博碩士論文 104222019 詳細資訊

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姓名 林敬元(Ching-Yuan Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
(Jamming State of Active Nematics)
★ 多細菌鞭毛馬達的同步轉動量測★ Investigating Stators Assembly of Flagellar Motors in Escherichia Coli by PALM
★ 被動粒子在不同的流體型態★ Lab on the Agar Plates
★ Probing the Physical Environments of Bacterial Swarm Colony★ Spiral-coil Formation in Semi-flexible Self-propelled Chain System
★ Real-Time Measurement of Vibrio alginolyticus Polar Flagellar Growth★ Foraging behavior of Caenorhabditis elegans
★ Probing Escherichia coli Energetics under Starvation by Single-Cell Measurements★ Probing Cell Wall Synthetic Dynamics by Bacterial Flagellar Motor in Escherichia coli
★ Dynamics of sodium-driven stator units in bacterial flagellar motors★ 高密度二維群游細菌系統之動力學
★ Deformation Dynamics of Active 2D Tetragonal Pseudo-Crystal★ Probing Ion-Flux of Bacterial Flagellar Motors by Correlative Microscopy
★ Aliivibrio fischeri in Motion★ 主動粒子的擴張行為
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摘要(中) 摘要
自我推進的主動粒子,將養出的細菌菌液滴在1%的洋菜膠上面生長3~4 個小時
1. 壅塞狀態的整體行為:壅塞狀態有幾個獨特的特徵,我們用速度、密度、軌跡、
2. 壅塞狀態的局部行為:雖然壅塞狀態整體看起來像是完全卡住不動,但其實可
3. 壅塞過程的整體行為:除了了解壅塞狀態的細節之外,我們也對它的形成十分
摘要(英) AbstractThe aim of this thesis is to invest the jamming state of active nematics system. Unlike thermal equilibrium system, active system shows rich phases and emergent patterns. Among these states, active jamming is happened in the high agent density where all of the local active force are balanced. We use surface swarming bacteria system to investigate the formation process and the local dynamics of this unique jamming state. Motility is one of the charming features of living organism. From physics point of view, active-matter is composed of large number of individual active agents with simple rules of movement leading to complex collective behaviors. Due to the experimental difficulties of manufacturing identical active agents, theoretical work leads the research work in this field. In our research, we use surface swarming bacteria as the active-material to study the emerging behavior of active nematics in two-dimension system. Vibrio alginolyticus is a marine bacterium with dual flagellar motor systems. This system is composed by a ?? + driven polar flagellum and several H + lateral flagella. The lateral flagella will only express in the environment with high viscosity, for example, the surface, and become the main source of swarming motility on the viscous surface. In our experiment, we use a mutant strain YM19 which have lateral flagella only to be the experimental material of self-propelled rods on 2D surface. Inoculating 0.5μl’s bacteria suspension on the 1% thin VC agar plate, YM19 will then spread out in 3~4 hours to form a 2D colony with mono-layer area where the jamming state will be formed later.
By custom-wrote image processing and particle tracking software, we are able to trace each single bacterium in this 2D jamming state. Our analysis is divided into three parts, global motion of jamming state, local motion of jamming state and global motion of jamming process. 1. Global motion of jamming state: The jamming state have several unique and special characteristics. Here, we calculate some global features such as velocity, density, trajectory, length and cluster pattern to represent the property of jamming state. 2. Local motion of jamming state: Although the jamming state looks generally caged, various local dynamics can be observed in the active jamming system. Here, we separated the local area into three types, dynamic area, restricted area and caged area. We chose two bacteria in a region once and calculate their MSD, relationship between body angle and velocity correlation. The results not only show the essential differences between these three areas but also reveal the effect of different rearrangement ability. 3. Global motion of jamming process: Besides knowing the detail of the jamming state bacteria, we are also curious about the origin of it. The time-lapse experiment in the same region was done for understanding the transition from unjammed to jammed state. As the agent density increase, the overall order increase while the average velocity drops. The local arrangement of order structures enhances the jamming condition.
論文目次 Chapter 1 1
Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Motivation .1
1.2 Molecular motors2
1.3 Flagella Filaments 3
1.3.1 Polar Filaments.4
1.3.2 Lateral Filaments5
1.4 Vibrio alginolyticus5
1.4.1 Vibrio alginolyticus structure .6
1.4.2 Vibrio alginolyticus Energetic7
1.5 Self-propelled particles.7
1.5.1 Vicsek model: aligning self-propelled particles.8
1.5.2 Self-propelled rods.9
1.5.3 Self-propelled sphere: no aligning interaction .11
Chapter 2 12
Experimental Techniques.12
2.1 Microscope System 12
2.1.1 Inverted microscope .12
2.1.2 Charge coupled device .13
2.1.3 Phase contrast.14
2.2 Bacteria strains/ growth medium/ agar preparation15
2.3 Swarming observation 16
2.4 Image processing 16
2.5 Order parameter18
2.6 Clustering .18
2.7 Velocity, Density, Length and Angle .21
2.7.1 Particle tracking & Velocity.21
2.7.2 Length & Body angle .22
2.7.3 Density .22
Chapter 3 23
Jamming State of Swarming Bacteria 23
3.1 Experimental Aims.23
3.2 Experiment Design and Analysis .23
3.2.1 Growth and motility of Vibrio alginolyticus24
3.3 Result: Jamming State and Jamming Process 25
3.3.1 Jamming state: Global motion .26
3.3.2 Jamming state: Local motion .28
3.3.3 Jamming process: Global motion.45
3.4 Structure: Tetratic order .48
3.5 Conclusion49
Chapter 4 50
Future Work: Jamming State in Simulation .50
4.1 Aims of Simulation.50
4.2 Test Result: Jamming State in Simulation50
4.3 Structure: Tetratic order .54
4.4 Conclusion55
Chapter 5 56
Conclusions and outlooks.56
5.1 Jamming state of swarming bacteria 56
5.2 Jamming state in simulation .57
5.3 Outlooks .57
Reference 59
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指導教授 羅健榮 審核日期 2017-8-10
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