摘要(英) |
The main maintenance approach are surface treatments on the Taiwan National Freeway. However, it cannot totally solve the pavement structure damaged problems caused by insufficient strength of the pavement to withstand the current traffic volume. Periodic assessments are necessary to confirm whether the strength of the pavement is sufficient or not, there is no any official criterion to establish the freeway pavement structure assessment in Taiwan. According to the AASHTO “Guide for Design of Pavement Structures”, it is necessary to establish these criteria and check the load bearing capacity of pavement, maintenance cost analysis, and strength analysis to detect the remaining service life of pavement. Therefore, this study established the standard of pavement structure evaluation for Taiwan National Freeway No. 3 from km 83 to 89 uses Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) and Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) traffic volume data to. FWD was popularly used abroad as a pavement structure deflection instrument and significance influenced by temperature. This study carried out a temperature calibration analysis of pavement deflection used Resilient Modulus (Mr) at various temperatures by ABAQUS and Statistics. The developed ETC big data used to calculate the number and types of vehicles, with standard axis load conversion factors for calculate ESALs. At last, the ESALs and FWD correction deflection were used to evaluate the current pavement structure capacity. According to the results, temperature calibration and pavement structure evaluation criteria established by this study could be used on the pavement structure our Taiwan freeway. Based on above, the pavement structure evaluation criteria of this study are worthy of further study. |
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