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姓名 廖妍婷(Yan-Ting Liao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系
論文名稱 經理人文化認同與公司CSR政策執行之關聯性-以S&P500指數上市公司為例
★ 台灣上市櫃公司撰寫CSR報告書與公司價值之相關性探討
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摘要(中) 本文主張經理人不同的文化背景以及生涯經歷會影響公司在社會企業社會責任(Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR)相關政策並檢驗經理人生涯三階段的論點,分別是出生階段、大學階段以及工作階段(以前一份工作為代表),此作法可解答經理人與CSR決策相關之文化認同於生涯何階段形成,並在實證上改進現有以國籍為主的分類方式。
摘要(英) This paper finds that CEO’s cultural identity formed in different life stages affects his/her firm’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) decisions. I examine CEO’s cultural identity formed in three different stages throughout his/her life: We childhood stage, college stage, and working stage (use the last job before current position). With this empirical design, I can answer which stage is the most relevant in forming cultural identity which affects CSR policies and I provide an improvement over the commonly used method according to nationality.
Utilizing Hofstede and Schwartz’s cultural dimensions to identify the CEO and the firm’s cultural identity, I confirm that the CEO’s culture identity has impact on the CSR policies in addition to the firm’s cultural identity. Furthermore, the CEO’s cultural identity is not constant over time and the cultural identity formed in college stage has more impact. I found that Power distance is positively correlated with the CSR policies in all three stages, and the Uncertainty avoidance is positively related to the CSR policies at the college stage and working stage. Harmony is positively related to the CSR policies in childhood stage and college stage; Indulgence is negatively related to the CSR policies at college stage and working stage, Individualism and Masculinity is negatively related to CSR policies in college stage and Embeddedness is negatively related to CR policies in childhood stage. The effect is stronger for some culture dimensions when the CEO is also the chairman of the board. Lastly, I selected appropriate instrument variables and ran two-stage regressions to confirm the above findings. The results regarding Individualism are robust in all three stages; the results of Power Distance reverse sign in working stage; the results of Embeddedness (Harmony) remain only in college stage.
關鍵字(中) ★ 文化維度
★ 經理人文化
★ 企業社會責任
論文目次 一、 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究架構 6
二、 文獻探討與假說建立 7
2-1 企業社會責任(CSR)與公司價值 7
2-1-1 社會資本 7
2-1-2 代理成本 7
2-2 文化與公司決策 8
2-2-1 經理人特性與公司CSR相關決策 8
2-2-2 公司所在國家文化與公司決策 9
2-2-3 公司文化以及經理人文化 11
2-3 經理人生涯三階段 12
2-4九種文化價值與公司CSR相關政策的關聯性 15
2-4-1 權力距離 (PDI) – 負相關 15
2-4-2 不確定性規避 (UAI) – 負相關 15
2-4-3 個人/集體主義 (IDV) – 負相關 15
2-4-4 陽剛/陰柔主義 (MAS) – 負相關 16
2-4-5 長期/短期觀點 (LTO) – 正相關 16
2-4-6 縱容/抑制主義 (IVR)– 負相關 16
2-4-7 階級/平等主義 (HIE) – 負相關 17
2-4-8 保守/自主主義 (EMB) – 負相關 17
2-4-9 和諧/主宰主義 (HAR) – 正相關 18
三、 樣本與變數 19
3-1 樣本 19
3-1-1 樣本選擇 19
3-1-2 資料來源 19
3-2 變數 20
3-2-1 自變數 20
3-2-2 控制變數 22
3-2-3 應變數 23
3-2-4 敘述統計 23
四、實證結果及分析 27
4-1 多元迴歸分析結果 27
4-2 雙重職務的經理人 36
4-3 CSR分數的拆解 (依照各階段顯著的拆解) 38
五、穩健性測試 40
5-1 工具變數 40
5-1-1 工具變數的選擇 41
5-1-2 加入工具變數後的迴歸結果 44
六、結論 55
七、 參考文獻 57
八、 附錄 61
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指導教授 李韋憲 賴弘能(Wei-Hsien Li Hung‑Neng Lai) 審核日期 2019-3-7
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