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姓名 蔡佩蓉(Pei-Rong Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所
論文名稱 檢驗家長式領導和情感性組織承諾關係:心理契約的中介效果和內外控人格特質的調節效果
(A Study of the Relationship between Paternalistic Leadership and Affective Commitment - the Mediating Role of Psychological Contract and the Moderating Role of Locus of Control)
★ 企業內部人力資源入口網站使用者滿意度調查–以A公司為例★ 員工內部行銷知覺、組織承諾與離職傾向之關係研究─以某科技公司為例
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★ 主管領導風格對組織氣候與績效之影響探討-以T公司為例★ 人力資源管理措施對工作態度之影響探討-以台灣高鐵為例
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摘要(中) 對於企業中的關鍵人才而言,財務性獎酬已經不是留在此間企業最重要的因素,企業提供的非財務獎酬—與組織的關係,反而才是影響關鍵人才留任的因素。直屬主管作為組織的代表,其領導風格將影響員工對組織的承諾,因此本研究檢驗家長式領導的效用,如何受到員工的內外控人格特質和心理契約影響。研究針對在台灣地區與組織維持穩定僱用關係者,進行線上問卷調查,問卷回收量為226份,其中有效問卷為205份,回收率為90.71%。
摘要(英) For the key talent, the financial rewards are not the most important factor of retention. Non-financial rewards provided by organizations– the relationship with the organization—are actually the factors that influence the retention. Line managers are the representative of the organization and their leadership style will affect the employees’ commitment to the organization. Therefore, this study examined how employees’ psychological contract and locus of control affect the effectiveness of the paternalistic leadership. Participants in this study maintain a stable employment relationship with organizations in Taiwan region. An online survey was conducted. Finally, there were 205 valid questionnaires.
The study found that moral leadership simultaneously enhanced their affective commitment through transactional psychological contract and relational psychological contract; benevolent leadership enhanced employees′ affective commitment through relational psychological contract; authoritarian leadership reduced employees’ affective commitment. In addition to short-term exchanges, employers should also build long-term relationships with employees, such as belonging and organizational support. At the same time, managers should behave consistently with their promise to employees. On the other hand, avoiding authoritarian leadership might help retain key talents.
關鍵字(中) ★ 心理契約
★ 內外控人格
★ 家長式領導
★ 情感性組織承諾
關鍵字(英) ★ psychological contract
★ locus of control
★ paternalistic leadership
★ affective commitment
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables vi
List of Figure vii
Chapter One: Introduction 1
1. Research Background 1
2. Research Objectives 5
Chapter Two: Literature Review 6
1. Psychological Contract 6
2. Paternalistic leadership 10
3. Organizational Commitment 15
4. Psychological Contract Act as Mediators between Paternalistic Leadership and Affective Commitment 20
5. Personality: Locus of Control 23
6. Locus of Control Moderates the Relationship between Paternalistic Leadership and Affective Commitment 25
7. Locus of Control Moderates the Relationship between Paternalistic Leadership and Psychological Contract 27
Chapter Three: Method 29
1. Research Design and Hypothesis 29
2. Materials 34
3. Data Analysis 36
Chapter Four: Data Analysis 38
1. Descriptive Statistics 38
2. Validity and Reliability Analysis 40
3. Correlation Coefficient 41
4. Hierarchical Regression Analysis 44
5. Summary of Result 54
Chapter Five: Conclusion and Discussion 57
1. Discussion 57
2. Practical Implications 63
3. Limitations and Future Research 66
Reference 68
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指導教授 鄭晉昌(Jihn-Chang Jehng) 審核日期 2018-7-13
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