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姓名 楊欣哲(Sin Che Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 太空科學研究所
論文名稱 聖嬰現象與赤道大氣克耳文波之可能關聯
★ 對全球QP回波觀測結果之整理與分析★ 利用中壢特高頻雷達觀測利奇馬颱風之波動現象
★ 電離層E層場沿不規則體地區特性之研究★ 颱風對流系統之雷達個案分析
★ 中壢上空低高度準週期回波之探討★ 利用福衛三號研究赤道波動現象
★ 利用剖風儀雷達分析台灣及帛琉地區的降水融解層特性★ 利用衛星資料研究低平流層的重力波時空特性
★ 大氣重力波位能之時空分布及控因
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摘要(中) 本研究使用了1979年至2015年歐洲中心中程數值天氣預報以及福爾摩沙衛星三號之大氣溫度場及風場資料分析赤道大氣克耳文波,並使用二維離散傅立葉轉換將克耳文波以水平波數及週期分解,短週期之克耳文波(5、8及12天週期)具有較長之垂直波長不受平流層風場之限制而上傳,但長週期之克耳文波除了16天週期之克耳文波可於準兩年震盪西風相位即將結束時上傳外,19及24天週期之克耳文波僅在東風時活躍,此外,上傳的克耳文波在東風轉西風之零風場線下發生波破碎,使得振幅變大,波動能量部分傳遞至背景風場。
摘要(英) The atmosphere temperature and zonal wind data from 1979 to 2015 which offered by European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts and FORMOSAT-3 data are used to analysis the atmospheric equatorial Kelvin waves. Than we use the two dimension fast discrete Fourier transform (2D-FFT) to separate the Kelvin waves to different zonal wavenumber and period. Short period Kelvin waves (5, 8 and 12 days) have more longer vertical wavelength so that they can propagate upward without restriction by background zonal wind. But long period Kelvin waves only 16 days Kelvin waves can upward propagate during the end of the Quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) westerly phase, 19 and 24 days Kelvin waves only active when during QBO easterly phase. Otherwise, upward propagation Kelvin waves will break below the zero wind line (easterly wind to westerly wind) and let the amplitude be larger. The part of energy will transfer to the zonal wind.
NOAA-OLR (outgoing longwave radiation) TRMM-rainfall data indicate the eastward moving deep convection zone which moving from Indonesia to Central Pacific ocean enhanced the Kelvin waves at 16-18 km. During the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) period, although the feature of deep convection zone have been changed, but still enhance the Kelvin waves. And the phenomenon happen when the end of the QBO westerly phase or easterly phase. The Kelvin waves upward propagate to 40 km and let the direction of QBO turn fast from easterly to westerly in 2010 case. In other cases, the Kelvin waves only can propagate to 25-30 km, so they cause little influence to QBO.
關鍵字(中) ★ 赤道大氣克耳文波
★ 聖嬰現象
★ 對流
★ 準兩年震盪
關鍵字(英) ★ Equatorial Atmospheric Kelvin waves
★ El Niño
★ convection
★ Quasi-biennial oscillation
論文目次 一、 緒論.....................................................1
1-1 文獻回顧與理論發展.............................................1
1-2 研究動機.......................................................4
1-3 論文大綱.......................................................4
2-1 ECMWF溫度及風場資料..........................................5
2-2 NOAA-出長波輻射...............................................6
2-3 TRMM-降水資料.................................................6
2-4 克耳文波分析方法與比對.........................................7
三、赤道大氣克耳文波之生成與向上傳播........................... 14
3-1 克耳文波振幅的分布特性 ................................ ......14
3-2 克耳文波之生成與大尺度對流活動...............................19
3-3 克耳文波向上傳播之條件.......................................35
3-3-1 克耳文波之垂直波長計算.....................................37
3-3-2 垂直波長與風場..............................................39
3-4 本章小結......................................................41
4-1 ENSO 3.4 指標 ............................... ................42
4-2 聖嬰現象與克耳文波................................ ...........44
4-3 聖嬰事件與準兩年震盪風場......................... ...........47
五、結論............................... ...........................49
附錄............................... ...............................51
參考文獻 ............................... ..........................57
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指導教授 潘貞杰 審核日期 2016-7-4
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