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姓名 陳佑朋(Yu-Peng Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 槍機卡榫模流分析參數最佳化之研究
(Optimization of process parameters for injection molding simulation of bolt catch)
★ 田口分析法驗證射出參數對光碟機面板翹曲變形量之研究★ 聚丙烯射出成型品表面具抗沾黏特性之研究
★ 光學鏡片之有限元素網格品質探討暨模仁全方位體積收縮補償法之研究★ 從模流到結構的集成分析光學鏡片之模仁變形研究
★ 應用反應曲面法進行鏡筒真圓度之射出成型參數優化★ 冠狀動脈三維重建之初步架構
★ Zienkiewicz動態多孔彈性力學模型之穩定性探討★ 外加磁場輔助射出成型對於導電高分子複合材料的磁性纖維配向與導電度之實驗與模擬
★ 骨板與骨釘之參數模型應用於股骨骨折術前規劃★ 光學鏡片模具之異型水路最佳化設計
★ 傳統骨板與解剖骨板對於固定Sanders II-B型跟骨骨折力學分析★ 以線性迴歸分析驗證射出成型縫合角與抗拉強度呈正相關
★ 異形水路模具設計對於金屬粉末射出成型槍機卡榫影響之研究★ 聚碳酸酯與碳纖維複合材料之射出參數對於縫合線強度之研究
★ 運用田口方法分析ABS塑膠材料之射出成型參數對拉伸強度的影響★ 化學發泡射出成型製程條件對聚丙烯與聚苯乙烯之影響
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摘要(中) 金屬粉末射出成型技術(MIM)其兼具高量產性與高複雜性的優勢使此製程在精密金屬零件的生產具有一席之地,射出成型階段的控制將是影響品質的重要因素,且其喂料是由黏結劑與粉末組成的特殊結構也使流變性質更難以掌握,尤其在流動過程中易產生粉膠分離之情形。本研究採用模流分析進行參數最佳化,針對產品生胚變形量,以及MIM特有的粉末濃度均勻性問題做改善。
粉末濃度均勻性最佳化前顯示,原始組別其粉末濃度百分比位於56.8169% 至62.7930%,平均粉末濃度為60.0313%;經最佳化後之組別其粉末濃度百分比位於58.6520% 至60.2703%,平均粉末濃度為60.0145%,其粉末濃度有更好的均勻性,說明了此參數調整可減少局部粉末堆積或粉體膠體分離之情形。
摘要(英) Metal Injection Molding (MIM) has taken a place in the production of precision metal parts due to the advantages of high productivity and high complexity. Control of the injection molding stage, the quality, and the feedstock is the important issue. Especially for combination of feedstock which is composed of binder and metal powder also makes the rheology more difficult to know. The situation of powder binder separation often occurs during the filling process. In this study, molding simulation was used to optimize the parameters, and to improve the problem of green parts warpage and powder concentration uniformity for MIM.
The analysis process is separated into two major stages. In the first stage, the initial simulation is performed to verify the short shot of experiments. Furthermore, the working window for injection molding is established. In the second stage, the experimental design of the Taguchi method is adopted to get the optimization for warpage and powder concentration uniformity.
The results of first stage show that the experimental short shot similar to simulated one. In addition, the position of the welding line can also be well predicted. The optimization results of the Moldex3D Design of Expert (DOE) show that the maximum improvement on warpage achieves 11.6%. When these optimized parameters are used in experiments, the maximum improvement on warpage can achieve 57.78%, and the average improvement achieves 20%. Moreover, the optimized parameters can reduce the cycle time of 3s compared with the original design, which brings significant benefits to the dimensional precision and production efficiency.
Before optimization of powder concentration uniformity, the original powder concentration percentage was between 56.8169% and 62.7930% and its average powder concentration was 60.0313%. After optimization, the powder concentration percentage is between 58.6520% and 60.2703% and its average powder concentration is 60.0145%. Therefore, the powder concentration becomes uniform. In other words, this parameter adjustment can reduce the local powder accumulation or the powder binder separation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 金屬粉末射出成型(MIM)
★ Moldex3D
★ 粉膠分離
★ 田口法
關鍵字(英) ★ Metal Injection Molding (MIM)
★ Moldex3D
★ powder binder separation
★ Taguchi method
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機 2
1-3 文獻回顧 3
1-4 研究目的與方法 9
1-4-1 研究目的 9
1-4-2 研究方法 9
1-5 論文架構 12
第二章 基本原理與理論模式 13
2-1 MIM製程技術 13
2-1-1 MIM製程簡介 13
2-1-2 MIM製程優劣性 15
2-1-3 MIM射料 16
2-2 MIM工程問題 17
2-3 MIM流變模型 18
2-4 粒子懸浮理論 19
2-5 實驗設計法(DOE) 20
第三章 實驗 23
3-1 產品簡介 23
3-2 材料簡介 24
3-2-1 金屬粉末原料 24
3-2-2 MIM射料 24
3-3 儀器與設備 29
3-3-1 射出成型機 29
3-3-2 射出模具 29
3-3-3 模溫機 30
3-3-4 非接觸式影像量測儀 31
3-4 模流分析軟體簡介 32
3-5 模型建構 32
3-6 建立實體網格 36
3-7 成型條件設置 42
3-8 短射驗證 48
3-9 成型視窗製作 49
3-10 DOE模組成型條件最佳化 51
3-10-1 DOE模組翹曲變形量最佳化 51
3-10-2 DOE模組粉末濃度分佈最佳化 56
第四章 結果與討論 58
4-1 短射驗證結果 58
4-2 成型視窗製作結果 61
4-3 DOE翹曲變形量最佳化結果 65
4-3-1 DOE翹曲變形量最佳化之模擬結果 65
4-3-2 DOE翹曲變形量最佳化之實驗結果 72
4-4 DOE粉末濃度最佳化結果 77
第五章 結論 88
1. 短射驗證與成型視窗分析 88
2. 翹曲變形量最佳化結果分析 89
3. 粉末濃度最佳化結果分析 89
4. 對文生真空科技之貢獻 90
參考文獻 91
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指導教授 鍾禎元(Chen-Yuan Chung) 審核日期 2018-8-7
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