博碩士論文 105456020 詳細資訊

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姓名 蔡乃清(Nai-Ching Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所在職專班
論文名稱 高訂單變動性及低量產需求環境下之長交期零件備料運輸決策 -以航空製造業為例
★ 以類神經網路探討晶圓測試良率預測與重測指標值之建立★ 六標準突破性策略—企業管理議題
★ 限制驅導式在製罐產業生產管理之應用研究★ 應用倒傳遞類神經網路於TFT-LCD G4.5代Cell廠不良問題與解決方法之研究
★ 限制驅導式生產排程在PCBA製程的運用★ 平衡計分卡規劃與設計之研究-以海軍後勤支援指揮部修護工廠為例
★ 木製框式車身銷售數量之組合預測研究★ 導入符合綠色產品RoHS之供應商管理-以光通訊產業L公司為例
★ 不同產品及供應商屬性對採購要求之相關性探討-以平面式觸控面板產業為例★ 中長期產銷規劃之個案探討 -以抽絲產業為例
★ 消耗性部品存貨管理改善研究-以某邏輯測試公司之Socket Pin為例★ 封裝廠之機台當機修復順序即時判別機制探討
★ 客戶危害限用物質規範研究-以TFT-LCD產業個案公司為例★ PCB壓合代工業導入ISO/TS16949品質管理系統之研究-以K公司為例
★ 報價流程與價格議價之研究–以機殼產業為例★ 產品量產前工程變更的分類機制與其可控制性探討-以某一手機產品家族為例
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摘要(中) 雖然目前民用航空飛機需求訂單仍有大量的需求,但因產品市場有其寡佔性,流通性小,產品銷售客戶幾乎為唯一,因此產量需求相較於其他產業而言十分的低,任何的訂單需求的變動,所造成的影響相對的大。同時原物料的取得有指定商源的要求;物料製廠資格及製程皆有認證要求,因此物料採購成本高及前置期長,庫存設置量也因此一因素而增加,衍生的庫存成本相對於銷售金額收入比是偏高的。
摘要(英) Although there are mass demands in the field of commercial airplanes, the markets for the parts are consider oligopoly, low circulations, and the needs of products are generally from one single customer. Leading up to the demands in aerospace field relatively low compared with other fields, any requirement changes in orders will cause great impact. The specifications of raw materials, the qualifications of being a qualified suppliers and its fabrication/special processes adds up to high cost procurement. With long lead time on the raw materials, implementing safety stock is essential. Therefore, all these factors are reasons to why inventory costs are higher than sales revenue.
The material supply chain are not based on geographic locations. To successfully retrieve materials to the warehouse, the logistic arrangement goes through air, sea, or land. Especially here in Taiwan, an island surrounded by sea and with limited resource, all necessity have to be imported. With the inventory shipped through different ways, the shipping cost takes up a significant percentage in the total cost. Thus, procurement strategy and inventory management are major factors to a profitable product.
The objection of this thesis is to discussing ways of using procurement strategy and inventory management to overcome the challenges of risk of material shortage, high transportation cost (caused by the low demands), unstable order requirements, and long lead time of the aerospace industry. This study will analyze historical data to find reasonable periodic shipping pattern via sea and using air freight to cover emergency pull in/demands to fulfill the production demands. Theories will be applied to real life data to test the feasibility of the methods, and conclude with a system and/or strategy to overcome the material long lead time, unstable order specifications, high procurement cost, high transportation cost, and low demands of the aerospace industry.
關鍵字(中) ★ 低產量屬性
★ 備料運輸策略
★ 訂單變動性
★ 長交期備料
★ 庫存成本
關鍵字(英) ★ Low rate production
★ Long lead time
★ inventory backup strategy
論文目次 目錄
英文摘要 ............................................. ii
誌謝.................................................. iii
目錄.................................................. iv
圖目錄................................................ vi
第一章 緒論.........................................1
1-1 研究背景........................................1
1-2 研究動機........................................4
1-3 研究目的........................................5
1-4 研究範圍與限制...................................5
1-5 論文架構........................................6
1-6 研究流程........................................7

第二章 文獻探討.....................................8
2-1 存貨的意義與功能.................................8
2-2 服務水準........................................10
2-3 庫存成本........................................10
2-4 低產量需求.......................................12
2-5 採購運輸成本.....................................13
第三章 研究方法.....................................16
3-1 前言............................................16
3-2 研究方法........................................16
3-2-3 設定採購週期訂定..................................20
3-2-4 採購數量..........................................20

3-2-5 運輸成本..........................................20
3-3 採購運輸決策模組.................................20
3-4 變數及固定參數設定...............................21
3-4 使用之符號及其單位說明...........................21
第四章 個案模擬分析...................................23
4-1 個案公司及產品簡介............................23
4-1-1 公司簡介..........................................23
4-1-2 個案產品說明......................................23
4-1-3 個案樣本之選定....................................26
4-1-4 各項資料數據說明..................................27
4-2 庫存成本計算.................................27
4-3 採購運輸決策模型..............................30
4-3-1 決策因素..........................................30
4-3-2 以個案的生料進行運輸決策之模擬......................31
4-4 實證分析......................................34
4-4-1 庫存成本分析......................................34
第五章 研究結論......................................37
5-1 結論............................................37
5-2 後續研究方向.....................................40
參考文獻 ..............................................41
參考文獻 一、中文部份:



7.五十嵐瞭,JTT 生產管理法則(陳哲仁譯),超越企管顧,台北市,1990。



1.Adam Gilbourne, “Sea freight vs. air freight ” – The ultimate guide,June , 2017.
2.Edward H. Frazelle, Supply Chain Strategy,2003.
3.Ford W. Harris, “How many parts to make at once, Reprinted from factory”, The Magazine of Management, Vol 10, pp. 135-136, 152 , February 1913.
4.Ir. Paul P.J. Durlinger, “Inventory and Holding costs”, A white paper approch for managers, Versie 1.0,October 2012.
5.Robert E. Markland, and Shawnee K. Vickery, Operations Management: Concepts in Manufacturing and Services,South-Western College Publishing, USA ,1998.
6.Sunil Chopra and Peter Meindl, Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation ,(6th Edition), January 2015.
7.William J. Stevenson, Operations Mandgement, (12th Edition), Mc Graw Hill eduction.May 2015.
指導教授 沈國基(Gwo-Ji Sheen) 審核日期 2018-7-20
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