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姓名 吳建均(Chien-Chun Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 生醫科學與工程學系
論文名稱 應用DCM分析肌張力障礙患者異常腦區連結研究與輔助診斷系統建立
(Using DCM to analyze Dystonia patient brain connectivity and establishing supporting diagnosis system)
★ 足弓指標參數之比較分析★ 運用腦電波研究中風病人的復健成效 與持續情形
★ 重複間斷性Theta爆發刺激對手部運動之腦波的影響★ Amylose mediated electricity production of Staphylococcus epidermidis for inhibition of Cutibacterium acnes growth
★ 使用虛擬實境系統誘發事件相關電位P300之研究★ 虛擬實境誘發體感覺事件相關電位P300之動態因果模型研究
★ 使用GPU提升事件相關電位之動態因果模型的運算效能★ 基於動態因果模型之老化相關的運動網路研究
★ 應用腦電圖預測中風病人復健情況★ 以益智遊戲進行空間工作記憶訓練在事件相關電位P3上的影響
★ 基於虛擬實境復健之中風後運動網路功能性重組研究★ 應用腦電圖與相關臨床因子預測中風病人復原之研究
★ 中風復健後與虛擬實境物理參數 相關的動作網絡重組★ 以運動指標預測復健成效暨設計復健方針
★ 運用時頻轉換分析方法研究 工作記憶訓練之人類大腦可塑性★ 中風患者在復健後的大腦神經連結的變化
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摘要(中) 肌張力不全障礙(Dystonia)為一種自發性的運動障礙疾病,患者在發病時會表現出不正常的肌肉痙攣或不正常的姿勢。當局部性手部肌肉發生肌張力不全障礙時, 稱為寫字型手部痙攣症(Writer’s Cramp)。 臨床上, 因為後天性的肌張力不全障礙患者之主要致病機轉尚未完全被了解,導致診斷只能依賴醫師經驗。因此,本研究研究目的為探討病人與正常人大腦連結的異同,並以此建立一個可以輔助臨床進行寫字型手部痙攣症的診斷系統。
本研究收集研究對象為寫字型手部痙攣症(Writer’s Cramp)患者15名與正常受試者15名進行15分鐘內自行數8秒手腕伸展時的腦波訊號。首先利用EEG資料分析患者腦區事件相關電位是否與正常人有所不同,接著,利用動態因果模型(DCM)分析患者與正常人腦區連結異同,之後進行機器學習邏輯斯迴歸分析確立診斷模型。
Dystonia is a neurological movement disorder that abnormal contractions of muscles result in the twisting of fixed postures or muscle spasm. Writer’s cramp is described as a particular form of dystonia that affects only a small group of hand muscles during specific tasks.Despite writer′s cramp is neurological in origin, there are no clinical tools for diagnosis except the observations by experts.
Given the neurological origin of writer′s cramp, the aim of this study was to investigate the neuronal alternations in patients with writer′s cramp as compared to normal controls.
30 subjects were recruited for this study (15 Writer’s cramp patients and,15 healthy subjects). They were instructed to do the self-initiated wrist extension repeat task every 8 seconds for 15 mins. During the movement task, 32-channel EEG data (10–20 EEG montage) and 2 channel EMG were measured at a sampling rate of 250 Hz. We studied the event-related potentials and the motor networks using Dynamic Causling Model(DCM) to find the significant differences between groups. Machine learning methods were employed to separate the patients from the controls based on the network features.
The statistical results show that the power of beta oscillations was smaller while that of theta oscillations was greater in dystonia patients when compared to the healthy subjects. Regarding the brain network, we found 11 abnormal connections in patients, of which 10 were inhibitory, indicating over-inhibition is important for patients when they perform nonsymptomic task. Furthermore, 5 abnormal connections engaged ipsilateral premotor cortex(PM) and contralateral sensory motor cortex(SM1) indicate their importance. The best classification accuracy is 92% when we used DCM beta features over the peristimilus time of -500 to 2000 ms. In conclusion, the network alternations seen in patients with dystonia can serve as biomarker features that separate patients from the healthy control.
關鍵字(中) ★ 寫字型手部痙攣症
★ 初級運動皮質區
★ 前運動皮質區
★ 事件相關電位
★ 輔助診斷系統
關鍵字(英) ★ Writer’s cramp
★ Dynamic Causal Model
★ Event-related potential
★ Supporting diagnose system
摘要 I
Abstract III
致謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究背景 1
1-2研究動機 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1肌張力不全障礙 4
2-1-1肌張力不全障礙分類 4
2-1-2肌張力不全障礙診斷 6
2-1-3肌張力不全障礙治療 7
2-2肌張力不全障礙病理生理學 8
2-2-1抑制消失 8
2-2-2基底核異常 9
2-2-3感覺功能異常 10
2-2-4不正常的神經可塑性 10
2-2-5 運動皮質區異常 11
2-2-6 肌張力不全障礙患者頻帶分析 12
2-3動態因果模型 14
2-3-1功能性連結與有效性連結 15
2-3-2誘發響應的動態因果模型 17
2-3-3線性/非線性效應 20
第三章 研究方法 22
3-1收案來源 22
3-2運動試驗 22
3-3資料處理 23
3-3-1資料前處理 23
3-3-2動態因果模型 25
3-3-3大腦連結模型分析 27
3-4 ERS分析 29
3-5診斷系統建立 31
3-5-1 特徵提取與特徵選取 35
第四章 結果 39
4-1 C3 ERSP結果 39
4-1-1 C3 Theta頻帶ERSP 39
4-1-2 C3 Beta頻帶ERSP 41
4-2 Source腦區分析 42
4-2-1 運動皮質區間 Theta頻帶分析結果 44
4-3病人與正常人大腦連結圖表分析 52
4-3-1病人與正常人大腦連結圖 52
4-3-2病人與正常人大腦連結圖統計分析 54
4-4 肌張力不全障礙患者輔助診斷系統判斷準確率 56
第五章 討論 62
5-1 頻帶強度討論 62
5-2 寫字型手部痙攣症患者與正常人腦區連結討論 65
5-3 判斷準確率討論 68
5-4統計顯著連結與預測顯著連結討論 70
第六章 結論與未來展望 72
6-1 結論 72
6-2 未來展望 73
第七章 參考文獻 74
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指導教授 陳純娟(Chun-Chuan Chen) 審核日期 2017-9-28
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