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姓名 鄧鈞懋(JUN-MAO DENG)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 高功率脈衝磁控濺鍍成長透明導電膜 於可撓性塑膠基板之研究
(Research of Transparent Conductive Films on the Flexible Plastic Substrates Using High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering)
★ 膜堆光學導納量測儀★ 以奈米壓印改善陽極氧化鋁週期性
★ 含氫矽薄膜太陽電池材料之光電特性研究★ 自我複製結構膜光學性質之研究
★ 溫度及應力對高密度分波多工器(DWDM)濾光片中心波長飄移之研究★ 以射頻磁控濺鍍法鍍製P型和N型微晶矽薄膜之研究
★ 以奈米小球提升矽薄膜太陽能電池吸收之研究★ 定光電流量測法在氫化矽薄膜特性的研究
★ 動態干涉儀量測薄膜之光學常數★ 反應式濺鍍過渡態矽薄膜之研究
★ 光子晶體偏振分光鏡之設計與製作★ 偏壓對射頻濺鍍非晶矽太陽能薄膜特性之研究
★ 負折射率材料應用於抗反射與窄帶濾光片之設計★ 負電荷介質材料在矽晶太陽電池之研究
★ 自我複製式偏振分光鏡製作與誤差分析★ 以光激發螢光影像量測矽太陽能電池額外載子生命期及串聯電阻分佈之研究
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摘要(中) 可撓式基板材料為具有可連續捲對捲(roll-to-roll)生產優勢的新
鍍成膜時的形貌影響。而 HIPIMS(高功率脈衝磁控濺鍍,high power
impulse magnetron sputtering)是一種以高功率脈衝電源進行磁控
摘要(英) The flexible substrate material is a new generation substrate technology with the advantages of continuous roll-to-roll production. The material needs to be light, thin, not easily broken, and easy to carry and bend. The molecular structure is related to the charge conduction rate and is affected by the morphology of the film when it is sputtered by a molecule. HIPIMS (high power impulse magnetron sputtering) is a high-power pulsed power supply for magnetron sputtering, which provides a low-porosity film at low temperatures.
In a flexible substrate, the thin film component undergoes repeated flexing, and the electrical influence of the flexographic film component is an interesting subject. In this experiment, a transparent conductive
film ITO was prepared using a flexible plastic to study the effect of deflection on its carrier transport ability. In this study, a flexible transparent conductive film was fabricated on a plastic substrate by HIPIMS method, and the characteristics of the components under different stresses were measured. We found that when the component is bent by compressive stress, the electrical difference of the component is large,and the number of bends that can be tolerated is small. On the contrary,
when the tensile stress is bent, the electrical difference is gentle, and the number of bends that can be tolerated is large.
We believe that the change of the stress of the component mainly comes from the change of the intermolecular force in the film: in the tensile stress state, the average free diameter between the grains and the grains becomes large, which causes the film to have micro-cracks, which makes the carrier mobility better. On the contrary, when the element is in a compressive stress state, the average free diameter between the crystal grains and the crystal grains becomes small, and the film is deformed,and the carrier mobility is thus lowered.
關鍵字(中) ★ 透明導電膜
★ 高功率脈衝磁控式濺鍍
★ 可撓曲性
★ 可靠度測試
論文目次 摘要----------------------------------------------I
第一章 緒論----------------------------------------1
1-1 研究背景---------------------------------------1
1-2 可撓式基板簡介----------------------------------7
1-3 研究動機與目的---------------------------------10
第二章 基本理論------------------------------------12
2-1 ITO 透明導電膜之特性---------------------------12
2-1-1 與導電性質有關的量---------------------------12
2-1-2 In2O3 的電學特性與導電理論--------------------15
2-2 ITO 透明導電膜光學性質之理論--------------------17
2-2-1 與光學性質有關的係數--------------------------18
2-2-2 紫外光吸收區---------------------------------20
2-2-3 可見光與近紅外光干涉區------------------------21
2-3 薄膜應力定義-----------------------------------23
第三章 實驗設備與量測儀器---------------------------25
3-1 實驗流程與前置步驟------------------------------25
3-2 濺鍍系統---------------------------------------26
3-2-1 高功率脈衝磁控濺鍍----------------------------27
3-2-2 濺鍍條件對透明導電膜性質的影響-----------------28
3-2-3 基板溫度調整---------------------------------30
3-3 量測系統---------------------------------------31
3-3-1 光譜儀---------------------------------------31
3-3-2 Hall量測-------------------------------------31
3-3-3 四點探針量測----------------------------------34
3-3-4 表面輪廓儀Alpha-step profile meter------------34
3-3-5 UV Ozone-------------------------------------35
3-3-6 鉛筆硬度計------------------------------------36
3-3-7 附著性----------------------------------------36
第四章 實驗結果與分析--------------------------------37
4-1 實驗架構----------------------------------------37
4-2 濺鍍功率對 ITO 薄膜性質的影響--------------------37
4-2-1 濺鍍功率對ITO膜在Glass與PET基板的穿透率之影響---38
4-2-2 濺鍍功率對ITO膜在Glass與PET基板的反射率之影響---39
4-2-3 濺鍍功率對ITO膜在Glass與PET基板的吸收率之影響---40
4-2-4 濺鍍功率對ITO膜在Glass與PET基板的電性之影響-----41
4-3 脈衝時間對 ITO 薄膜性質的影響--------------------43
4-3-1 脈衝時間對ITO膜在Glass與PET基板的穿透率之影響---44
4-3-2 脈衝時間對ITO膜在Glass與PET基板的反射率之影響---45
4-3-3 脈衝時間對ITO膜在Glass與PET基板的吸收率之影響---46
4-3-4 脈衝時間對ITO膜在Glass與PET基板的電性之影響-----47
4-4 氧氣流量對 ITO 薄膜性質的影響--------------------50
4-4-1 氧氣流量對ITO膜在Glass與PET基板的穿透率之影響---51
4-4-2 氧氣流量對ITO膜在Glass與PET基板的反射率之影響---52
4-4-3 氧氣流量對ITO膜在Glass與PET基板的吸收率之影響---53
4-4-4 氧氣流量對ITO膜在Glass與PET基板的電性之影響-----54
4-5 濺鍍電壓對 ITO 薄膜性質的影響--------------------56
4-5-1 濺鍍電壓對ITO膜在Glass與PET基板的穿透率之影響---57
4-5-2 濺鍍電壓對ITO膜在Glass與PET基板的反射率之影響---58
4-5-3 濺鍍電壓對ITO膜在Glass與PET基板的吸收率之影響---59
4-5-4 濺鍍電壓對ITO膜在Glass與PET基板的電性之影響-----60
4-6 降低濺鍍電壓改變沉積率對薄膜性質影響--------------62
4-6-1 降低濺鍍電壓對ITO膜在PET基板的穿透率之影響------62
4-6-2 降低濺鍍電壓對ITO膜在PET基板的電性之影響--------63
4-7 撓曲狀態下的元件電性表現-------------------------64
4-7-1 量測方式--------------------------------------64
4-7-2 脈衝時間濺鍍 ITO 薄膜進行撓曲後電性表現---------65
4-7-3 撓曲次數與電性表現-----------------------------66
4-7-4 不同撓曲直徑下的電性分析-----------------------76
4-7-5 撓曲狀態下電性變化總結與分析--------------------82
4-7-6 撓曲模型--------------------------------------84
4-8 機械特性----------------------------------------84
4-8-1 硬度測試--------------------------------------84
4-8-2 附著性程度------------------------------------86
第五章 結論-----------------------------------------88
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指導教授 陳昇暉 審核日期 2018-10-19
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