博碩士論文 104322007 詳細資訊

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姓名 李孟嶸(Meng-Jung Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 以離心模型實驗探討逆斷層錯動下群樁基礎與土壤的互制反應
★ PSO-DE混合式搜尋法應用於結構最佳化設計的研究★ 考量垂直向效應之多項式摩擦單擺支承之分析與設計
★ 以整合力法為分析工具之結構離散輕量化設計效率的探討★ 最佳化設計於結構被動控制之應用
★ 多項式摩擦單擺支承之二維動力分析與最佳參數研究★ 構件考慮剛域之向量式有限元素分析研究
★ 矩形鋼管混凝土考慮局部挫屈與二次彎矩效應之軸壓-彎矩互制曲線研究★ 橋梁多支承輸入近斷層強地動極限破壞分析
★ 穩健設計於結構被動控制之應用★ 二維結構與固體動力分析程式之視窗介面的開發
★ 以離心機實驗與隱式動力有限元素法模擬逆斷層滑動★ 九二一地震大里奇蹟社區倒塌原因之探討
★ 群樁基礎之最低價設計★ 應用遺傳演算法於群樁基礎低價化設計
★ 應用Discrete Lagrangian Method於群樁基礎低價化設計★ 九二一地震『台中綠色大地社區』 受損原因之探討
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摘要(中) 台灣位在環太平洋地震帶上,是由歐亞大陸板塊和菲律賓海板塊擠壓而隆起的島嶼,板塊運動很頻繁,使台灣有許多斷層帶及地震的發生。地震容易使得都會區與人口集中的市鎮發生大規模的災害,特別是沿著地表斷層跡附近的區域。近年來發生的大地震中,斷層錯動所引起的永久性地表變形,讓在斷層跡上方的結構物造成嚴重的破壞,亦或是使近斷層帶的樁基礎產生旋轉、傾斜、水平位移及垂直位移等情形,進而造成其上部橋梁可能發生落橋之情形。因此對於逆斷層錯動引致覆土層變形及對樁基礎互制之影響是值得研究。
摘要(英) Taiwan, which is an island that situated on Circum Pacific Seismic Belt and is extruded by Eurasian plate and Philippine sea plate. There are many faults in Taiwan because the plate movement occurs so frequently. When earthquake occurs, it would damage the crowded cities disastrously, especially in the area on the line of the trail of the faults. According to some earthquake recently, it is observed that the permanent displacement was due to dislocation of the fault and caused severe damage to the con-struction that sit on the trail of the fault. In addition, dislocation of the fault also let the pile foundations rotate, decline, and displace horizontally and vertically if they are set in the near-fault area. What’s more, it may lead to the bridge above near-fault area collapse. Therefore, it is worth discussing that the influences between the interaction of the pile founda-tion and the cover layer deformation caused by the dislocation of the reverse fault.
By using centrifuge to scale down the on-site group piles under 60g gravity field, the centrifugal model experiment is be conducted with four sets to analyze the dislocation of the reverse fault. To know how the pile behaves and deforms when reverse fault dislocation occurs, the test in-cludes one set is for free field and the other three sets are for group piles models on different positions. Furthermore, the experiment can also ob-serve the deformation characteristics near the ground and the develop-ment of the trail of the fault .The experimental results indicate: (1) The closer to the dislocation surface of the fault for the group piles founda-tions, the narrower the shear zone is. It causes the third trail of the fault when one of the group piles is on the upper plate and the other is on the lower plate. (2) If one of the group piles is on the upper plate and the other is on the lower plate when reverse fault dislocating, the bottom of the two piles on the upper plate would deform downwards to the lower plate. There is a settlement area near the pile cap on the upper plate, leading to larger rotation, horizontal displacement and vertical displace-ment. (3) It is observed that the trend of the changes of the bending moment in Test 1 and Test 2 are similar, and so do the changes of the axial force within Test 1 and Test 2.
關鍵字(中) ★ 離心模型試驗
★ 逆斷層
★ 群樁基礎
關鍵字(英) ★ centrifuge modeling test
★ reverse fault
★ group piles foundation
論文目次 誌謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機與目的 1
1-2 研究方法 2
1-3 論文架構 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1 離心模型原理 4
2-1-1 離心模型基本相似律 4
2-1-2 離心模型模擬的觀念 6
2-1-3 離心模型之優點與限制 8
2-2 基樁與土壤間之摩擦性質 9
2-2-1 基樁之沉陷理論 10
2-2-2 負摩擦力發生機制 10
2-2-3 有效應力分析法 12
2-3 基樁承載之行為 13
2-3-1 基樁受軸向載重之行為 13
2-3-2 基樁受軸向之承載力 13
2-3-3 基樁受側向載重之行為 14
2-4 斷層概要 14
2-4-1 活動斷層定義與分類 14
2-4-2 斷層種類 15
2-4-3 土層破裂特徵 16
2-5 相關試驗 16
2-6 國內相關法規與設計規範 19
2-6-1 相關法規 19
2-6-2 設計規範 20
第三章 試驗方法與設備 36
3-1 試驗方法 36
3-2 試驗砂樣的基本性質 36
3-3 試驗儀器及相關設備 37
3-3-1 地工離心機 37
3-3-2 資料擷取系統 37
3-3-3 移動式霣降儀 38
3-3-4 斷層錯動模擬試驗箱 38
3-3-5 測量儀器 39
3-4 群樁基礎縮尺模型設計 39
3-4-1 模型計測樁之設計 39
3-4-2 群樁間距 41
3-4-3 樁帽之設計 41
3-5 試驗準備步驟與流程 42
3-5-1 前置作業 42
3-5-2 砂試體之製作 43
3-5-3 試驗流程 44
第四章 試驗結果及分析 71
4-1 試驗規劃與配置 71
4-2 升g過程 73
4-3 自由場之試驗結果 74
4-4 群樁基礎之受力行為 74
4-4-1 60gTest1 (S/B=1) 74
4-4-2 60gTest2 (S/B=0.5) 75
4-4-3 60gTest3 (S/B=-1.07) 76
4-5 群樁基礎對地表剖面變形與斷層跡發展之影響 77
4-5-1 60gTest1 (S/B=1) 77
4-5-2 60gTest2 (S/B=0.5) 78
4-5-3 60gTest3 (S/B=-1.07) 78
4-6 綜合比較 79
4-6-1 樁帽旋轉角及變位 79
4-6-2 彎矩之變化 79
4-6-3 軸力之變化 80
4-6-4 地表剖面變形與剪裂帶發展 81
4-6-5 群樁與單樁彎矩之變化 81
第五章 結論與建議 147
5-1 結論 147
5-2 建議 148
參考文獻 149
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指導教授 莊德興(Der-Shin Juang) 審核日期 2018-8-21
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