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姓名 黃鈺如(Yu-Ju Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 自有品牌行銷策略之探討-以電腦週邊產品A公司為例
★ 台灣TFT-LCD產業之競爭策略分析–以關鍵性零組件產業結構之研究★ 以價值鏈及SWOT分析來探討台灣聚酯產業之競爭優勢
★ 國際化之經營策略分析-以國際筆記型電腦廠商進入大陸市場為例★ 企業轉型策略之探討-以ABC公司為例
★ 跨國性企業併購之個案研究★ 金控公司顧客關係管理的運作流程與運用發展之探討-以C公司為例
★ 全民健保總額支付制度之探討-以教學醫院為例★ 台灣幼教業西進大陸經營策略分
★ 建立以顧客價值認知之服務行銷-以C公司為例★ 台灣地區啤酒銷售與行銷策略之探討 -以三家啤酒公司品牌經營為例
★ 休閒食品於中國大陸地區行銷策略之探討-以P公司爲例★ 以國外授權品牌進入台灣與中國市場的行銷策略-以製筆業 A公司為例
★ 工業電腦用電源供應器之國際行銷策略之研究 -以F公司為例★ 台灣進口車的競爭優勢策略研究-以個案公司之利基市場為例
★ 台商在大陸的經營策略之研究-以汽車銷售服務業H公司為例★ 在滬台籍人士就醫機構選擇因素之研究
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摘要(中) 自從網際網路在1989年誕生後,人類的生活愈來愈離不開它,在這短短不到30年的時間裡,它顛覆了人們原本的通訊、學習、消費購物、付款與休閒的方式,在這各種便捷服務興起前,傳統的經銷商長久以來是各種商品銷售管道的主要通路,且實體通路一直佔有百分百體驗式消費的優勢。
然而隨著線上購物的興起與零售模式的創新,它提供了 24小時全年無休,不用出門即可隨想隨買的虛擬購物空間。在供應商方面不再受空間與時間的限制;在客戶端,消費者能節省時間與交通成本,更能享受到商家因中間商的減少與通路成本降低而提供物美價廉的服務與商品,此時傳統實體經銷通路的重要性銳減。數位科技時代來臨,人手一部的智慧型手機與網路速度飛快提升的今天,O2O (Online to Offline) 線上與線下串起的整合,使其可無縫接軌的行銷模式已成趨勢,如 Timberland 從實體的各大百貨直營店、Outlet 到 Yahoo 超級商城開店,且擁有自己的品牌購物官網、品牌 APP,實體與虛擬通路它們再也不是二個平行的市場通路,而是一種創新的商業模式,藉由科技整合提供消費者可在虛擬消費空間與實體店面中享受最佳的購物體驗。
摘要(英) Since the Internet was born in 1989, human life has become more and more inseparable from it. In less than 30 years, it has overthrown people′s habit of communications, learning, consumer shopping, payment and leisure. Before the web came to rise, traditional distributors had always been the main channel of sales for various merchandise, and their physical access has always occupied the full advantage of experiential consumption.
However, with the rise of online shopping and the innovation of the retail model, a virtual shopping space comes into view, which opens 24/7 all year round and allows customers to shop without stepping out the room. In terms of suppliers, there is no longer limits of space and time. On the clients’ side, they save time and transportation costs. Furthermore, they can enjoy services and goods provided at a more reasonable price as a result of the reduction of intermediaries and channel costs. At this point, the importance of traditional physical distribution has drastically reduced. The advent of the digital technology era, with rapid increase in the number of smart phones and speed of mobile data, has made O2O (Online to Offline) and its seamless integration of online and offline marketing models the trend. Timberland, as a good example, runs stores offline in major department stores, outlets. At the same time, it also operates online on its own website and app, along with sales on Yahoo Super Mall. Online and offline are no longer two parallel market channels, but they are combined as one innovative business model. The model, through technology integration, provides consumers with the best shopping experience in both virtual space and physical storefronts.
The results of this study show that the development of online shopping platforms by brand owners has long been a matter of no delay. A company’s success lays in the ability of finding the most suitable product and the correct strategy for this new and rapidly-changing virtual business environment. The research proposes to corporations that to set up a dedicated e-commerce department is a top priority. At the same time, companies must establish a correct online and offline integration business model, and more clearly define the brand, product, and price in both physical access and network access, to avoid conflict between virtual and physical retailing. We hope that result of this research can provide as future developing reference for brands that have developed to a certain extent but have not yet established an online shopping platform.
關鍵字(中) ★ PEST分析
★ SWOT分析
★ 行銷策略
★ 經營模式
關鍵字(英) ★ PEST analysis
★ SWOT analysis
★ Marketing strategy
★ Business model
論文目次 第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節、產業分析 5
第二節 行銷策略 25
第三節 經營模式 41
第三章 研究方法 48
第一節 研究架構 48
第二節 研究方法 51
第三節 研究對象 54
第四章 產業分析與個案研究 56
第一節 產業分析 56
第二節 個案公司概況 72
第三節 個案公司的傳統行銷策略 77
第四節 個案公司的傳統通路商SWOT 分析 81
第五章 結論與建議 91
第一節 結論 91
第二節 建議 93
第三節 研究限制 98
參考文獻 100
參考文獻 一、中文文獻
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1 中國貨幣市場雜誌
2 世界銀行 (Gross National Income in PPP dollars)
3 市場研究機構 Gartner
4 尼爾森:消費者購物虛實整合 全通路策略有助拓展商機
5 東方財富網
6 智庫百科http://wiki.mbalib.com/
7 經貿透視雙週刊 www.trademag1.org.tw
8 維基百科 https://zh.wikipedia.org/
9 Amazon
10 PESTLE Analysis https://rapidbi.com/pestle/
11 Trout, J. (1969). Value Based Management. Retrieved from http://www.valuebasedmanagement.net/methods_trout_positioning.html
指導教授 李小梅 審核日期 2018-6-20
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