博碩士論文 105226085 詳細資訊

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姓名 鄭羽翔(Yu-Shiang Zheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 成長於(100)矽基板之P型倒置結構半極性氮化銦鎵奈米量子井應力分析
(Strain analysis on semipolar nanopyramidal InGaN quantum wells grown on (100) Si substrates)
★ 影像式外差干涉術之建立★ 陶瓷基板上的高壓薄膜氮化鎵發光二極體之設計、製作與分析
★ 光譜解析單像素重建顯微術於雙光子激發螢光與拉曼造影之研究★ 矽基板上的氮化鎵異質磊晶術
★ 矽基板上的氮化物太陽能電池★ 矽摻雜氮化鎵之光伏特性:中間能帶太陽能電池的潛力評估
★ 以氧化鋅薄膜輔助成長於矽基板上的氮化鎵磊晶層★ 氮化物光伏元件之製程優化及硒化鎘量子點的應用
★ 矽基板上的氮化鎵磊晶術:以氧化鎵為緩衝★ 具穿隧結構之反向極化電場氮化銦鎵發光二極體
★ 強度敏感式影像橢圓儀及應用★ 成長於同調性基板的氮化鎵及氮化鋁磊晶層
★ 以奈米異質磊晶術在矽基板上成長的半極性氮化銦鎵量子井★ 以漸變銦含量的主動層增加氮化銦鎵光伏元件的載子收集率
★ 氧化鋅的熱分解對矽基板上氮化鎵奈米異質磊晶的影響★ 溫度效應對矽基板上的氮化鎵有機金屬氣相沉積法之探討
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摘要(中) 本研究探討磊晶應力對氮化銦鎵奈米量子井的光電特性影響。我們利用奈米異質磊晶術,將此奈米量子井成長於(100)矽基板上。為了降低磊晶層與矽基板之間的磊晶應力,我們先在矽基板表面,成長一層均勻分佈的氧化鋅奈米柱陣列,之後以有機金屬化學氣象沉積法成長氮化銦鎵量子井,再將此奈米量子井轉移至銀基板上,並探討量子井在基板轉移前後因應力改變所產生的光譜變化。

我們利用纖維鋅礦結構的氧化鋅材料與纖維鋅礦結構的氮化鎵材料之間較小的晶格差異,成功在(100)矽基板上成長出無裂痕的(10-11)面半極性氮化鎵六角椎金字塔型結構,並且利用氧化鋅奈米緩衝層在高溫磊晶時的擴散行為,產生自發性的P-型氮化鎵,以達成獨特的p-side down元件結構,希望能達到高發光效率的發光二極體。

本研究以不同流量的二茂鎂(Bis(cyclopentadienyl)-magnesium, Mg(C5H5)2): 40、80、120 sccm,在p -型氮化鎵產生不同的電洞濃度,藉以分析電洞濃度對磊晶應力及量子井發光效率的影響。


根據掃描式電子顯微鏡的觀察、模擬軟體的分析、X光繞射儀以及拉曼光譜的量測,我們發現: 鎂摻雜量較少的樣本,展現較小的伸張應力,以及較佳的晶格品質因此具備較高的內部量子效率。
摘要(英) In this study, the effect of lattice strain before and after substrate transfer on the optoelectrionic properties of nanostructured InGaN quantum wells (QWs) structures was investigated. The nanostructure QWs were grown on (100) Si substrates by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), employing ZnO nanorods as the buffer layer to release the huge stratin between Si and the nitride epilayer.

Using the small lattice mismatch between ZnO and GaN, we successfully grew the (10-11) semi-polar nanopyramidal QWs on the (100) Si substrate. The diffusion of Zn into GaN during the epitaxial growth also allows us to achieve the naturally formed p-type GaN, producing the desired p-side-down structure for QWs with enhanced interal quantum efficiency. During the growth, three different flow rates of Bis(cyclopentadienyl)-magnesium Mg(C5H5)2, i.e. 40, 80, and 120 sccm were adopted with the attempt to study the effect of p-type doping on the strain and the quantum efficiency of the QWs.

