博碩士論文 104622018 詳細資訊

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姓名 林諭澤(Yu-Tse Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球科學學系
論文名稱 利用背景噪訊技術探討台灣近海海底淺層沉積物之剪力波速度
(Shear-wave velocity of shallow marine sediments offshore Taiwan using ambient seismic noise)
★ 台灣西南外海永安海脊區域之速度構造與天然氣水合物飽和度研究★ 利用TAMS初步分析台灣東部海域海底地震儀資料
★ 由海底地震儀資料探討加瓜海脊鄰近區域之地震構造★ 隱沒帶不同耦合型態的地震特性分析:外部隆起地震與地震所引起的重力位能變化
★ 利用海底地震儀分析颱風對於海底震波雜訊的 影響★ 由海底地震儀資料探討台灣東部海域之地震地體構造
★ 由海底地震儀資料探討宜蘭外海琉球 隱沒帶之地震地體構造★ 全球隱沒帶的板塊撓曲量模擬和地震活動相關性分析
★ 利用寬頻地震儀分析颱風期間的低頻訊號來源★ 利用海底地震儀資料探討北馬尼拉隱沒帶之地震地體構造
★ 利用海底仿擬反射訊號深度估算台灣西南海域地溫梯度分布研究★ 由海底地震儀資料探討南沖繩海槽熱液活動
★ 以寬頻地震儀及分壓計之波形分析環境變動過程:與流體力學相關
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摘要(中) 背景噪訊技術有許多優點,因為噪訊無時無刻都在發生且分佈廣泛,也不受大地震事件或人工震源的限制,因此,可以從任意測站對資料經過交對比後得到站間的格林函數來獲得所需要資訊。目前台灣已經有許多的陸上測站用此方法估算淺層的速度構造,相對地,海底地震儀 (Ocean Bottom Seismometer;OBS) 除了施測成本較高外,記錄時間也相當有限,因此此項技術很少被應用在台灣海域微地動資料的分析上。然而,隨著海底資源探勘及海域災害潛勢評估需求增加,如何取得海底沉積物剪力波速度以評估海底滑坡的剪力強度成為相關災害的重要關鍵。
  剪力波速度可決定相速度頻散曲線,東北海域的部分頻散曲線速度略高於西南海域,可能與東北海域淺層有較多火成岩體有關。這結果與南沖繩海槽火山活動地區速度普遍較周遭沉積層快相符。把高屏陸坡的ㄧ維剪力波速度模型比對先前的震測剖面,高速區能對應到較為堅硬的海脊和泥貫入體,而低速區則對應到較鬆散的崩塌區域;整個手掌海脊地區的剪力波速度分佈相當一致並普遍偏低,可能是因為此區遍佈崩塌構造所造成。本研究所得到的淺層沉積物剪力波速度約在0.38和0.62 km/s之間,和西南外海研究區域附近由海底地震儀折射剖面資料所逆推出的速度構造非常一致,證明使用背景噪訊技術能夠以較簡單的方式獲得當地的剪力波參數。未來如果能增加測站的密度與記錄時間,相信對於海床底下的能源開採或是探討海底邊坡穩定性都會是有利的貢獻。
Seismic ambient noise technology has many advantages over the traditional two-station method, the most important reason is that noise is happening all the time, so the signal can be widely and evenly distributed. Also, data resources will not be limited by earthquake events or artificial source. Since Green’s Function of any two stations can be obtained easily through cross-correlation method, related studies become more and more popular in the recent ten years. There are many studies using this concept to obtain the underground velocity structures based on onshore seismic stations. Only a few studies were reported for the marine area due to the relatively shorter recording time of ocean bottom seismometers (OBS) deployment and the high cost of the marine experiment. However, the understanding about the shear-wave velocity (Vs) of the marine sediments is very crucial for the hazard assessment related to submarine landslides, particularly with the growing of submarine resources exploration.
