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姓名 黎正博(Cheng-Po Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所在職專班
論文名稱 以Microtox生物試驗法探討焚化灰渣碳酸鹽礦化穩定成效
(Using Microtox to assess the stabilization efficacy of carbonated municipal solid waste incineration residues)
★ 埔心溪補助灌溉水水質與渠道底泥重金屬含量調查分析★ 桃園航空城三所國小周界大氣PAHs濃度探討
★ 無塵室揮發性有機氣體異味調查探討 -以某晶圓級封裝廠為例★ 利用土壤植栽與固相微萃取探討植作對非離子態有機污染物之吸收模式
★ 零價鐵與硫酸鹽的添加對於水田根圈環境汞 之生物有效性與菌相組成的影響★ 以紫外光/二氧化鈦光催化降解程序去除水溶液相內分泌干擾物質壬基苯酚之研究
★ 異化性鐵還原狀態下非生物性汞氧化還原 作用及其對地下水水質之影響★ 水溶液相中多壁奈米碳管分散懸浮與抑菌效果之相關性探討
★ 鄰近汞排放源之水稻田受現地地質化學與微生物影響之甲基汞生成與累積作用-以北投垃圾焚化爐為例★ 以淨水污泥灰及廢玻璃為矽鋁源合成MCM-41並應用於重鉻酸鹽吸附之研究
★ 鄰近汞排放源之水稻田受現地地質化學與微生物影響之甲基汞生成與累積作用 -以台中火力發電廠為例★ 細胞固定化影響厭氧氨氧化程序脫氮效能之研究
★ 藉由非抗性模式細菌對鎘之攝取機制探討量子點的生態毒性潛勢★ 利用生物性聚合物交聯所成穿透式網絡結構穩定污染土壤中之重金屬(鉛、鉻、鎘)
★ 蚯蚓處理加速堆肥廚餘去化可行性評估-以臺北市為例★ 氣相層析三段四極柱串聯質譜儀應用於多溴二苯醚環境樣品之分析
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摘要(中) 本研究為了解焚化灰渣經碳酸鹽礦化此穩定化技術處理前後的危害特性變化,利用已商業套組化的Microtox生物毒性試驗法,量化灰渣經碳酸鹽礦化後在「生物層面」上的無害化成效。同時,本研究亦透過再現性、重複性及敏感度等指標評估Microtox應用在固體廢棄物相關研究的適用性,以了解灰渣溶出液毒性的來源及僅用化學分析是否已足夠做為固體廢棄物無害化的依據。檢測時發現溶出液樣品在上機分析前需進行pH值的調整,以排除因高鹼性所造成毒性高估的問題;此外,也觀察到並非所有的溶出液樣品對模式生物Vibrio fischeri所帶來的毒性效應皆可在15分鐘內達平衡,顯示後續的研究需留意此平衡時間上的判定,以免低估樣品真正的毒性效應。更值得注意的是,以Microtox檢測時發現灰渣穩定反應後樣品具有較高的毒性。但即使如此,以本研究的環境條件所得到的灰渣Microtox檢測數據皆呈現為第五級-無毒性。
摘要(英) In this study, to understand the changes of the hazard associated with the pre- and post-carbonation of the municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) residues (both bottom ash and fly ash) from the perspective of “biological effect”, the Microtox bioassay was adopted in this investigation. In the meantime, analysis of the reproducibility, repeatability, and sensitivity of the assay was performed. Results from this study may help determine the correlation between chemical and ecotoxicological characteristics of the MSWI residue leachates and also if the chemical analysis alone would be sufficient to be a basis for the regulation on the harmlessness of solid waste. Throughout the experiments, it was found that for Microtox assay, pH adjustment of the TCLP leachates was a necessitate in an effort to eliminate the interference resulting from elevated hydroxide levels of MSWI residues. Further, toxicity was not equilibrated in Microtox within the 15 min exposure suggested by the protocol, indicating that to avoid underestimation of sample toxicity, appropriate exposure periods should be cautioned. Most surprisingly, Microtox readings showed that toxicity increased after carbonation. Nonetheless, all the tested samples were classified as the 5th level material – which is non-toxic.
關鍵字(中) ★ Microtox
★ 生物毒性
★ 半最大效應濃度(EC50)
關鍵字(英) ★ Microtox
★ biotoxicity
★ half maximal effective concentration (EC50)
論文目次 目錄
第一章緒論 ......................................1
1-1 研究動機 ....................................1
1-2 研究目的 ....................................3
2-1 焚化爐簡介...................................4
2-1-1 焚化系統...................................4
2-2 國內焚化爐處理現況 ......................... 11
2-2-1 底渣及飛灰來源 ........................... 14
2-2-2 底渣物理及化學特性 ........................15
2-2-3 飛灰物理及化學特性 ........................20
2-3 焚化灰渣處理方式 ............................23
2-3-1 前處理技術 ...............................23
2-3-2 穩定化處理 .............................. 24
2-3-3 碳酸鹽礦化技術 ............................25
2-4 Microtox ................................. 26
2-4-1 Microtox 檢測之原理...................... 26
2-4-2 應用範圍 ................................ 29
2-4-3 可檢測之毒性物質 ..........................31
2-4-4 檢測影響因數 ............................. 32
2-4-5 Microtox 檢測適用性 .......................35
第三章材料與方法 ................................ 42
3-1 實驗流程 .................................. 42
3-2 實驗材料 .................................. 42
3-2-1 採樣及保存 .............................. 42
3-3 實驗藥品與試劑 ............................. 44
3-4 實驗設備與儀器 ............................. 44
3-5 實驗方法 .................................. 45
3-6 Microtox 生態毒性試驗法......................46
4-1 灰渣樣品重金屬分析結果........................48
4-1-2 焚化灰渣經碳酸鹽礦化後之重金屬溶出濃度........52
4-2 Microtox 生物毒性試驗分析結果.................55
4-2-1 酸鹼值對毒性之影響 .........................55
4-2-2 測試時間對毒性之影響........................58
4-2-3 碳酸鹽礦化反應對毒性之影響...................60
4-3 Microtox 之重要性............................64
4-3-1 Microtox 再現性及重複性.....................64
4-3-2 敏感性 ....................................66
4-3-3 毒性分級 ..................................68
4-4 環境意義 ....................................70
第五章結論與建議 .................................71
5-1 結論 ........................................71
5-2 建議 ........................................73
參考文獻 ....................................... 74
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指導教授 林居慶 審核日期 2019-8-21
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