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姓名 陳致霖(Chih-Lin Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木系營建管理博士班
論文名稱 運用組織特徵映射圖動作軌跡相似度測量法探索預鑄工項生產效率與資源規劃之研究
(Exploring productivity and resource allocation for construction precast compomements using SOMMTS)
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摘要(中) 國內預鑄產業最近面臨著三大挑戰,缺乏資源分配活動之間的邏輯關係、難以確定複雜構件的優先次序及因勞工密集加班而導致人力成本不斷增加。本研究之目的(1)利用約略集合理論增強K-近鄰演算法(Rough-set enhanced KNN)對預鑄結構體大樑、小樑及柱等14個生產工項的關鍵項目進行探索;(2)透過基於自我組織特徵映射圖之動作軌跡相似度測量法(SOMMTS)確定專案資源項目複雜度;(3)利用Arena模擬建立工人生產人力成本預測模型。
本研究之結論共分為三項:(1)透過約略集合理論增強K-近鄰演算法(Rough-set enhanced KNN)分別識別了大樑、小樑及柱構件生產的5個、7個及3個關鍵生產項目,以作為影響預鑄構件生產效率之決策因子;(2)利用基於自我組織特徵映射圖之動作軌跡相似度測量法(SOMMTS)為所有專案類型的預鑄構件生產提供了3個複雜度級別;(3)透過Arena系統模擬降低6.9%總生產人力成本。本研究之成果使決策者能針對預鑄廠各項資源規畫提供最佳化配置之參考依據。
摘要(英) Construction precast factories have recently faced three major challenges of lack of logical relationships among activities to allocate resources, difficulties to identify priorities for complex components, and cost saving on worker fee due to intensive overtime. The research objectives are (1) to explore the key activities among 14 activities using rough set enhanced k-mean nearest neighbor (KNN), (2) to determine component complexity using SOM-based motion trajectory similarity measure (SOMMTS), and (3) to establish a prediction model for worker costs using Arena simulation. Based on a comprehensive literature review, the expert interviews suggest five major assumptions involving cost calculation by job order costing method, reasonable manpower cost range, range for overtime hourly rates, inventory availability by work overtime, and ignorance for individual difference. Expertise also gives us an overall picture to collect production data including activity sequences, activity duration in minutes, and worker wage in hourly rate for construction precast components. This results in a total of 55,157 precast components or 772,198 activities in details, making up 90% of total data for precast component productivity in recent 10 years in Taiwan. The findings show that (1) set enhanced KNN identifies 5, 7, and 3 key activities for main beam, beam, and column component production, respectively; (2) SOMMTS yields 3 complexity levels for all types of precast component production; (3) Arena simulation brings about 6.9% saving for the total cost.
關鍵字(中) ★ 預鑄工法
★ 生產力
★ 人力彈性運用
★ K-近鄰演算法
★ 約略集合理論
★ 自我組織特徵映射圖網路
★ 複雜度
★ 節省人力成本
關鍵字(英) ★ Construction precast component
★ Productivity
★ Rough set
★ Simulation
★ Complexity level
★ Manpower cost saving
論文目次 Abstract III

Table of contents VII

Table contents IX

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

1.1 Research background and motivation 1

1.2 Research purpose 3

1.3 Research scope 3

1.4 Research process 4

Chapter 2 Literature review 8

2.1 Precast production management 8

2.2 Production process of each component in precast plant 9

2.3 Production efficiency evaluation 12

2.4 Raugh set theory 13

2.5 Self organizing feature map network 16

2.6 System simulation 18

2.6.1 Basic concepts of system simulation 18

2.6.2 Arena system simulation software 22

2.6.3 Arena system simulation applied to construction industry 24

2.7 Summary 25

Chapter 3 Expert interview and data collection 27

3.1 Expert interviews, assumptions and constraints 27

3.1.1. Interview question design 27

3.1.2. Selection of interviewees 28

3.1.3. Interview opinions and suggestions 30

3.1.4. Assumptions and limitations 33

3.2 Data collection 34

3.2.1 Narrative statistical analysis of precast project type data 34

3.2.2 Characteristic analysis of production time data 39

3.3 Summary 43

Chapter 4 Project correlation analysis of Precast component production efficiency 44

4.1 Reduced set algorithm 44

4.2 Reduction sets 50

4.3 Extraction of items affecting production efficiency 51

Chapter 5 Precast project complexity grouping 62

5.1 Motion trajectory similarity measurement based on self organizing feature map 62

5.2 Clustering results 68

5.2.1 Classification of project complexity of girder members 69

5.2.2 Classification of project complexity of trabecular members 74

5.2.3 Classification of column member project complexity 79

Chapter 6 Establishment of labor cost simulation model for pre casting workers 87

6.1 System simulation model architecture 87

6.1.1 Calculation of labor cost parameters 88

6.1.2 Labor cost calculation 90

6.2 Modeling process 91

6.2.1 Random distribution verification of input analyzer data 91

6.2.2 Process setup 92

6.3 Simulation results 95

Chapter 7 Conclusions and suggestions 98

7.1 Conclusion 98

7.2 Research contribution 101

7.3 Recommendations for follow-up studies 102

References 103
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指導教授 陳介豪 徐書謙 魏希賢(Jieh-Haur Chen Shu-Chien Hsu Hsi-Hsien WEI) 審核日期 2020-7-24
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