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姓名 吳虹誼(Hong-Yi Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 生物醫學工程研究所
論文名稱 以功能性磁振造影初探分心於創意醞釀之影響
(Mind Wandering Facilitates Divergent Thinking: A Preliminary fMRI Verification)
★ 應用希爾伯特黃轉換於功能性磁振造影之非穩態信號分析★ 評估生理雜訊對於靜息態功能性磁振造影之影響
★ 瀕死狀態下大腦功能性聯結之動態變化:觀察氯化鉀注射後大鼠之生理反應★ 探討同步功能性磁振造影與腦電圖於夜間睡眠研究
★ 利用同步腦電圖與功能性磁振造影探討睡眠階段之大腦活動★ 以腦電圖觀察大腦恢復清醒的動態歷程
★ 探討區域性大腦網路恢復於睡眠遲惰研究★ 中風復健與大腦的神經可塑性變化: 縱貫性功能性磁振造影研究
★ 以靜息態功能性磁振造影探討頸動脈支架手術對於頸動脈狹窄病患大腦功能之影響★ 運用石墨烯射頻線圈增進7T磁振造影訊雜比之研究
★ 睡眠遲惰期間警覺網路於執行警覺任務下的動態恢復歷程
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摘要(中) 創意在現代強調創新的職場上是一項必備的軟實力。在神經科學領域中,創意屬於一種自發性的認知歷程,但如何產生創意仍舊是個未解之謎。先前研究使用功能性磁振造影以及發散型思考相關測驗探討創意思維,發現在進行發散型思考之後,大腦的預設網路其連結狀態確實產生改變。我們推測發散型思考除了觸發預設網路外,可能也涉及其他大腦功能網路或甚至產生跨網路間的交互作用,進而增進創意。此外,創意由於其自發性特質而難以設計事件相關實驗進行操弄,所幸近期Baird等人以行為實驗發現短暫分心過後能夠顯著提昇創意。因此為了探討大腦如何於分心過後增進其發散型思考之表現,我們利用功能性磁振造影進行大腦影像掃描,並讓受試者參與發散型思考與分心任務交錯的實驗,藉此觀察大腦在分心過後蘊釀創意造成的功能性變化。實驗結果發現如下:(1) 第二次進行發散型思維比起第一次時,前、後扣帶皮層、背外側前額葉皮層有顯著活化, (2) 我們利用創意行為問卷(Creative Achievement Questionnaire)將發散型思考的功能性影像進行分組,發現高分組在背外側前額葉皮層、顳上葉皮層較低分組有相當顯著且大面積的活化反應。(3) 我們也發現進行發散型思維和分心測驗之後,大腦跨網路間之功能性連結分布較廣。從結果我們推論:發散型思考引發的腦區活化強度與創意表現有關但有延遲效果,而在發散型思考途中穿插兩次分心作業後,大腦會自發性地提昇跨網路間的訊息傳遞,導致功能性連結更加活躍,此現象可能是創意表現提升的原因。
摘要(英) The creativity presents the ability to innovation, which is crucial in modern industrial society. Beyond the growing importance of creativity, the essence of creativity in the brain remains unknown, because creativity is a spontaneous and uncontrollable cognitive process. Previous study used the divergent thinking as the surrogate of creativity using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and they found associations between divergent thinking and the default mode network (DMN). On the other hand, even though creativity is an uncontrollable cognition, Baird et al suggested short-term mind wandering after divergent thinking could enhance creativity performance. Therefore, we attempted to investigate the neural mechanism underlying the creativity enhancement after mind wandering. Total of thirty participants were recruited to perform the fMRI protocol, containing three alternative uses tasks (divergent thinking) and two 0-back tasks (mind wandering) interlaced in between, and two resting scans imposed before and after the entire task engagements. In our results, we found that brain activation in the second AUT task contrast was significantly higher than that in the first AUT, especially on anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), and dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). Second, dividing the participants into two groups (high and low) according to Creative Achievement Questionnaire (CAQ), we found that the DLPFC activation of high score group overwhelmed that of the low score group. Third, we discovered that cross-region functional connectivity after divergent thinking and mind wandering was noticeably enhanced. Accordingly, we concluded that ACC, PCC and DLPFC activity is associated with creativity performance with delayed effect, and the spontaneous activities better synchronize across multiple brain regions after the creativity task, indicating the neural mechanism underlying the creativity enhancement.
關鍵字(中) ★ 創意
★ 發散型思考
★ 分心
★ 功能性磁振造影
★ 功能性連結
★ 預設網路
關鍵字(英) ★ creativity
★ divergent thinking
★ fMRI
★ functional connectivity
論文目次 中文摘要 ..................................................................................................................................... V
Abstract .................................................................................................................................... VI
致謝 ........................................................................................................................................... VII
Contents ................................................................................................................................. VIII
List of Figures ........................................................................................................................... X
List of Tables ........................................................................................................................... XI
Chapter 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1
1-1. The Definition of Creativity in Cognition ..................................................................... 1
1-2. Creativity Incubation ......................................................................................................... 4
1-3. Hypothesis of this Study .................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 2. Materials & Method ........................................................................................... 6
2-1. Participants ........................................................................................................................... 6
2-2. Experimental Design .......................................................................................................... 6
2-3. Image Acquisition and Preprocessing ............................................................................ 8
2-4. Analysis ................................................................................................................................ 10
2-4-1. Behavior Index for AUT ........................................................................................ 10
2-4-2. Task Analysis ............................................................................................................ 10
2-4-3. Resting State Image Analysis ................................................................................ 10
2-4-4. Statistics ..................................................................................................................... 11
Chapter 3. Result ................................................................................................................... 12
3-1. Responses of AUT and CAQ Score ............................................................................... 12
3-2. Brain Activity of Divergent Thinking .......................................................................... 15
3-2-1. Differences of Activity in Brain ............................................................................ 15
3-2-2. CAQ Grouping ......................................................................................................... 17
3-2-3. Enhanced performance following short-term distraction ............................. 19
3-3. Network Reorganization Following Divergent Thinking ........................................ 23
3-3-1. Correlational Matrix of Brain Regions .............................................................. 23
3-3-2. Functional Connectivity following Divergent Thinking ................................. 27
3-4. ALFF .................................................................................................................................... 34
3-5. Regions of interest (ROI analysis) ................................................................................. 34
Chapter 4. Discussion ........................................................................................................... 37
4-1. Brain activity following divergent thinking ................................................................ 37
4-2. CAQ score and AUT responses...................................................................................... 38
4-3. Functional Connectivity System .................................................................................... 40
4-4. Incubation Effect ............................................................................................................... 42
4-5. Difference between Correlation Matrixes ................................................................... 44
Chapter 5. Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 46
Reference ................................................................................................................................. 47
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指導教授 吳昌衛(Changwei Wu) 審核日期 2016-7-27
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