博碩士論文 105322001 詳細資訊

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姓名 高墀修(Sish-Siou Gao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 高樓層鋼結構耐震性能評估與補強方法
(High-rising Steel Structure Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit)
★ 變厚度X形消能裝置初步研究★ FRP筋對混凝土柱圍束效應之研究
★ 高強度鋼筋混凝土剪力牆連接梁耐震配筋之研究★ 高拉力SD690鋼筋截斷設計之研究
★ 高強度鋼筋混凝土梁構件耐震設計參數之研究★ 鋼筋混凝土梁疲勞行為之初步研究
★ 高拉力鋼筋混凝土滑移剪力設計之研究★ 鋼筋混凝土梁有斜向鋼筋配置之耐震性能提升研究
★ 非韌性鋼筋混凝土梁柱外接頭補強之研究★ 新澆置鋼筋混凝土梁受反覆荷重之影響
★ 非韌性鋼筋混凝土梁柱內接頭補強之研究★ 鋼筋混凝土擴柱補強工法對非韌性梁柱接頭耐震能力提升之探討
★ 雙層兩跨鋼筋混凝土抗彎構架耐震測試★ 受損RC梁柱接頭補強之耐震成效評估
★ 現有鋼筋混凝土建築物之耐震能力評估 ―以紐西蘭評估方法為基礎★ 桁架軟化模式應用於無水平箍筋梁柱接頭剪力及變形曲線預測之研究
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摘要(中) 在台灣,鋼結構建築以發展將近四十年,因規範的修訂與期間受地震影響導致建築材料強度與接合性能的衰減,既有鋼結構建築有耐震性能不足之疑慮。此外,高樓建築因有較高模態反應參與,不能僅使用非彈性靜力分析(側推分析),需進行非彈性動力分析(歷時分析),檢視未預期到的較大變位反應。本研究將建立高樓鋼結構建築耐震性能評估與補強方法為主要目的,進而了解高樓建築反應以及常見補強方法之特性。
摘要(英) In Taiwan, steel structures have been under development for nearly forty years. Due to the revision of building codes and the attenuation of the materials strength and beam-culmn joint performance of building caused by the earthquake during the period, there are doubts about the lack of seismic performance of steel structures. In addition, high-rise buildings are involved in higher modal reactions, not only using inelastic static pushover analysis, but also inelastic dynamic time-history analysis to examine unexpected large displacement reactions. This study will establish a method for seismic evaluation and retrofit of high-rise steel structure building, and understand the characteristics of high-rise building responses and common retrofit methods.
This study will establish four models, 15th, 20th, 28th and 35th floor high-rise steel structures, all designed in the past specifications (1982,1994), it is expected that these four models need to be retrofit. Referring to the Taiwan and U.S.A. specifications for seismic performance evaluation procedures and standards, establish a recommended seismic capacity evaluation method, and evaluate the design case and a real case. After evaluation, retrofit was performed using buckling restrained braces and nonlinear viscous dampers. Then, the inelastic static pushover analysis and inelastic dynamic time-history analysis were used to compare the changes in intensity and displacement.
The results of this study show that the two horizontal component earthquake records should not be used separately. Because frequency and the duration of the earthquake records is the same, and the frequency is a major cause of structural response, it is recommended to consider the relation of two horizontal component earthquake records. In the story drift, of a 15-story steel structure, the use of inelastic static pushover analysis is similar to inelastic dynamic time-history analysis reaction, and the higher-rise steel structure has a high-modal effect, so more than 15 floors of steel structure should enter the inelastic dynamic time-history. In addition, the higher steel structure building, the lower efficiency of the control using the buckling restrained braces, and the higher efficiency of using the nonlinear viscous damper in the steel structure of the higher steel structure building. But the nonlinear viscous damper difficult to control, recommended to enter the inelastic dynamic time-history analysis. Each building evaluation and retrofit is a different case. It is necessary to understand the building requirements and the advantages and disadvantages of each retrofit strategy in order to effectively retrofit the design.
關鍵字(中) ★ 高樓層鋼結構
★ 耐震性能評估
★ 耐震補強方法
論文目次 摘要 VI
誌謝 IX
目錄 X
表目錄 XIV
符號說明 XXV
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與方法 2
1.3 論文架構 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 規範規定介紹 3
2.1.1 規範地震力 3
2.1.2 歷時分析規定 6
2.2 性能目標 8
2.3 容量震譜法 9
2.4 設計加速度反應譜相符法(Spectral Matching) 11
2.5 最大方向地震歷時 11
2.6 鋼結構塑鉸性能 12
2.7 補強策略 13
2.7.1 挫屈束制支撐 (Buckling-Restrained Brace) 14
2.7.2 黏滯性阻尼器(Fluid Viscous damper) 15
第三章 耐震能力評估與補強方法 18
3.1 詳細耐震能力評估程序 18
3.1.1 塑鉸定義 21
3.1.2 非彈性靜力側推分析 22 豎向分配 23 塑鉸定義不同側推分析比較 24
3.1.3 非彈性動力歷時分析 24 高模態效應 24 縮放法建議方法(Scaling) 26 縮放法與相符法比較 30
3.2 補強策略 31
3.2.1 挫屈束制支撐設計 31
3.2.2 黏滯阻尼器設計與最佳化 32
第四章 案例分析 35
4.1 參數設定 35
4.2 15層樓鋼結構建築物 36
4.2.1 15層樓鋼結構建築物基本資料 36
4.2.2 補強前耐震能力評估 36
4.2.3 補強後耐震能力評估 38
4.3 20層樓鋼結構建築物 40
4.3.1 20層樓鋼結構物建築基本資料 40
4.3.2 補強前耐震能力評估 40
4.3.3 補強後耐震能力評估 41
4.4 28層樓鋼結構建築物 43
4.4.1 28層樓鋼結構建築物基本資料 43
4.4.2 補強前耐震能力評估 43
4.4.3 補強後耐震能力評估 44
4.5 35層樓鋼結構建築物 45
4.5.1 35層樓鋼結構建築物基本資料 45
4.5.2 補強前耐震能力評估 46
4.5.3 補強後耐震能力評估 46
4.6 實際案例 48
4.6.1 實際案例基本資料 48
4.6.2 補強前耐震能力評估 48
4.6.3 補強後耐震能力評估 49
第五章 結果比較與討論 50
5.1 規範地震力比較 50
5.2 豎向分配比較 50
5.3 地震歷時選取比較 51
5.4 各案例分析結果比較 52
5.4.1 層間轉角比較 52
5.4.2 樓層位移比較 54
5.4.3 屋頂加速度比較 54
第六章 結論與建議 56
參考文獻 59
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指導教授 王勇智 審核日期 2018-8-20
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