摘要(英) |
Since 1993, Taiwan has been entering an ageing society and will become an aged society in 2018. Due to the uneven structure of the population, the problem of unbalanced human labor market structure will continue expanding. In Taiwan, the transformation of industrial structure and the adjustment of manpower demand have led to the most serious problem of unemployment between middle-aged and aged labor groups. It is indeed an important issue to help middle-aged and aged job seekers to break out of their unemployment durations and postpone their resignations that bring their cumulative experiences into full play in the career..
Using the data “The Middle-aged Work History Survey 2014 in Taiwan” conducted by DGBAS, this study adopted survival analysis as observing the risk of leaving the job-seeking durations to identify the connection among gender, marriage status, education, reason for leaving, economic source after retirement, former work location, former employment status, industry of former work and position of former work. Based on lifetime, Kaplan-Meier Estimator, Cox Proportional Hazard Model of survival analysis, this study indicates that seeker’s gender, education, reason for leaving, economic source after retirement, former work location, former employment status, and industry of former work and position of former work have significant impact on the middle-aged and aged job job-seeking duration. |
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