博碩士論文 104622012 詳細資訊

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姓名 洪建程(Chien-Cheng Hung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球科學學系
論文名稱 臺灣花蓮和平花崗片麻岩之摩擦特性及其隱示
(Frictional Properties of Hualien Hoping Granitic Gneiss, Taiwan, and Its Implication)
★ 井測資料於臺灣中央山脈北部地熱區之解釋及應用★ 台灣淺灘沉積物組成與物源分析
★ Particle Size Distribution of the Active Fault Zone of Chelungpu Fault and Its Implication for Slipping and Energetics of Large Earthquakes★ Internal Structure and Permeability of the Creeping Chihshang Fault, Taiwan
★ 因應高速飽和水斷層泥變形之壓力閥研製★ 臺灣金門太武山近期閃電熔岩之礦物、微觀構造及化學特徵
★ 南中國海東北部過去三萬八千年以來的古海洋變化★ 以摩擦試驗探討斷層滑移對於微生物生存的影響
★ 臺灣西南部車瓜林斷層之斷層岩石及變形機制★ The Effect of Fluid Drainage on The Frictional Strength of Water-Saturated Kaolinite During Seismic Slip
★ 以熱水力化耦合數值模擬探討快速剪切的斷層泥孔隙水壓與變形機制★ 蛇紋岩斷層帶內的橄欖石與頑火輝石可為地震破裂指標
★ 俄國西伯利亞古陸奧隆多(Olondo)綠岩帶起源及其地球動力學意義★ 閃電化石的生成與蝕變—以金門花崗片麻岩上的閃電熔岩為例
★ 臺灣米崙斷層之斷層帶特徵及其隱示:以 MiDAS岩芯為例
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摘要(中) 斷層作用產生的假玄武玻璃是一個在大地震發生期間,圍岩因摩
(3 至30 MPa)的試驗數據皆顯示類似的摩擦行為趨勢,從初始滑移時
皆上升至一摩擦峰值μp (約0.6 至1.0),而後隨著滑動距離的增加再
降至一穩態值μss (約0.3 至0.45)。顯著的是,在低正向應力(3 至9
描式電子顯微鏡搭配能量色散X 光能譜分析儀和同步X 光繞射儀的
特別的是,穿透式X 光顯像儀分析之結果顯示各階段熔融帶中存在
Thomson 效應的影響下,熔融體中若有額外磨細作用及熱破裂之細顆
摘要(英) Fault-origin pseudotachylyte is a solidified melt produced by frictional heating during big earthquakes. It is well-known as a seismic indicator which can provide information on earthquake physics. A new locality of pseudotachylyte-bearing fault, hosted in the Tananao granitic gneiss, was discovered in the Hoping area of northeast Taiwan. To investigate the plausible dynamic frictional behavior of the Hoping pseudotachylyte, we perform rock friction experiments on granitic gneiss
cores collected from the borehole in the Hoping area. All the mechanical data show similar frictional trends that the shear stress initially increases up to a peak value of ~0.6-1.0 (peak friction) and decreased with displacement to a steady state of ~0.3-0.45 from low to high normal stresses (3 to 30 MPa). It is notable that, at low normal stresses of 3 MPa, a transient increase of shear stress (friction bump) appears after peak friction. The micro-analytical results of the slip-stepping experimental products including in situ synchrotron XRD and FESEM-EDX show chemical and compositional variation in the matrix of melts. In particular, Transmission X-ray Microscope (TXM) on the matrix of melts shows the varied abundance of remain quartz grains in the melt layer. It suggests that melts with additive comminuted or thermal-cracking products result in higher viscosity than the one with less-abundant-relic melting, plausibly due to Gibbs-Thomson effect. We surmise that thermo-mechanical
generated granular materials associated with frictional melting, resulting in high viscous melts, seem to terminate seismic slip at very shallow crust, or may hamper seismic slip in the initial earthquake propagation at shallow depth, even melt lubrication was operated afterword.
關鍵字(中) ★ 岩石摩擦試驗
★ 假玄武玻璃
★ 同步輻射
★ 粒徑分析
★ 熱破裂
關鍵字(英) ★ Rock friction experiment
★ Pseudotachylyte
★ Synchrotron
★ Particle size analysis
★ Thermal cracking
論文目次 目錄
誌謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xiii
符號表 xiv
一、 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 前人研究 2
1.3 研究動機與目的 5
二、 研究區域與研究材料 8
2.1 研究區域及地質背景 8
2.2 研究材料 11
2.2.1 野外採樣 11
2.2.2 岩心取樣 13
三、 研究方法 15
3.1 高速旋剪摩擦試驗 15
3.1.1 低速至高速旋剪摩擦試驗儀(LHVR) 15
3.1.2緩速至高速試驗儀(SHIVA) 20
3.2 分析實驗 24
3.2.1 偏光顯微鏡 24
3.2.2 場發掃描式電子顯微鏡搭配X光能譜分析儀(FESEM-EDS) 25
3.2.3 穿透式X光顯微攝像儀(TXM) 27
3.2.4 原位同步X光繞射儀(In-situ synchrotron XRD) 28
3.2.5 ImageJ 29
四、 實驗結果 30
4.1 高速岩石摩擦試驗 30
4.1.1 不同實驗條件下摩擦係數與距離之關係 30
4.1.2 階段性滑移摩擦試驗試驗 33
4.2 實驗分析 37
4.2.1 摩擦熔融之特徵 37
4.2.2 階段性滑移試驗產物之分析結果 40
4.2.3 掃描式電子顯微鏡之結果 41
4.2.4 穿透式X光顯微攝像儀之結果 44
4.2.5 原位同步X光繞射儀之結果 47
4.3 熔融體的物理及化學特性之分析結果 50
4.3.1 熔融基質的黏滯度估計 50
4.3.2 熔融基質中石英顆粒的粒徑分布計算 54
五、 討論 56
5.1 斷層弱化 56
5.2初始摩擦熔融對摩擦行為之影響 58
5.3摩擦熔融的黏滯度與摩擦行為之關係 58
5.4熔融帶中細小顆粒產生之機制及其影響 61
5.5自然界與實驗產生的假玄武玻璃之比較 67
六、 結論與建議 69
6.1 結論 69
6.2 未來工作 70
參考文獻 71
附錄A:扭力測定儀校正 79
附錄B:岩石試體研磨 82
附錄C:穿透式X光顯微鏡之樣本製作及分析過程 87
附錄D:岩石薄片切割(鑽石線切割機) 90
附錄E:粒徑分布之計算過程(ImageJ) 92
附錄F:所有實驗數據 96

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指導教授 郭力維(Li-Wei Kuo) 審核日期 2017-7-19
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