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姓名 蘇丰彥(Feng-Yen Su)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
論文名稱 基於鈮酸鋰晶體1550奈米兆瓦級光學參量放大器設計
(Design of Lithium Niobate Crystal Based 1550-nm Terawatt Optical Parametric Amplifier)
★ 高對比度三階自相關干涉儀的設計與驗證
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摘要(中) 1550 nm 頻段光學參量放大器,與800 nm 摻鈦藍寶石雷射放大器相比,在雷射科技方面有以下特點: (1) 種子光來源為光纖振盪器,對環境的影響較不敏感,光纖振盪器穩
定度比摻鈦藍寶石振盪器高。 (2) 光參量放大器有較高增益,可以大幅縮短整體光路。 (3) 幫浦光可以直接使用摻釹釔鋁石榴石雷射(Nd:YAG) ,不需要倍
頻。 (4) 光柵脈衝延展器與脈衝壓縮器所產生的二階、三階色散與波長成正相關,因此將中心波長移至1550 nm 有助於縮小延展器與壓縮器的體積。

然而,受限於晶體大小(磷酸氧鈦鉀, KTP) 、晶體吸收(硼酸鋇, BBO),使得1550 nm 光學參量放大器能量受到限制。由於鈮酸鋰晶體
尺寸可超過3 吋,利用此晶體來做為1550 nm 光學參量放大器的增益介質,放大器能量得以提升,但是種子光須有角度色散來滿足相位匹配條件。在2016, György Tóth [1] 設計使用2 片光柵產生角度色散滿足匹配條件,再利用另外2 片光柵補償角度色散與空間色散。

在本論文中,我提出三等邊棱鏡架設來取代György Tóthn 所提出的雙光柵架設。首先,使用一組等邊棱鏡產生空間色散。再設計使用第三顆等邊棱鏡產生角度色散滿足放大匹配條件。並設計放大器幫浦光強度、種子光強度、相位匹配角與晶體厚度。放大後設計使用光學光柵壓縮器補償角度色散。此設計結構較為簡單,且稜鏡價格便宜。

根據數值分析模擬, 使用此新設計可望在1550 nm 頻段產生 200 mJ,脈衝寬度50 fs 的脈衝雷射,尖峰功率為4 兆瓦。在強場
雷射領域方面,由於有質動力與波長平方成正比,中心波長為1550 nm,雷射脈衝的有質動力增加為4 倍,有利於有質動力相關實驗,例如實驗室天文學、雷射加速器。
摘要(英) In comparison with Ti:sapphire laser amplifiers in 800 nm band, the optical parametric amplifiers (OPA) in 1550 nm band shows four the merits: (1) Erbium-doped fiber oscillator generated seed pulse is insensitive to the environment. (2) The higher gain per pass for OPA shortens the optical path. (3) Nd:YAG laser without second-harmonic generation serves as the pumping
laser. (4) The 1550-nm system shrinks the size of the grating-pair based stretcher and compressor because the second-order and third-order dispersion from the stretcher and compressor positively correlate with the wavelength.

However, the output energy of 1550-nm OPA is limited by crystal size (Potassium titanyl phosphate, KTP) and crystal absorption (Barium borate, BBO). A lithium niobate (LN) crystal as the gain media for the 1550-nm OPA system enables to enhance the output energy since the fabrication of more than 3-inch crystal size is available, but the angular dispersion of seed is critical to the phase-matching condition. In 2016, György Tóth [1] utilized a double-grating setup to generate the required angular dispersion to match the phase-matching condition, and then utilized one
more double-grating setup to compensate the spatial chirp and angular dispersion.

In this thesis, I propose a triple-prism setup to replace the György Tóth′s double-grating setup. Firstly, a prism-pair and other one prism generate a spatial chirp and the required angular dispersion for the phase-matching
condition, respectively. Secondly, the pumping intensity, seed
intensity, the phase-matching angle and the crystal length are designed for
the amplification. Thirdly, a grating-pair based compressor to compensate
the angular dispersion. Compared with György Tóth′s double-grating setup, the triple-prism setup is concise and economical.

According to the numerical simulation, this new design of 1550-nm OPA is expected to generate 50-fs pulse laser with output energy 200 mJ and peak power 4 TW. Furthermore, the ponderomotive energy is quadruple compared with the 800-nm Ti:sapphire lasers due to the double-larger wavelength. Hence, this new system of 1550-nm OPA benefits high energy
density physics, e.g. laboratory astronomy and laser acceleration.
關鍵字(中) ★ 光學參量放大
★ 啁啾脈衝放大
★ 鈮酸鋰晶體
★ 磷酸氧鈦鉀晶體
★ 角度色散
★ 非線性光學
★ 非同軸相位匹配
★ 紅外光
★ 高功率雷射
關鍵字(英) ★ Optical parametric amplification
★ Chirped-pulse amplification
★ Lithium niobate (LN) crystal
★ Potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP) crystal
★ Angular dispersion
★ Nonlinear optics
★ Non-collinear phase matching
★ Infrared
★ High-power laser
論文目次 摘要ix
Abstract xi
1.1 光學參量放大器...................................... 1
1.1.1 優點.............................................. 2
1.1.2 缺點與同步方式.....................................3
1.2 近期發展............................................ 3
1.3 我們的設計.......................................... 4
1.4 本論文章節描述...................................... 5
2.1 非線性光學的來源.................................... 7
2.1.1 二倍頻............................................ 8
2.1.2 合頻與差頻........................................ 9
2.1.3 極化響應函數...................................... 9
2.2 脈衝光晶體中的色散與二階非線性效應................. 11
2.2.1 波動方程式..................................................... 11
2.2.2 脈衝光在晶體中傳播的色散關係..................... 13
2.2.3 光在晶體中的合頻、差頻........................... 16
2.3 各向異性晶體與相位匹配............................. 17
2.3.1 各向異性晶體..................................... 17
2.3.2 雙軸、單軸晶體................................... 18
2.3.3 相位匹配......................................... 21
2.3.4 非同軸寬頻相位匹配原理........................... 22
2.3.5 單軸晶體、非同軸、類型一相位匹配................. 25
2.3.6 雙軸晶體、非同軸、類型二相位匹配................. 28
2.4 等效二階電極化率................................... 29
3.1 前言............................................... 35
3.2 小訊號增益......................................... 36
3.2.1 晶體挑選......................................... 37
3.2.2 磷酸鈦氧鉀晶體(KTP) ............................. 38
3.2.3 鈮酸鋰晶體(LN) .................................. 42
3.3 飽和增益........................................... 50
3.3.1 數值模擬方法..................................... 50
3.3.2 前級放大器-KTP 晶體.............................. 57
3.3.3 能量放大器-鈮酸鋰晶體............................ 65
3.3.4 角度色散與空間色散補償........................... 74
3.3.5 雜訊估計......................................... 77
3.4 設計方案總成....................................... 78
附錄A 單軸晶體、非同軸、類型一相位匹配條件與小訊號增
附錄B 雙軸晶體、非同軸、類型二相位匹配條件與小訊號增
附錄C 等效二階電極化率103
附錄D 數值模擬107
附錄E 雜訊估算131
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指導教授 汪治平(Jyh-Pyng Wang) 審核日期 2020-8-19
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