂直氣柱與垂直剖面污染特性及與地表污染物相關性分析 28
4.4 個案污染特性分析 30
4.4.1 個案一(9/16-9/19) 30
4.4.2 個案二(9/22-9/23) 31
5. 結論 34
6. 未來展望 37
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指導教授 王聖翔(Sheng-Hsiang Wang) 審核日期 2017-8-24
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