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姓名 阮維達(Nguyen Duy Dat)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所
論文名稱 金屬冶煉業及都市廢棄物焚化廠排放多氯萘之特性研究
(Characterization of polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) emissions from metallurgical processes and municipal waste incinerators)
★ 國內汽車業表面塗裝製程VOCs減量技術探討★ 光電廠溫室效應氣體排放量推估-以龍潭廠區為例
★ 受苯、甲苯與1,2-二氯乙烷污染場址之案例研究★ TFT-LCD產業揮發性有機物(VOCs)空氣污染之減量與防制之研究
★ 膠帶製造業VOCs排放與防制效率之探討★ 校園環境噪音對國三學生煩擾度及學習成就的影響-以桃園縣某國中為例
★ 醫療業從業人員職業災害分析探討-以某區域醫院為例★ 面板製程之有害物暴露評估-以A廠為例
★ 更換低噪音工具以改善廠房噪音之研究-以汽車製造A廠為例★ 以高溫熔融還原法回收不銹鋼集塵灰中鉻與鎳之效益探討
★ 以介電質放電技術轉化四氟甲烷及六氟乙烷之初步探討★ 垃圾焚化爐空氣污染控制設備影響戴奧辛排放特性之初步探討
★ 以活性碳吸附煙道排氣中戴奧辛之初步研究★ 以低溫電漿去除揮發性有機物之研究
★ 北台灣大氣環境中戴奧辛濃度之分布特性研究★ 介電質放電技術控制小型重油鍋爐氮氧化物排放之可行性研究
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摘要(中) 多氯萘於環境無所不在,且因其對環境及人體之危害,斯德哥爾摩公約已將其列為新興持久性有機污染物,因此,多氯萘之環境問題目前備受關注,本研究將調查周界及固定污染源煙道氣排放之多氯萘特性,結果顯示周界多氯萘濃度於工業區高於都市區及鄉村區,此外,夏季濃度高於冬季,而根據多氯萘物種分布指出工業區之多氯萘物種與都會區及鄉村區有顯著性差異,故可推測工業區之多氯萘來源與都會區及鄉村區相異。而根據固定污染源之多氯萘調查結果顯示二次銅冶煉廠排放之多氯萘濃度高於廢棄物焚化爐,且類戴奧辛之多氯萘對煙道氣及飛灰毒性當量濃度分別貢獻1-3%及0.3%,而針對空氣污染防制設備去除多氯萘之結果顯示,活性炭噴注+袋式集塵器及選擇性觸媒還原對煙道氣中多氯萘之去除效率分別可達94.3%及98%。儘管活性碳注入+袋式集塵器及選擇性觸媒還原去除多氯萘之機制不同,兩空氣污染防制設備對多氯萘去除效率皆隨氯數上升而增加,此可推測選擇性還原觸媒對多氯萘之去除機制為脫氯反應且低氯數之多氯萘亦有生成潛勢。本研究了解多氯萘之特性含(1)周界及固定污染源之多氯萘濃度(2)不同空氣污染防制設備對多氯萘之去除效率及排放因子,為典型排放源提供適合之操作參數有效處理煙道氣之多氯萘。
摘要(英) Polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) are ubiquitous in environment and have been receiving much public concern due to the adverse effects on human health and environment. However, study on PCNs has never been conducted in Taiwan in which high potential impacts of these compounds are anticipated. As the first study on PCNs in Taiwan, this study aims to characterize the occurrences of PCNs in ambient air collected from three different sites in northern Taiwan and emissions of PCNs from typical sources including two municipal waste incinerators (MWIs) and two secondary copper smelting (SCS) plants. Results indicate that higher level of PCNs is found at industrial (ID) site compared with those collected from urban (UB) and rural (RR) sites. Concentrations of ambient PCNs are higher in summer compared with those measured in winter for all three sampling sites. Homologue distribution of PCNs measured at ID site is different from two other sites for both gas and particulate phases, suggesting that different sources contribute to PCNs collected at ID site and other sites. Results of the logKp-logPL relationship indicate that both adsorption and absorption govern gas/particle partitioning of atmospheric PCNs. Emission factors of PCNs from SCSs are higher than those observed for MWIs. Minor contributions of dioxin-like PCNs to total TEQ concentration are found for flue gas (1-3%) and fly ash (0.3%). Performances of different air pollution control devices (APCDs) reveal that ACI+BH and SCR are effective for removal of PCNs from flue gas with the removal efficiencies ranging from 94.3 to 98%. Removal efficiency of PCNs achieved with ACI+BH and SCR increases as the chlorination level increases although different mechanisms govern the removal of PCNs in SCR and SDA+ACI+BH. The results suggest that dechlorination in SCR or reformation of low chlorinated homologues might occur within or after SCR, respectively. Increments of PCN concentration and chlorination level