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姓名 吳沛恩(Pei-En Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 應用地質研究所
論文名稱 石門水庫集水區颱風事件下之山崩、土壤沖蝕及泥沙遞移特性
(Landslide, soil erosion and sediment delivery under different typhoon events in the Shihmen reservoir catchment basin)
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摘要(中) 為評估崩塌地對下游輸砂影響,本研究以石門水庫集水區為研究區,以歷年衛星影像建立各年及若干颱風事件誘發之山崩目錄及估計崩塌量體,以下游水文測站含砂量資料估計年輸砂量及若干颱風事件之總輸砂量。將兩種資料量化相互比對,以了解崩塌地產砂對下游輸砂量的貢獻。
摘要(英) In order to evaluate the impact of landslide on downstream sediment transport, this study takes the Shimen Reservoir catchment area as the study area. I estimates the amount of landslide from landslide inventories of several typhoon events in the past years. I also estimates the total sediment load of each year and several typhoon events by the sediment content which recorded by the downstream hydrological stations. Two of these were quantified and compared to each other to understand the contribution of landslide to downstream sediment transport.
In this study, the suspended load was continuously observed and recorded during the typhoon. Compared with other studies, which used the methods of rating curve or the numerical hydraulic model, this study get better results in estimating total sediment load. After calculation and analysis, it is found that there is a good linear relationship between the amount of suspended load during typhoon and the amount of typhoon induced landslide .
Sediment transport has variability in time and space. During the time scale of a year and a typhoon, through the data of the eight years after typhoon Aere, it is found that the amount of sediments in the downstream Shimen reservoir generally greater than the upstream landslide amount. It shows that there is sufficient source of sediments upstream, which include not only the landslide occurred in the year but also the sediment deposited on the hill slope and riverbed. From 2004 to 2015, total sediment yield of the catchment is very close to total sediment discharge at the time scale of 12 years. It is inferred that the sediment products at first three years continuously provided sediments to the downstream. So that even typhoon event induced few of landslide, there is still a lot of sediment in the downstream.
關鍵字(中) ★ 崩塌量
★ 土壤沖蝕
★ 輸砂量
論文目次 目錄
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 III
目錄 VI
表目 IX
圖目 X
第一章 緒論 1
1-1動機目的 1
1-2文獻回顧 2
1-2-1崩塌量推估 2
1-2-2 坡面沖蝕量推估 6
1-2-3輸砂量推估 7
第二章 研究區域背景概述 9
2-1流域概述 9
2-1-1地形水系與交通 9
2-1-2地質 10
2-1-3氣候水文 13
2-1-4淤積情況 13
第三章 研究方法 14
3-1研究流程 14
3-2資料蒐集與處理 15
3-2-1 SPOT衛星影像 15
3-2-2山崩判釋及檢核 16
3-2-3崩塌地分類與面積量化 17
3-2-4以土壤深度轉換崩塌面積成體積 18
3-2-5土壤沖蝕量估算模式 20
3-2-6輸砂量推估 26
第四章結果 28
4-1崩塌量推估結果 28
4-1-1山崩目錄判釋成果與崩塌體積 28
4-2土壤沖蝕推估結果 30
4-3輸砂量推估結果 32
4-3-1颱風期間輸砂量 34
4-3-2年輸砂量 35
4-4颱風事件和年時間尺度下的推估結果對照 38
4-4-1颱風事件尺度下 38
4-4-2年時間尺度下 39
第五章 討論 40
5-1輸砂推估值的可靠性與驗證 40
5-2山崩體積推估的可靠性 42
5-3輸砂量大於上游土砂生產量之現象探討 46
5-4颱風事件誘發崩塌對輸砂量的貢獻 51
第六章 結論與建議 55
6-1結論 55
6-2建議 55
參考文獻 57
附錄A 各颱風事件之誘發山崩目錄圖 62
附錄B 推估土壤沖蝕量的各因子圖層分布 71
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指導教授 李錫堤(Chyi-Tyi Lee) 審核日期 2018-8-21
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