博碩士論文 105456006 詳細資訊

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姓名 吳明修(Ming-Hsiu Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所在職專班
論文名稱 追求工業4.0下建立智慧生產平台
(Smart Production for Industry 4.0)
★ 二階段作業研究模式於立體化設施規劃應用之探討–以半導體製造廠X及Y公司為例★ 推行TPM活動以改善設備總合效率並提昇 企業競爭力...以U公司桃園工廠為例
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★ 關鍵績效指標(KPI)之建立與推行 - 在造紙業★ 應用實驗計劃法- 提昇IC載板錫球斷面品質最佳化之研究
★ 如何從歷史鑽孔Cp值導出新設計規則進而達到兼顧品質與降低生產成本目標★ 產品資料管理系統建立及導入-以半導體IC封裝廠C公司為例
★ 企業由設計代工轉型為自有品牌之營運管理★ 運用六標準差步驟與FMEA於塑膠射出成型之冷料改善研究(以S公司為例)
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★ 設計鏈績效衡量指標建立 —以電動巴士產業A公司為例★ 應用資料探勘尋找影響太陽能模組製程良率之因子研究
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摘要(中) 自從人類開始使用機械代替人力以來,人們不斷地加快生產製造的效率,到了工業革命,人們開始會使用電力後,開始能夠大量生產,人們有了更多時間能夠進行其他發明工作,直到1970發明了電腦,生產製造更是以等比級數的進步,2011年德國提出了工業4.0,內容包含無人工廠、人工智慧及大數據與雲端運算等技術,各國也紛紛提出相關的政策,但各國企業大多還沒有相關的技術,部分還在工業3.0的自動化階段,甚至某些產業還在工業2.0大量生產的階段,且不是每間企業都能夠有足夠的資源能夠進行升級,但各產業仍須順應趨勢不斷創新,避免失去競爭的優勢。
摘要(英) People have been accelerating the efficiency of production and manufacturing, since people replaced the workers with machines. After industrial revolution, people began to use electricity and began mass production. We have more time to carry out other invention because of the invention of the computer in 1970s. The manufacturing is progress faster than before. In 2011, Germany proposed Industry 4.0 which includes technologies such as unmanned factories, artificial intelligence, and big data and cloud computing. Countries have also put forward related policies, but most companies have no relevant technology, some are still in the automation stage of Industry 3.0, and some industries are still in the stage of mass production of Industry 2.0. Not every enterprise can have enough resources to be able to upgrade, but the industries still have to follow the trend. Constantly innovate to avoid losing the competitive advantage.
Industry 4.0 has a wide range of applications, but its main implications are smart production, which uses big data and cloud computing to replace human judgment, including sensors, the Internet of Things, and big data and cloud computing. Companies need to confirm those goals before pursuing Industry 4.0. Concepts or functions can effectively assist enterprises in upgrading, inventory existing resources, and gradually upgrade. In the process of import, a balance is achieved between the new and old systems. After the introduction, it must measure whether or not it is effective and gradually correct it. The goal of Industry 4.0 cannot be reached. This article uses a semiconductor manufacturing plant to establish a smart production platform as a case. It aims to illustrate how companies can enter the process of Industry 4.0 and provide SMEs with limited resources as a reference.
關鍵字(中) ★ 工業4.0
★ 智慧生產
★ 物聯網
★ 雲端運算
★ 大數據
關鍵字(英) ★ Industry 4.0
★ Smart production
★ Internet of Things
★ Big data and cloud computing
論文目次 目錄
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 2
1.2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻探討 3
2.1 工業4.0的誕生 3
2.2 全球工業4.0的發展狀況 4
2.3 我國工業4.0的發展狀況 5
2.4 工業4.0的架構 6
2.5 工業4.0的相關技術 8
2.5 生產履歷 11
第三章 智慧化生產履歷及生產管理的排程 12
3.1 生產排程的手法 12
3.1.1 交期先後原則 12
3.1.2 產能平衡原則 13
3.1.3 關鍵比值法 13
3.2 機台產能指標 14
3.3 生產排程的問題 15
3.4 生產履歷的演進 16
3.5 智慧化生產履歷 17
第四章 智慧生產排程個案探討 19
4.1 個案企業簡介 19
4.2 半導體製程簡介 19
4.3 建立智慧生產平台 20
4.4 生產指標及生產排程的問題 20
4.5 智慧化生產排程企業個案 21
4.6 改善成效評估 24
第五章 結論 27
參考文獻 29
ㄧ. 中文文獻 29
二. 英文文獻 30
參考文獻 中文文獻:
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指導教授 曾富祥 審核日期 2018-6-26
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