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姓名 蘇初日(Chu-Jih Sue)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 生物醫學工程研究所
論文名稱 螢光斷層造影技術與仿體驗證研究
★ TFT-LCD前框卡勾設計之衝擊模擬分析與驗證研究★ TFT-LCD 導光板衝擊模擬分析及驗證研究
★ 數位機上盒掉落模擬分析及驗證研究★ 旋轉機械狀態監測-以傳動系統測試平台為例
★ 發射室空腔模態分析在噪音控制之應用暨結構聲輻射效能探討★ 時頻分析於機械動態訊號之應用
★ VKF階次追蹤之探討與應用★ 火箭發射多通道主動噪音控制暨三種線上鑑別方式
★ TFT-LCD衝擊模擬分析及驗證研究★ TFT-LCD掉落模擬分析及驗證研究
★ TFT-LCD螢幕掉落破壞分析驗證與包裝系統設計★ 主動式火箭發射噪音控制使用可變因子演算法
★ 醫學/動態訊號處理於ECG之應用★ 光碟機之動態研究與適應性尋軌誤差改善
★ 具新型菲涅爾透鏡之超音波微噴墨器分析與設計★ 醫用近紅外光光電量測系統之設計與驗証
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摘要(中) 螢光擴散光學斷層造影 (fluorescence diffusion optical tomography, FDOT)是新穎的醫學造影技術,透過偵測體內標靶藥物釋放之螢光訊息,並重建螢光產率 (fluorescent yield)在組織內的分佈,呈現出有助於腫瘤檢測、標靶藥物開發與治療效果評估的功能性影像。FDOT造影機制可分為兩個步驟,第一步為得知激發光與螢光在組織中傳遞情形,是藉由頻域式 (frequency domain)擴散光學斷層造影 (diffusion optical tomography, DOT)獲得組織光學係數分佈 ; 第二步為得知標靶螢光藥物在組織中螢光產出情形,是藉由連續波 (continuous wave)螢光分子斷層造影 (fluorescence molecular tomography, FMT)獲得組織螢光產率分佈。從上述兩步驟,可說明FDOT造影為DOT與FMT技術整合,即是將擴散光學方程式(diffusion equation)理論帶入螢光分子造影中,藉由分析組織光學結構,使螢光訊息特徵之解讀更為準確。
本論文著重於FDOT之量測系統開發、量測程序制定、及仿乳假體驗證等。量測系統包含可幅值調變 (amplitude modulation)之雙雷射模組 (780、830 nm)、雙偵測模組 (光電倍增管、光譜儀)、解調變 (demodulation)模組等。量測程序是根據螢光特徵擷取及數據校正需求。總共進行7圈環形掃描,前4圈為DOT掃描而後3圈為FMT掃描。仿乳假體驗證因使用兩種螢光劑 (ICG、HICPDNEs),故先量測其最強螢光功率之濃度及螢光波段範圍。假體驗證則設計不同螢光置入物深度、置入物與背景螢光吸收係數對比度、及背景假體均勻性作為探討之變因。
摘要(英) Fluorescence diffusion optical tomography (FDOT) is a novel medical imaging technique. FDOT can present functional images that contribute to tumor detection, target drug development and therapeutic evaluation. FDOT can be divided into two steps. The first step is to obtain the distribution of optical coefficient that the excitation light and the fluorescence transmit in the tissue by diffusion optical tomography (DOT) in frequency domain; the second step is to know the distribution of fluorescent yield by fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT) in continuous wave.
This thesis focuses on the development of measurement system and program and the verification of breast phantom. The measurement system consists of dual laser modules (780, 830 nm )、dual detection modules (photomultiplier, spectrometers) and demodulation modules. The total of measurement program are 7 ring scans. Because the breast phantom verification use of two kinds of fluorescent agent (ICG, HICPDNEs), so we measure the concentration of the strongest fluorescence power and the fluorescence wavelength band. Phantom was designed of different depths of fluorescence inclusion, contrast of inclusion-background fluorescent absorption coefficient and background homogeneity.
The results show that when the fluorescent inclusion is in an uniform background, FDOT is worse than DOT, while the shape of the deep is superior to the shallow, and the position accuracy is lower than the shallow. When fluorescent inclusion is in an inhomogeneous background, FDOT is superior to DOT and FMT because FDOT has specificity for tumor and optical analysis of tissue. The greater the contrast of the fluorescence absorption coefficient between the inclusion and the background, the features of the fluorescent inclusion are more obvious, and when the contrast is less than 1, the wrong features were appeared.
關鍵字(中) ★ 螢光分子影像
★ 擴散光學
★ 斷層造影
★ 組織光學量測
★ 光學係數重建
關鍵字(英) ★ fluorescent molecular imaging
★ diffusion optics
★ tomography
★ tissue optical measurement
★ optical coefficient reconstruction
論文目次 第 一 章 緒論.................1
1-1 研究動機..................1
1-2 研究背景..................2
1-3 文獻回顧..................4
1-3-1 螢光分子影像發展.........4
1-3-2 螢光擴散光學檢測技術.....4
1-4 研究範疇..................8
第 二 章 理論基礎.............10
2-1 乳房組織光學..............10
2-1-1 組織光學...............10
2-1-2 乳房光學特性............12
2-2 標靶螢光顯影劑.........12
2-2-1 靛氫綠光學特性..........12
2-2-2 顯影劑組成與應用.........14
2-3 組織擴散光學量測........15
2-3-1 光學量測技術.............15
2-3-2 光學掃描模式.............17
2-4 螢光影像重建方法........18
2-4-1 螢光擴散光學方程式........18
2-4-2 影像重建原理與流程........21
第 三 章 量測系統與元件.........24
3-1 量測方法與流程..........24
3-1-1 螢光擴散光學量測方法.......24
3-1-2 量測流程與數據校正.........26
3-2 量測系統架構............29
3-3 光電元件特性................34
第 四 章 實驗設計與造影系統驗證..41
4-1 具螢光劑成份之仿乳假體製作...41
4-1-1 螢光劑材料特性............41
4-1-2 仿乳假體材料特性..........44
4-2 假體量測與影像重建..........45
4-2-1 假體參數設計..............45
4-2-2 假體量測數據與影像重建.....48
第五章 結論與未來展望.............75
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指導教授 潘敏俊(Min-Chun Pan) 審核日期 2018-1-12
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