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姓名 陳奕豪(Yi-Hao Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 以工單排程方式優化契約容量之研究
(Optimize contracted energy capacity by adjusting work order for scheduling fulfillment)
★ 探索汽油價格變動對消費者選擇產品之影響 -以某超級市場為例★ 經濟指標與社群媒體情感之關聯性分析
★ 以人體姿態識別ATM提款動作之研究
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摘要(中) 二氧化碳過度排放造成地球暖化,造成我們所處的環境岌岌可危,而二氧化碳的排放主要來自於化石燃料的產生,其中大部分為提供發電所用,因此節能省電對我們的環境來說是非常重要的議題。訂定契約容量是電力公司能穩定供給能源與規劃未來新電廠建設的依據,電廠評估至建設時間至少需五至十年,若是能降低契約容量,則可減少電力公司建設新電廠的需求,進而達到減少發電量的產生,並有效降低二氧化碳的排放量。
因此本研究利用原料與用電相關性高的特性,提出透過交錯生產穩定排程原料的控制並以 DBSCAN 分群法將生產特性相近的品項合併生產,以達到穩定用電的需求,且提供生產者簡易的方式根據排程進行生產,藉此達到實質降低契約容量之效果。最後,將此方法應用至台灣某汽車零組件主要供應商之資料,預估至少節省契約容量1000KW,並預估達到一年減少 5,431 噸二氧化碳排放量。
摘要(英) The global warming caused by excessive carbon dioxide emissions has severely damaged our environment. Carbon dioxide emissions mainly come from the burning of fossil fuels, most of which are used for providing thermal power. Therefore, reducing power generation is vital for environmental sustainability.
To conserve power generation, power companies encourage companies to set up contract capacity to cap the maximum consumption of powers. If companies can reduce contract capacity, the demand for power generation can be reduce and so does carbon dioxide emissions.
The studies of contract capacity can be divided into two aspects. One is the design of smart grid and the other is the reduction of power consumption. The smart grid related research discussed the implementation of the mechanism to share electricity.
The past research on the power consumption can be further divided into three areas. The first is to average the existing power consumption to set up the contract capacity. The second is to fully utilize the contracted capacity by increasing the utilization rate of equipment. The third is to visualize the electricity consumption to help users control the usage of electricity.
However, none of the above mentioned approaches tries to minimize the contracted capacity by averaging the amount of working orders. This study proposes to stabilizes the control of raw materials in the scheduling through staggered production methods, and using the DBSCAN method to combine production items with similar production characteristics to achieve stable electricity demand. Then, it can provide producers with an easy way to produce by schedules. A case study is being conducted on a major automotive component supplier in Taiwan. the result shows that the contract capacity can save 1000 KW per year and reduce 5,431 tons of CO2 emissions as a result.
關鍵字(中) ★ 契約容量
★ 節能省電
★ 規劃排程
★ 用電規劃
論文目次 中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
符號說明 VIII
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 研究架構 3
二、 文獻探討 5
2-1 契約容量 5
2-2 過去電力研究 9
三、 研究方法 11
3-1 研究設計 11
3-2 資料分群 12
3-2-1 生產頻率 13
3-2-2 分群演算法 13
3-3 排程規劃 14
3-3-1 最適化排程 14
3-3-2 生產排程規劃 15
四、 個案應用 22
4-1 簡介 22
4-1-1 資料來源 22
4-2 資料分析 23
4-2-1 鐵水重量與用電相關性迴歸分析 23
4-2-2 原始用電線性迴歸分析 24
4-2-3 個案分析 25
4-2-4 資料分群 26
4-3 排程方法 33
4-4 未來訂單規劃 35
五、 結論與未來研究建議 41
5-1 研究結論 41
5-2 研究限制 42
5-2-1 訂單資料設定 42
5-2-2 產能負荷 42
5-3 未來研究建議 43
六、參考文獻 44
七、附錄 49
附錄A 演算法一 49
附錄B 演算法二 50
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指導教授 許秉瑜 沈國基 審核日期 2018-7-5
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