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姓名 吳旻韓(John Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 社會資本及企業文化 對於雙元組織適應能力與組織績效之影響
(The Influence of Social Capital and Corporate Culture on Ambidextrous IT Adaptation and Firm Performance)
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摘要(中) 隨著資訊科技的重要性在現今的產業環境中扮演越來越重要的地位,越來越多企業加強了資訊部門的基礎建設能力以及各方尋求新的資訊系統藉以增強整體競爭能力。因此,有不少學者提出:一間優秀的IT組織必須具備雙元組織性(Ambidextrous)的適應能力,探索性科技適應能力(Exploratory IT Adaptation)以及開發性科技適應能力(Exploitative IT Adaptation)。並且,要能有效權衡雙元組織中資源的分配,在雙元組織中得宜的分配公司現有資源於探索性以及開發性的適應能力上。
With information technology (IT) playing an important role within today′s industrial environment, more enterprises are strengthening their infrastructural power in IT departments and seeking new information systems to enhance their overall competitiveness. In additional, many scholars have suggested that an excellent IT organization must have “Ambidextrous” adaptability: Exploratory IT Adaptation, and Exploitative IT Adaptation. Furthermore, it is necessary to effectively balance the allocation of resources in an ambidextrous organization. However, the current competitive environment in the IT domain does not just rely on a single core competency. Many scholars indicate that to achieve key performance indicators, enterprises must take into account the new management issue: how to use the intangible assets to enhance the awareness of employees in the enterprise, and to improve the overall IT adaptability in the enterprise. Therefore, this study attempts to explore the impact of different corporate cultures on the ambidextrous IT adaptability. In addition, the IT capability of a company often comes from the CIO and the business aspects of business management from the top management team. If a company wants to take advantage of the current industrial environment, the relationship between the CIO and the top management team is essential. Therefore, social capital at the strategic level is also an indispensable intangible asset, and this study will explore how social capital affects exploratory and exploitative IT adaptability. The results of research analyses show that social capital significantly affects exploitative IT adaptation and exploratory IT adaptation. Innovation corporate culture only impacts exploratory IT adaptation, contrary to the stability corporate culture which only impacts on exploitation IT adaptation. Finally, organizational performance was only significantly influenced by exploratory IT adaptation. The results show that IT has become an essential tool in enterprises with the evolution of technology, and that enterprises need to perform further exploratory IT development to gain competitive advantage.
關鍵字(中) ★ 社會資本
★ 企業文化
★ 雙元組織
★ 探索性適應能力
★ 開發性適應能力
關鍵字(英) ★ Social Capital
★ Corporate Culture
★ Ambidexterity
★ Exploitative IT Adaptation
★ Exploratory IT Adaptation
論文目次 Contents
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Contents iii
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii
1.Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background and Motivations 1
1.2 Research Objectives and Questions 4
2. Literature Review 5
2.1 Social Capital 5
2.2 Corporate Culture 7
2.3 Exploitative IT Adaptation and Exploratory IT Adaptation 8
2.4 Organizational Performance 9
3. Research Model and Hypotheses 11
3.1 Social Capital and Exploitative IT Adaptation 11
3.2 Social Capital and Exploratory IT Adaptation 13
3.3 Innovation Corporate Culture and Ambidextrous IT Adaptation 14
3.4 Stability Corporate Culture and Ambidextrous IT Adaptation 15
3.5 Exploitative IT Adaptation and Organizational Performance 15
3.6 Exploratory IT Adaptation and Organizational Performance 16
4.Research Methodology 17
4.1 Sample Selection and Data Collection 17
4.2 Operationalization of Constructs 17
4.2.1 Social Capital 18
4.2.2 Innovation Corporate Culture 21
4.2.3 Stability Corporate Culture 22
4.2.4 Exploitative Information Technology Adaptation 23
4.2.5 Exploratory Information Technology Adaptation 24
4.2.6 Organizational Performance 25
5.Data Analysis and Results 27
5.1 Descriptive Statistics 27
5.2 Measurement Model 32
5.2.1 Detect of The Second Order Construct 32
5.2.2 Reliability 34
5.2.3 Validity 35
5.3 Structural Model 38
6.Conclusions 42
6.1 Findings and Discussion 42
6.1.1 Social Capital and Ambidextrous IT Adaptation 42
6.1.2 Innovation Corporate Culture and Exploitative IT Adaptation 42
6.1.3 Stability Corporate Culture and Exploratory IT Adaptation 43
6.1.4 Ambidextrous IT Adaptation and Organizational Performance 43
6.2 Management Implications 44
6.3 Research Limitations 46
Reference 47
Appendix Questionnaire 52

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指導教授 王存國 審核日期 2017-7-10
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