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姓名 粘佩琳(Pei-Lin Nien)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 探討社會認同影響觀眾持續觀看直播意圖研究
(Examining the Effect of Social Identity on Continuous Watching Intention)
★ 台灣企業經營模式研究-以個案公司為例★ 組織文化對企業永續經營之影響---以某外商為例之個案研究
★ 專案管理運用於軍售作業之探討★ 合資企業組織變革與組織學習對組織績效之影響 ---以國內某合資氣體公司為例
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★ 從全球定位系統(GPS)設計代工個案探討其競爭優勢★ 創投公司投資網際網路產業之先佔者優勢探討
★ 以資料包絡分析法評估電資通光領域之科技研究發展專案計畫相對效率★ 車廠中頻直流(MFDC)點焊之品質管理制度的建立 — 以C公司為例
★ 運用六個標準差降低液晶製程中半成品耗損 — 以A公司為例★ 以財務指標探討連接器產業之經營策略-以A公司為例
★ 台灣半導體通路商經營績效分析之研究-以資料包絡分析法評估★ 自行車安全帽行業自創品牌進入中國市場之行銷策略-以廠商F公司為例
★ 化粧品零售業之電子商務商業模式-以S企業集團直營網站經營為例★ 台灣網版印刷中小企業競爭策略分析-以E公司為例
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摘要(中) 網路直播是伴隨著通訊基礎設施普及所產生的一種新型態網路行為,根據文 獻探討台灣觀賞直播的族群由 2017 年起開始高度成長。所謂的網路直播,是一 種運用即時影音串流的技術,讓觀眾們透過網路進行觀看及互動,眾多型態的網 路直播節目中,以主持特定類型及話題,與虛擬社群產生互動的形式最具商業價 值。本研究旨在探討直播主與虛擬社群之認同關係,對影響觀眾持續觀看意圖成 為研究動機。以擬社會互動經驗(Experience of para-social)、真實自我一致性 (Actual self-congruity)、參與(Participation)與認知交流(Cognitive communion)四項 因素進行網路調查,回收有效樣本共 244 份以結構方程式分析結果顯示,觀眾的 真實自我一致性、擬社會互動經驗對直播主認同(Broadcaster identification)具備正 向且顯著的影響;觀眾的參與行為也顯著影響著群體認同(Group identification); 直播主認同及群體認同對於觀眾持續觀看意圖皆有正向影響;唯群體認同並不受 到認知交流因素所影響。女性在擬社會互動經驗相較於男性族群在對直播主認同 呈現不顯著。本研究希望貢獻給直播服務平台,運用經營策略強化觀眾認同感以 增加使用率並達到持續觀看及黏著,為直播服務平台創造盈收。
摘要(英) The live stream is an emerging network behavior that comes with the popularity of the communications infrastructure. According to research reports, the population who watch the live stream video in Taiwan has grown up from 2017. The live stream is a technology that uses real-time video streaming technology to allow the audience to interact through the Internet. In many types of live stream programs, the most present valuable program is relying on the broadcaster to host specific topics and interacting with the audience or virtual communities. This thesis aims to explore the relationship between the broadcaster and the audience, which factor affects the audience intentions of continuous watching. In the thesis, we designed a questionnaire under four factors of experience: para-social, actual self-congruity, participation, and cognitive communion. The analysis results from 244 participants indicated that the experience of para-social and actual self-congruity of the audience has a positive correlated on broadcaster identity. The audience social behavior also affects the group identity significantlly. That broadcaster and group identity are positively correlated on continuous watching intentions of the audience. Futhermore, only group identity is not affected by cognitive communion. Compare with the male group, the female group′s presented differently between the experience of para-social interaction and broadcaster identification. This thesis expects to contribute to the live stream platform to enhance the continuous watching intention by strengthening the identity, such as enhancing the profitability of the live platform.
關鍵字(中) ★ 網路直播
★ 社會認同
★ 擬社會互動經驗
★ 參與
★ 持續觀看意圖
論文目次 摘要................................................................................................i Abstract.....................................................................................ii 誌謝.......................................................................................... iii 目錄...........................................................................................iv 圖目錄..................................................................................... viii 表目錄........................................................................................ix
第一章 緒論 ................................................................................1
1-1 研究背景與動機......................................................................1
1-2 研究目的...............................................................................5
1-3 研究流程...............................................................................6
第二章 文獻探討 .........................................................................7
2-1 網路直播...............................................................................7
2-1-1 直播產業的現況...........................................................7
2-1-2 直播服務平台的互動機制.............................................9
2-2 虛擬社群.............................................................................14
2-3 社會認同理論......................................................................14
2-4 擬社會互動經驗...................................................................18
2-5 真實自我一致性...................................................................19
2-6 參與...................................................................................20
2-7 認知交流.............................................................................21
2-8 直播主認同.........................................................................21 2-9 群體認同............................................................................22
第三章 研究方法........................................................................23
3-1 研究架構 ............................................................................23
3-2 研究假說 ...........................................................................25
3-2-1 擬社會互動經驗對直播主認同之影響關係...................25
3-2-2 真實自我一致性對直播主認同之影響關係...................25
3-2-3 參與對群體認同之影響關係.......................................26
3-2-4 認知交流對群體認同之影響關係................................27
3-2-5 直播主認同對持續觀看意圖之影響關係......................28
3-2-6 群體認同對持續觀看意圖之影響關係.........................28
3-3 問卷設計 ...........................................................................29
3-4 資料分析方法 .....................................................................31
3-4-1 敘述性統計...............................................................31
3-4-2 信度分析..................................................................31
3-4-3 效度分析..................................................................32
第四章 研究結果 .......................................................................33
4-1 敘述性統計 ........................................................................33
4-2 信度分析 ...........................................................................36
4-3 效度分析 ...........................................................................37
4-4 研究假說檢定 ....................................................................39
4-5 性別差異比較 ....................................................................40
4-5-1 男性樣本分析............................................................42
4-5-2 女性樣本分析...........................................................43
4-5-3 性別差異比較結果討論..............................................45
4-6 社群網站 FACEBOOK 樣本分析...........................................45
4-7 影音網站 YOUTUBE 樣本分析.............................................48
第五章 討論與建議 ....................................................................51
5-1 研究結論.............................................................................51
5-1-1 擬社會互動經驗對直播主認同之影響...........................51
5-1-2 真實自我一致性對直播主認同之影響..........................53
5-1-3 參與對群體認同之影響..............................................54
5-1-4 認知交流對群體認同之影響.......................................54
5-1-5 直播主認同對持續觀看意圖之影響.............................56
5-1-6 群體認同對持續觀看意圖之影響.................................57
5-2 管理意涵與研究貢獻 ...........................................................57
5-2-1 學術性管理意涵與研究貢獻........................................58
5-2-2 實務性管理意涵與研究貢獻.......................................58
5-3 研究限制與未來研究方向 ....................................................59 參考文獻....................................................................................61 附錄:研究問卷 ..........................................................................73
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指導教授 洪德俊 審核日期 2019-7-1
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