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姓名 黃進穎(Chin-Ying Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系在職專班
論文名稱 金融科技浪潮下銀行分行經營績效之探討-以個案銀行為例
(A Study on the Operating Performance of Bank Branches in the Current Trend of FinTech-Take Case Bank as an Example)
★ 區塊鏈技術應用於金融科技公司企業資金電子調撥系統實作與驗證★ 庫藏股買回實際執行比率與 公司股權結構之關聯性探討: 以台灣上市企業公司治理評鑑為例
★ 台灣「不動產投資信託基金」(信託型REITs)與「證券投資信託基金架構」(基金型REITs)雙軌制之探討
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摘要(中) 本研究以本國C銀行之國內262家分行作為研究對象,首先運用資料包絡分析法評估個案C銀行分行之經營績效,投入項目採用存款、利息支出、用人費用及行舍費用;產出項目採用放款、利息收入、手續費收入及稅前盈餘。並進一步利用Tobit迴歸模型分析個案C銀行之分行推展數位金融服務對其經營效率之影響,經由實證結果顯示,大多數的分行處於規模報酬遞增的狀態,即表示大部份的分行在維持現有的產出規模下,均未達到經濟效益,各分行應可經由調整規模,增加業務營運量等,藉此提升銀行之整體經營績效。

摘要(英) The research focuses on 262 domestic branches of the domestic Bank C. First, in the case of Bank C, evaluate the operating performance of its branches by utilizing the method of data envelopment analysis. In this method, the items of input include deposit-taking, interest expenses, employment expenses, and rent expenses for branch offices; those of output include lending, interest income, service charges, and earnings before taxes. Furthermore, in the case of Bank C, the research further analyzes the influence of operating efficiency via the Tobit regression model when its branches promote the digital financial services. The empirical results reveal that most of the branches are placed in the situation of increasing returns to scale, that is to say, most of the branches fail to reach economic benefits under the maintenance of existing output scale. Each branch may improve its overall operating performance by adjusting its scale and increasing the amount of business.

The analysis of Tobit regression shows that four variables, namely the number of e-banking account opening (including mobile & online banking), the number of e-banking transactions (including mobile & online banking), the number of valid credit cards, and the number of online applications for personal loans are significant. The latter three variables also indicate that when the branches promote the digital financial services, there is a positive significance to their operating efficiency; in addition, two control variables, namely locations and years of establishment of the branches, have no significant relationship with their efficiency values, showing that the locations of the branches in metropolitan areas or at townships and years of establishment of the branches are both not a major factor affecting their efficiency values. Through the analysis results of this research, in the case of Bank C, the intensity that its branches promote the digital financial services has a positive significance to their operating performance in the case of Bank C. Therefore, the management may design diversified and innovative digital services to improve the overall performance of Bank C.
關鍵字(中) ★ 金融科技
★ 經營效率
★ 銀行分行
★ 資料包絡分析法
★ Tobit迴歸
關鍵字(英) ★ FinTech
★ Operating Efficiency
★ Bank Branches
★ Data Envelopment Analysis
★ Tobit Regression
論文目次 摘要 i
誌謝 iii
表目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
一、緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究對象與目的 3
1-3 研究架構 5
二、文獻探討 7
2-1 銀行經營效率之探討 7
2-2 DEA運用於金融機構經營績效相關文獻 10
三、研究方法 15
3-1 資料包絡分析法 15
3-2 銀行投入產出變數之選取 20
3-3 Tobit迴歸模型 24
四、實證結果與分析 26
4-1 投入與產出變數選取說明 26
4-2 敘述性統計分析 27
4-3 相關係數檢定 28
4-4 DEA效率值分析 29
4-5 Tobit迴歸分析 48
五、結論與建議 51
5-1 結論 51
5-2 建議 52
參考文獻 54
附錄一 59
附錄二 67
參考文獻 中文部分
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指導教授 黃泓人 李韋憲(Hung-Jen Huang Wei-Hsien Li) 審核日期 2018-7-19
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