摘要(英) |
Taiwan pipelines for gas and daily needs are buried on the road and need a routine maintenance. Moreover, pipeline maintenance project also need to do in the short time due to traffic opening to avoid the rush hour and resulting in low construction and maintenance quality, uneven surface and premature damage. In recent years, Taiwan has been facing the lack of natural resources and accumulation of disposal material especially for Recliamed Asphalt Pavement(RAP). Therefore, excavation process due to pipeline maintenance become one of the contributor of the disposal material. According to the construction regulations, Taiwan promotes the using of recycling material, with the maximum limit of road excavation the recycling is 40%. However, the 60% rest accumulate the waste material and use many spaces for storing the waste material as the consequences of the low utilization rate. To solve those problems, this study used recycling asphalt, 3% cement, and 2% foam asphalt cementing materials, which focus on foreign cold mix recycled technology combined with Taiwan road construction specifications related to the underlying design procedure. The result shows after the 90th day test, the overall road level is still in good condition, and the anti - rutting ability of Cold Mix Recycled Asphalt Concrete (CMRA) is better than Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete (HMA). The structural coefficient of foamed recycled asphalt concrete with pavement strength shows 0.41, with similar material strength with HMA (0.44). However, the foamed asphalt concrete paving has been sufficient to carry the capacity after compaction compared with the traditional method, reduce the construction time of about 2 hours and has lower construction cost compared to HMA and controlled low strength concrete as the recent backfilling material. As mentioned above, the foam asphalt technology could be used as backfill material in Taiwan pavement and worth for the future study. |
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