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論文名稱 產品創意或客戶志願服務貢獻:3D打印時代過早購買意向和客戶滿意度
(Product Creativity or Customer Volunteerism Contribution: Purchase Intention and Customer Satisfaction in The Premature of 3D Printing Era)
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摘要(中) 開發了一種新技術; 3D打印。 3D打印定義為相對低成本且易於使用的快速原型機的辦公室或消費者版本。目前,3D Printing已被廣泛應用於時尚,藝術和珠寶,建築,醫療,餐飲等行業。相信這種技術能夠克服新產品開發(NPD)中出現的問題。
此外,進行了一項實驗研究,以探索兩種競爭預測因子;產品創意(即產品新穎性和產品意義)和客戶志願者貢獻。具體做了兩項研究,以回答2個研究目標; 1)衡量產品創意(產品新穎性和產品意義)對購買意圖和客戶滿意度的影響,2)探索產品創意(產品新穎性和產品意義)與客戶志願者貢獻之間的互動效應,作為購買意向的主持人,客戶滿意度。
最後,進行了PLS FAC-SEM方法,並提供了實驗證據,表明客戶志願者貢獻的存在不會加強或削弱產品創意(即產品新穎性和意義)與購買意圖之間的關係。另一方面,客戶自願貢獻被發現能夠影響產品創意(即產品新穎性和意義)與顧客滿意度之間的關係。此外,事實證明,高產品創意和積極的志願者貢獻的結合確實產生了最高的客戶滿意度。
關鍵詞:新產品開發(NPD); 3D打印;產品創意;客戶志願者貢獻; PLS FAC-SEM
A new technology has been developed; 3D Printing. 3D printing defines as an office or consumer versions of rapid prototyping machines that are relatively low-cost and easy to use. Currently, 3D Printing has been used across industries such as fashions, arts and jewelry, architecture, medical, F&B and many more. This technology were believed to be able to overcome the problem that arise in the new product development (NPD).
Statistical data shown that failure rate in NPD is more than 50%. Hence the probability of success is only a little. 3D printing which can produce a custom product (high variance product) with low-cost, no waste and no inventory are believed to become the answer on NPD’s success. On the other hand, the ability of 3D Printing to produce a finished good may change the way of production; moving from the manufacturing side to the retailer side directly. Hence, not only the production place will change, but there will be a possibility for a direct interaction with end-customer. Therefore, in order to become success utilizing 3D printing in this phase, therefore firms have to know how to attract customer intention to purchase and what factors that able to increase their potential customer satisfaction.
Further, an experimental study was conducted to explore two competing predicting factor; product creativity (i.e product novelty and product meaningfulness) and customer volunteerism contribution. Specifically two studies was conducted to answer 2 research objectives; , 1) measuring the effect of product creativity (product novelty and product meaningfulness) on purchase intention and customer satisfaction, 2) exploring the interaction effect between product creativity (product novelty and product meaningfulness) and customer volunteerism contribution as a moderator on purchase intention and customer satisfaction.
Finally, PLS FAC-SEM approach was conducted and provide experimental evidence that the existence of customer volunteerism contribution is not strengthen or weaken the relationship between product creativity (i.e product novelty and meaningfulness) and purchase intention.on the other hand, customer voluntary contribution has been found able to affect the relationship between product creativity (i.e product novelty and meaningfulness) on customer satisfaction. Further, turns out that the combination of high product creativity and active volunteerism contribution indeed produce the highest customer satisfaction.
Key word: New Product Development (NPD); 3D Printing; Product Creativity; Customer Volunteerism Contribution; PLS FAC-SEM
關鍵字(中) ★ 3D Printing
★ Customer Volunteerism Contribution
★ Product Creativity
★ Purchase Intention
★ Customer Satisfaction
★ New Product Development
Table of Contents
CHAPTER I ..............................................................................................................................1
INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................1
CHAPTER II .............................................................................................................................5
LITERATURE REVIEW ..............................................................................................................5
2. Literature Review ................................................................................................................. 5
2.1. Creativity ...................................................................................................................... 5
2.2. Volunteerism ................................................................................................................ 7
2.3. Customer Satisfaction .................................................................................................. 8
2.4. Purchase Intention ....................................................................................................... 9
2.5. Hypotheses Development ............................................................................................ 9
CHAPTER III .......................................................................................................................... 16
RESEARCH DESIGN, METHOD, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ..................................................... 16
1. Pretest ............................................................................................................................... 16
1.1. Method....................................................................................................................... 18
1.2. Results and Discussion ............................................................................................... 20
2. Study 1: The Effect of Product Novelty and its interaction with Customer Volunteerism
Contribution to Customer Intention to Purchase and Customer Satisfaction............................. 21
2.1. Method....................................................................................................................... 23
2.2. Results ........................................................................................................................ 25
2.3. Discussion .................................................................................................................. 26
3. Study 2: The Effect of Product Meaningfulness and its interaction with Volunteerism Contribution
to Customer Intention to Purchase and Customer Satisfaction .................................................. 29
3.1. Method ....................................................................................................................... 31
3.2. Results ........................................................................................................................ 33
3.3. Discussion ................................................................................................................... 34
CHAPTER IV ......................................................................................................................... 38
CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................... 38
4.1. Research Contribution ................................................................................................... 38
4.2. Limitation and Future Research ..................................................................................... 40
REFERENCE .......................................................................................................................... 41
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指導教授 Julian Ming-Sung Cheng 審核日期 2017-8-25
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