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姓名 陳世璋(Shih-Chang Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 藥局調製研究的全球科學趨勢:文獻計量可視化研究
(Global scientific trends on pharmacy compounding research: a bibliometric and visualized study)
★ 台灣企業經營模式研究-以個案公司為例★ 組織文化對企業永續經營之影響---以某外商為例之個案研究
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★ 探討在分散型產業,如何利用策略性委外執行低成本與差異化-以Supermicro公司為例★ 企業投資中國的成長策略之探討-以台灣艾華電子公司為例
★ 從全球定位系統(GPS)設計代工個案探討其競爭優勢★ 創投公司投資網際網路產業之先佔者優勢探討
★ 以資料包絡分析法評估電資通光領域之科技研究發展專案計畫相對效率★ 車廠中頻直流(MFDC)點焊之品質管理制度的建立 — 以C公司為例
★ 運用六個標準差降低液晶製程中半成品耗損 — 以A公司為例★ 以財務指標探討連接器產業之經營策略-以A公司為例
★ 台灣半導體通路商經營績效分析之研究-以資料包絡分析法評估★ 自行車安全帽行業自創品牌進入中國市場之行銷策略-以廠商F公司為例
★ 化粧品零售業之電子商務商業模式-以S企業集團直營網站經營為例★ 台灣網版印刷中小企業競爭策略分析-以E公司為例
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摘要(中) 調製(Compounding)是藥局執行業務的基本組成,今天已成為一個快速增長的領域,各種實務中的許多藥師作業正在涉及調製無菌和非無菌製劑。新開發的劑型和治療方法建議藥物和相關藥物的專門針對個別患者的產品調配,未來的幾年中將變得越來越普遍。本研究的目的是以索引的出版物從1948-2020年收錄在Scopus計有1,014篇,以文獻計量方法及可視化分析調劑藥局研究的現狀和趨勢,這將為未來的研究提供新的思路趨勢並幫助研究人員預測研究。本研究網路分析是包括對共現與作者關鍵字聚類分析與連接關連度強度、作者與被共引聚類分析與總鏈強度、來源與共引聚類分析與引文強度、書目耦合與來源聚類分析與引文強度。結果顯示出美國是居領導整個compounding pharmacy研究發展的國家,發表期刊機構及文獻數量以International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding機構居首位。關鍵詞以clonidine, dissolution, drug compounding, drug therapy, guidelines, medication error, pediatrics, regulation, toxicity總鏈強度最高。被引用強度以American journal of health-system pharmacy最高等。結論指出作者以Allen, Loyd Vernon(University of Oklahoma, United States)發表文獻最多,以主題Extemporaneous drug formulations,被引用最多,主要是探討當需要對嬰兒和兒童以及選定的其他人群給藥時,獲得特殊劑型的藥物至關重要。這些藥物可以臨時製備,以供個別患者使用。並評估使用機器人(APOTECAchemo)是否可以安全地實現,將細胞抑製藥物與機器人進行自動複合符合GMP的要求。全球政府針對COVID-19疫情正在放寬藥品立法,並擴大社區藥局服務,其目標是改善獲得必要醫療保健服務和藥品的機會,社區藥局的調製研究與發展將亦顯得其重要與迫切性。
摘要(英) “Compounding” is the basic component of a pharmaceutical operation, and it has become a rapidly growing field today. Many pharmacists in various practices are involved in the preparation of sterile and non-sterile preparations. It will become more and more common in the next few years for newly developed dosage forms and treatment methods to be specifically tailored to the need of individual patients. The purpose of this research is to process a total of 1,014 indexed publications in Scopus dated from 1948 to 2020 with bibliometrics analysis and visual analysis to form an inference regarding the future status and trends of pharmacy research, which is expected to provide new ideas and trends for future research. The network analysis of this research includes the cluster analysis of co-occurrence and author′s keywords, connection relatedness strength, cluster analysis and total chain strength of author and co-citation, cluster analysis and citation strength of source and co-citation, cluster analysis and citation strength of bibliographic coupling and source cluster. The results show that the United States is the leading country in the research and development of compounding pharmacy, with the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding organization ranking first in the number of journal publications and literature. The keywords are clonidine, dissolution, drug compounding, drug therapy, guidelines, medication error, pediatrics, regulation, toxicity. that total chain strength is the highest. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy ranked the highest in cited strength. The results also point out that the author, Allen, Loyd Vernon (University of Oklahoma, United States) has published the most literature work. The most frequent cited topic is the “Extemporaneous drug formulations”, which mainly reflects exploration on the necessity to obtain tailored dosage forms when administering drugs to infants, children, and specifically selected populations. These drugs can be prepared extemporaneously for use by individual patients. Related literatures are also included to evaluate whether the use of robots (APOTECAchemo) can be safely achieved, and whether the implementation of automatic compounding process of cytostatic drugs with robots meets the GMP requirements. In response to the COVID-19 epidemic, governments around the world are relaxing drug legislation and expanding community pharmacy services. As the goal is to improve access to necessary health care services and drugs, the compounding research and development in community pharmacies will play an important and urgent role.
關鍵字(中) ★ 調製
★ 文獻計量方法
★ 可視化
★ 網路分析
★ 總鏈強度
論文目次 頁次
ABSTRACT............................................. ii
致謝................................................. iv
目錄................................................. v
圖目錄............................................... vi
表目錄............................................... vii
第一章 緒論...........................................1
1-1 研究背景與動機....................................1
1-2 研究目的..........................................9
第二章 文獻探討......................................10
第三章 研究材料與方法................................27
3-1 資料蒐集.........................................30
3-2 分析方法.........................................31
3-2-1 文獻計量分析...................................31
3-2-2 可視化分析.....................................32
第四章 結果..........................................36
4-1 敘述性分析.......................................36
4-1-1 國家...........................................36
4-1-2 機構...........................................37
4-1-3 期刊...........................................40
4-1-4 領域...........................................45
4-1-5 作者...........................................46
4-1-6 被引用次數前10篇文獻..........................48
4-2 網絡分析.........................................51
4-2-1 共現與作者關鍵字網絡...........................51
4-2-2 共引...........................................55
4-2-3 書目對.........................................60
5-1 研究討論與結論...................................63
5-1 研究限制.........................................69
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指導教授 洪德俊 審核日期 2022-1-20
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