Due to the large thermal mismatch between the GaN epilayer and the Si substrate, huge lattice strain is expected in the epilayer after the MOCVD growth. The strain decreased the internal quantum efficiency of the InGaN QWs via the quantum-confinement Stark effect. The semipolar nanostructured QWs produced in this study are expected to exhibit improved radiative recombination efficiency becoause of the alleived QCSE. In addition, we transferred the epitaxial layer from the Si substrate to a silver substrate using a wet-etching technique, releasing the stress on the samples and increasing reflectivity at the epilayer/substrate interface. The released stress and enhanced interface reflectivity should lead to improved external quantum efficiency of the nanopyramidal QWs.

Scanning electron microscopy was used to observe the microstructure of the samples and a simulation software is used to analyze the relationship between the film thickness and the reflection wavelength. The samples were also characterized by x-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy. According to these characterizations, it is found that the sample with less magnesium doping exhibits less tensile stress, and thus the higher internal quantum efficiency.
關鍵字(中) ★ 奈米異質磊晶術 關鍵字(英)
論文目次 摘要.............................................................................................................................. i
Abstract ..................................................................................................................... ii
誌謝............................................................................................................................ iii
目錄............................................................................................................................. v
圖目錄....................................................................................................................... vii
第一章、緒論 ........................................................................................................... ..1
1.1 前言 ..................................................................................................................... .1
1.2 發光二極體的基本性質 ..................................................................................... ..1
1.3 基板與材料特性 ................................................................................................. ..6
1.4 氧化鋅奈米異質磊晶應力緩衝層的應用 ...........................................................11
1.5 氮化鎵晶格結構與特性 ..................................................................................... 15
1.5.1 晶格結構.......................................................................................................... 15
1.5.2 極化效應.......................................................................................................... 16
1.5.3 極化效應之影響.............................................................................................. 23
第二章、實驗原理方法儀器與製程 ........................................................................ 25
2.1 能帶圖模擬 ....................................................................................................... 25
2.1.1 發光二極體能帶圖模擬.................................................................................. 25
2.1.2 發光二極體電子電洞濃度圖模擬................................................................... 29
2.1.3 內部量子效率( Internal quantum efficiency , IQE)模擬 ................................31
2.2 以X-射線繞射分析晶格應力原理 ...................................................................... 33
2.2.1 布拉格定律...................................................................................................... 33
2.2.1 布拉菲點陣理論.............................................................................................. 34
2.3 以拉曼光譜判斷材質應力之原理 ...................................................................... 35
2.4 光激發螢光頻譜原理 ......................................................................................... 37
2.5 製程及量測儀器介紹 ......................................................................................... 37
2.5.1 射頻磁控濺鍍系統.......................................................................................... 37
2.5.2 有機金屬化學氣相沉積系統........................................................................... 39
2.5.3 熱蒸鍍系統( Thermal evaporation system) ................................................. 40
2.5.4 X-射線繞射分析( X-ray diffraction analysis, XRD) ........................................ 40
2.5.5 掃描式電子顯微鏡.......................................................................................... 42
2.5.6 拉曼光譜量測系統.......................................................................................... 43
2.6 樣本結構設計 .................................................................................................... 44
第三章、實驗分析與討論 ....................................................................................... 46
3.1 樣本能帶圖模擬 ................................................................................................ 46
3.2 樣本製程步驟 .................................................................................................... 49
3.3 以SEM、Essential Macleod分析樣本 .............................................................. 64
3.4 以XRD分析樣本所受應力 .................................................................................. 87
3.5 以拉曼光譜分析樣本應力 ................................................................................. 93
3.6 以光致激發螢光光譜分析樣本應力 .................................................................. 97
第四章、結論與未來展望 ..................................................................................... 101
4.1 結論 ................................................................................................................. 101
4.2 未來展望 .......................................................................................................... 102
參考文獻 ................................................................................................................ 103
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指導教授 賴昆佑 審核日期 2019-1-30
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