of PCNs in flue gas passing through ESP indicate that PCNs are formed in ESP via chlorination mechanism. Significant decrease of temperature in SDA plays an important role in PCN removal due to the transfer of PCNs from gas phase to particulate phase. The diagnostic ratios are firstly proposed and employed in this study for identifying potential sources of PCNs in ambient air. Thermal processes are identified as major sources of PCNs at ID site. PCNs collected at UB and RR sites are mixed sources of thermal emissions and evaporation, however, more influence of thermal sources in winter and more impact of evaporation sources in summer are observed. PCA results indicate that PCNs in some ambient air samples collected are originated from MWIs and SCSs investigated, while PCNs in other samples are emitted from other thermal sources and evaporation from technical mixtures. The results obtained in this study are important for understanding the characteristics of PCNs including (1) level, potential sources and gas/particle partitioning of PCNs in ambient air; (2) emission factors, performances of different APCDs and appropriate operating parameters for effective removal of PCNs in typical sources.
關鍵字(中) ★ 多氯萘去除
★ 都市廢棄焚化爐
★ 二次銅冶煉廠
★ 靜電集塵器
★ 濕式洗滌塔
★ 活性碳注入
★ 半乾式洗滌塔
關鍵字(英) ★ PCN removal
★ Municipal waste incinerator
★ Secondary copper smelting
★ Wet scrubber
★ Activated carbon injection
★ Semi-dry scrubber
論文目次 Table of contents
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and motivation 1
1.2 Research objectives and scope 5
Chapter 2 Literature Review 7
2.1 Properties of PCNs 7
2.2 Literature on characteristics of PCN in emission sources. 11
2.2.1 Current sources of PCNs 11
2.2.3 Characteristics of PCNs emitted from thermal processes 13
2.3 PCN contamination and potential pollution of PCNs in Taiwan 17
2.4 PCNs in ambient air 18
Chapter 3 Materials and Method 21
3.1 Sampling method 21
3.1.1 Ambient air sampling 21
3.2.2 Flue gas sampling 22
3.2 Sample treatment 27
3.3 Analysis of PCNs 28
3.4 Quality control and quality assurance (QA/QC) 30
3.5 Diagnostic ratios 31
3.6 Gas/particle partitioning 32
3.7 Calculations 34
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 37
4.1 Characteristics of PCNs in ambient air 37
4.1.1 Atmospheric concentration 37
4.1.2 Homologue distribution and congener profile 42
4.2.3 Potential sources 48
4.2 Characteristics of PCNs emitted from MWIs and SCSs 50
4.2.1 Variation of PCN concentrations before and after APCDs 50
4.2.2 Emission factor 53
4.2.3 Homologues distribution and congener profile 55
4.2.4 Characteristic of dioxin-like PCNs (dl-PCNs) 60
4.2.5 Removal of PCNs achieved with existing APCDs 62
4.2.6 Correlations of homologues and congeners 68
4.2.7 Dominant congeners and chlorination pathway 71
4.3 Characteristics of PCNs in ash and other samples 73
4.4 Diagnostic ratios and principal component analysis 77
4.5 Gas particle partitioning 80
4.5.1 Gas/particle partitioning of ambient PCNs 80
4.5.2 Gas/particle partitioning of PCNs in flue gases 82
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Suggestions 85
5.1 Conclusions 85
5.2 Suggestions 87
References 89
Appendix 102
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指導教授 張木彬(Moo Been Chang) 審核日期 2019-7-25
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