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姓名 賴建宇(Jian-Yu Lai) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 通訊工程學系 論文名稱 多濾波器組多載波系統之載波頻率偏移及時間延遲估測下的原樣濾波器選用
(Selection of prototype filters for FBMC Systems with CFO and Delay estimation)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 正交頻分複用(OFDM)技術是第四代移動通信系統中最重要的調製技術之一。 OFDM系統具有結構簡單,傳輸速率快,頻帶利用率高,抗衰落能力強,符號間干擾能力強等優點。 然而,隨著第五代無線通信的發展,OFDM系統存在一些缺點:矩形窗口帶外衰落非常慢,循環前綴(CP)導致低頻譜效率等。為了滿足第五代移動通信系統,人們提出了一種新的調製技術-濾波器組多載波(FBMC)。
The Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technology is the one of the most significant modulation technology of the fourth generation mobile communication system. OFDM system has variety advantages such as simple structure, high transmission rate, high utilization rate of the frequency band, anti falls ability and resistance to inter-symbol interference. However, with the development of the fifth generation wireless communication, there are some disadvantages of OFDM systems: the rectangular window out of band fade is very slow and the cyclic prefix (CP) leads to low spectrum efficiency, etc. To satisfy the fifth generation mobile communication systems, people proposed a new modulation technology-filter bank multicarrier (FBMC).
In this paper, we first compare the performance of different prototype filters for FBMC systems under different channel with the Carrier Frequency Offset and Delay estimation and then we determine which prototype filter is the best for FBMC systems.關鍵字(中) ★ 正交頻分複用
★ 濾波器組多載波
★ 原型濾波器
★ 載波頻偏
★ 延遲關鍵字(英) ★ FBMC
★ prototype filter
★ Polyphase network論文目次
論文摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
Contents iv
List of Figures v
List of Tables vi
1. Introduction 1
2. System Model 5
2.1 Prototype filter 5
2.2 OQAM modulation 9
2.3 Polyphase network 13
3. Carrier Frequency Offset and Delay estimation 20
3.1 Design preamble 20
3.2 Time delay and CFO estimation 22
4. The selection of different prototype filter 24
5. Simulation Result 26
5.1 Simulation Parameters for FBMC System 26
5.2 Performance 28
6. Conclusion 34
7. Reference 35
List of Figures
Figure 1.1 2
Figure 1.2. 3
Figure 2.11 6
Figure 2.12 7
Figure 2.13 8
Figure 2.231 12
Figure 2.232 12
Figure 2.31 13
Figure 2.32 13
Figure 2.311 16
Figure 2.312 17
Figure 3.1 20
Figure 4.1 25
Figure 4.2 25
Figure 5.1 28
Figure 5.2 28
Figure 5.3 29
Figure 5.4 30
Figure 5.5 31
Figure 5.6 32
List of Tables
Table 2.11 6
Table 2.21 10
Table 5.1 26參考文獻
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