摘要(英) |
Due to limited spaces and traffic frequency concern in Taipei city, lanes usually assign to vehicle for driving purpose in priority. However lanes is too narrow in the city because lack of plan and management. As a result, pedestrian have impact or accident with vehicle driver. To solve the above-mentioned problems, Taipei City Neighborhood Traffic Environment Improvement Programs have been implemented since August, 2015. Take village as the smallest unit can involve in residents’ life and take their safety as first concern. Marked sidewalk can improve pedestrian walking access, follow human-oriented traffic spirit and make Taipei City more international and friendly.
The main purpose to print marked sidewalk is keep separate pedestrian and vehicle. As a result, human can get priority right of the road. In the other hand, driving speed do increase when less parking space near the roadside. The sample location is Da-Shue Village in Da-An District, did compare opinions before and after print marked sidewalk about safety improvement, subjective perception etc by questionnaire and SPSS.
In conclusion, speed increase in lane and alley after marked sidewalk printed, especially general light vehicle. The numbers of accidents and casualties increase in interaction, and decrease in road section. The main point of Taipei City Neighborhood Traffic Environment Improvement Programs is decrease accident index in certain area, however parking lot cancellation policy is an unpredictable factor. Before marked sidewalk printed, slow-down traffic facilities should be taken into consideration. To avoid vehicle competition in lanes is one of the best solutions when drafting safety policy
參考文獻 |
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