In this study, we applied the ambient noise technique to the four OBS seismic networks located offshore Taiwan in the aim of getting more information about the noise sources and having the preliminary estimation for the Vs of the marine sediments. Two of the seismic networks were deployed in the NE part of Taiwan, near the Ryukyu subduction system, whereas the others were in the SW area, near the Kao-Ping Canyon and Palm Ridge areas. Generally, ambient seismic noise could be associated with wind, ocean waves, rock fracturing and anthropogenic activity. In the southwestern Taiwan, the cross-correlation function obtained from two seismic networks indicate similar direction, suggestion that the source from the south of the network could be the origin of the noise. However, the two networks in the northeastern Taiwan show various source directions, which could be caused by the abrupt change of bathymetry. The Vs determined from the dispersion curve shows a relatively higher value for the networks in the Okinawa Trough (OT) off NE Taiwan than that in the continental margin offshore SW Taiwan. This observation could be linked to the presence of numerous volcanic outcrops in the shallow marine sediments is the OT area. By comparing the 1-D velocity shear-wave profile with the previous studies, we found that the low Vs area could be associated with a sedimentary layer filled with gas in the OT and the creeping or slumping area along the continental margin. Relatively high shear wave velocity structures near the Kao-Ping Canyon could be linked to the presence of mud diapir or submarine ridge. The whole area of Palm Ridge is characterized by a relatively lower shear wave velocity, which may be due to the entire area is covered by a thick distribution of submarine material. The Vs range between 0.38 to 0.62 km/s was estimated from our study also shows a good agreement with the velocity profile obtained based on the OBS seismic refraction experiment, suggesting that this method could be a more economical and effective way for the acquisition of the Vs parameters.
關鍵字(中) ★ 震波背景噪訊
★ 台灣近海
★ 頻散曲線
★ 剪力波速度
關鍵字(英) ★ ambient seismic noise
★ offshore Taiwan
★ dispersion curves
★ shear wave velocity
摘要 II
Abstract IV
致謝 VI
目錄 VII
圖目錄 X
表目錄 XIII
附錄 A目錄 XIV
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 研究區域概況 8
2-1 台灣地體構造背景 8
2-2 台灣東北海域 9
2-2-1 沖繩海槽地體構造概述 9
2-2-2 沖繩海槽淺層沉積物 9
2-2-3 南沖繩海槽熱液噴泉區 10
2-2-4 和平海盆 11
2-3 台灣西南海域 11
2-3-1 西南海域構造概況 11
2-3-2 泥貫入體與泥火山 12
2-3-3 西南海域淺層沉積特徵 12
2-3-4 手掌海脊 13
第三章 儀器介紹與理論背景 25
3-1 海底地震儀 25
3-2 震波背景噪訊 26
3-2-1 基礎概念 26
3-2-2理論背景 27
第四章 資料處理 34
4-1 資料採集 34
4-2 交對比函數計算與疊加 34
4-3 資料篩選 36
4-4 訊號方向性 36
4-5 表面波頻散分析 38
4-5-1 群速度頻散挑選 38
4-5-2 相速度頻散挑選 39
4-5-3 頻散篩選 40
4-6 一維速度模型反演 41
第五章 結果與討論 62
5-1 背景噪訊訊號源 62
5-1-1 2011年琉球島弧觀測網 62
5-1-2 2016年南沖繩海槽觀測網 62
5-1-3 2014年高屏陸坡觀測網 63
5-1-4 2015年手掌海脊觀測網 63
5-2 一維速度模型 64
5-2-1 2011年琉球島弧觀測網 64
5-2-2 2016年南沖繩海槽觀測網 64
5-2-3 2014年高屏陸坡觀測網 65
5-2-4 2015年手掌海脊觀測網 66
第六章 結論 83
參考文獻 85
附錄 A 90

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指導教授 林靜怡(Jing-Yi Lin) 審核日期 2017-7-27
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