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姓名 李先明(Hsien-Ming Li)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 太空科學與工程研究所
論文名稱 徑向行星際磁場下日側極光與電離層對流型態
(Dayside aurora and ionospheric convection under radial interplanetary magnetic fields)
★ 磁暴與磁副暴的關係:檢視跨磁尾電流對 SYM-H 的貢獻★ 磁尾的磁場延伸和偶極化現象與磁副暴發生位置的距離關係之探討
★ 二胞型極光與行星際磁場間的關係★ 磁層頂位置之不對稱性研究
★ 兩類快速電漿流事件與夜側極光活動關係之研究★ 太陽風對地球磁層頂內側磁場之影響
★ 磁層頂日下點對峙距離和行星際磁場錐角值關係的研究★ 運用西蜜斯衛星資料研究低頻帶升調合唱波的重複發生週期之分布
★ 太空環境中的兩個觀測難題: 前艏震波區域波擾動斜向傳播現象與 接觸不連續面的存在證據★ 徑向行星際磁場事件之特性及其對磁層之影響
★ 太空天氣對Formosat-2及Formosat-3異常事件影響之分析★ 多能量通道之極區沉降粒子研究
★ 水星磁層對行星際磁場與太陽風動壓的反應★ 應用長短期記憶遞迴神經網路預測Kp地磁指數
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摘要(中) 本研究探討2014年1月4日徑向行星際磁場事件分別對日側極光與電離層對流型態的影響程度。過去的研究偏重在對磁層的影響層面或是特殊極光現象上,不同於過去研究,我們整合來自挪威Svarlbard島上的全天影像儀、芬蘭Hankasalmi高頻雷達、DMSP衛星及SuperMAG觀測資料,實施日側極光與電離層對流型態分析。分析的結果表明,日側極光出現三類不同的型態:侷限在某個緯度範圍內亮度增加、極向運動與赤道向運動。電離層對流型態出現太陽向流、反太陽向流以及兩者共存現象,從日側極光與電離層對流型態說明徑向行星際場具有使場向電流增加與磁重聯的特性,增強的場向電流從DMSP衛星與SuperMAG觀測資料間接證明源自於磁鞘高速流的作用,不同於南向與北向行星際磁場對電離層對流有固定且可預測的對流型態,這些對流型態在徑向行星際磁場期間交替出現,未來在電離層對流型態預報上必須注意徑向行星際磁場。
摘要(英) This research explored the influence of the radial interplanetary magnetic field event on January 4, 2014 on the dayside aurora and ionospheric convection patterns, respectively. Previous studies focused on the impact on the magnetosphere or special aurora phenomena. Unlike previous studies, we coordinated the observations obtained from the all-sky imager on Svarlbard Island in Norway, the Hankasalmi high-frequency radar in Finland, DMSP satellites and SuperMAG data to examine the dayside aurora and ionospheric convection patterns for radial interplanetary magnetic field. The results of the analysis showed that there are three different patterns of dayside aurora: brightness increase limited to a certain latitude range, polar movement and equatorial movement. The convection patterns in the ionosphere included sunward flow, anti-sunward flow, and the coexistence of both. These patterns indicated that the radial interplanetary magnetic field had the characteristics of increasing the field-aligned current and magnetic reconnection. The enhanced field-aligned current indirectly proved from the observation data of DMSP satellite and SuperMAG that it originated from the effect of high-speed flow in the magnetosheath. Ionospheric convection was different from the fixed and predictable convection patterns under the southward and northward interplanetary magnetic fields. These convection patterns appeared alternately during the radial interplanetary magnetic field, and the radial interplanetary magnetic field must be paid attention to in the forecast of the ionospheric convection pattern in the future.
關鍵字(中) ★ 日側極光
★ 電離層對流
★ 徑向行星際磁場
★ 磁重聯
關鍵字(英) ★ dayside aurora
★ ionospheric convection
★ radial interplanetary magnetic field
★ magnetic reconnection
論文目次 中文摘要....................... i
英文摘要....................... ii
圖目錄......................... vi
表目錄......................... viii
一、 緒論.......................1
1-1 日地關係簡介................ 1
1-2 徑向行星際磁場...............7
1-3 極光現象.....................11
1-4 高緯度電離層對流現象.......... 16
二、 觀測儀器簡介與事件選取.........19
2-1 太陽風參數觀測儀器與事件說明....19
2-1-1 Wind太空船簡介...............19
2-1-2 觀測事件說明.................22
2-1-3 延遲時間計算.................23
2-2 全天影像儀簡介................ 24
2-3 DMSP衛星任務簡介...............26
2-4 SuperDARN雷達簡介.............28
2-5 SuperMAG地磁資料簡介......... 30
三、 極光觀測現象與分析.............31
3-1 全天影像儀觀測資料..............31
3-2 DMSP衛星SSUSI觀測結果..........40
3-3 Longyearbyen地磁觀測結果.......41
3-4 討論...........................42
3-4-1 極光限制在緯度區間內亮度增加...42
3-4-2 極光具有運動型態..............46
3-4-3 地磁擾動現象..................51
3-5 小結...........................53
四、 電離層對流觀測現象與分析........55
4-1 芬蘭Hankasalmi雷達觀測資料......55
4-2 討論...........................60
4-2-1 對流發展不穩定階段............60
4-2-2 對流發展穩定階段..............67
4-3 小結...........................68
五、 總結與未來研究方向..............70
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指導教授 許志浤(Jih-Hong Shue) 審核日期 2023-7-25
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