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論文名稱 基於服務創新理論探討人工智慧圖書館服務品質與用户行為意圖之相關性研究
(Analyzing the Relationship between Service Quality and Behavioral Intention in Intelligent Library from Service Innovation Theories)
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摘要(中) 發展至今,世界各國都公認公共圖書館是學校以外,最重要的教育機構,成為國家競爭力或城市進步的指標之一,甚至是代表當地文化水準的象徵,越來越受到重視。二十餘年後的今天,新世紀開始邁入數位新時代,原本有不少人預測因為資訊取得的方式不斷加速與改變,一座座設計新穎創新、人工智慧化的新公共圖書館相繼落成啟用,成為現代人們最喜愛的公共設施之一。人工智慧圖書館是一個不受空間限制的、但同時能夠被切實感知的一種概念。有人曾經說過人工智慧圖書館將通過物聯網實現人工智慧化的服務和管理,其實還包括雲計算、人工智慧化的一些設備,通過這些來改造我們傳統意義上的圖書館。由於人工智慧圖書館提供的是智慧服務,而智慧服務的最本質特徵就是完成當時的增值,讓知識服務的內涵得以昇華,這對於人類的可持續發展有著極其重要的意義。

摘要(英) Nowadays, along with the development of society, it is recognized all around the world that public libraries have become the most important educational institutions apart from schools as well as one of the vital indicators of national strength or urban progress. Even more, public libraries represent the local cultural level, thus more and more emphasis is being placed on public libraries. At present, about twenty years after the beginning of the new century, mankind has entered a new digital era. In the past, many people predicted that with the continuous acceleration and change of information acquisition methods, more and more new intelligent public libraries with novel design have been established and opened, becoming one of the most popular public facilities for modern people. Artificial intelligence libraries are not limited by space but can be actually perceived. It is said by some people that artificial intelligence libraries will realize intelligent services and management through the Internet of Things, but actually, they also include cloud computing and some intelligent facilities through which we can transform the traditional libraries, because artificial intelligence libraries provide intelligent services while the essence of intelligent services is to add value and sublimate the connotation of knowledge services, which is of great significance for the sustainable development of mankind.
With the rapid development of information technology, the Internet of Things technology has become an important carrier of people’s “smart life”, and intelligent public libraries, which are no longer subject to spatial limitation, will subtly affect our lives and work. This paper studies this new service model, analyzes the relationship between intelligent libraries’ service quality from users’ acceptance and use of intelligent libraries, and discusses how to optimize the service quality so as to make users accept this technology and service model, which is the original intention of intelligent public libraries.
In this study, a total of 800 questionnaires were distributed to users of Zhejiang Artificial Intelligence Library. After invalid and incomplete questionnaire were deducted, there were a total of 676 valid questionnaire, thus the effective recovery rate was 84.5%.
1. There is a significant positive correlation between service innovation and service quality.
2. There is a significant positive correlation between service quality and behavioral intention.
3. There is a significant positive correlation between service innovation and behavioral intention.
Therefore, this study explores the correlation between artificial intelligence libraries’ service quality and customers’ behavioral intention from the perspective of service innovation in a bid to facilitate future innovation and development of libraries and improve the operation of libraries.
This paper analyzes the influence of intelligent libraries’ innovative service model on improving the service quality and users’ behaviors from the perspective of innovative services. Researches confirm that intelligent libraries are a kind of relatively new service innovation. Driven by curiosity, users will explore some relevant information, and reasonable and innovative services are an important factor in user acceptance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 服務創新
★ 人工智慧圖書館
★ 服務品質
★ 用戶行為
★ 行為意圖
關鍵字(英) ★ Service Innovation
★ Artificial Intelligence Library
★ Service Quality
★ User’s Behaviors
★ Behavioral Intention
論文目次 摘要 v
目 錄 ix
表目錄 xi
圖目錄 xii
一、緒論 - 1 -
1-1 研究背景 - 1 -
1-1-1 智慧圖書館的概念 - 2 -
1-1-2 智慧圖書館的架構 - 2 -
1-1-3 智慧圖書館與傳統圖書館的區別 - 5 -
1-1-4 智慧圖書館的應用 - 6 -
1-2 研究現狀分析 - 8 -
1-3 研究動機與目的 - 14 -
1-4 研究流程及架構 - 16 -
二、文獻探討 - 19 -
2-1 人工智慧圖書館 - 19 -
2-1-1 智慧圖書館的不同定義 - 20 -
2-1-2 智慧圖書館的概念連接 - 23 -
2-2 人工智慧圖書館創新意涵 - 27 -
2-3 服務創新 - 29 -
2-4 服務品質 - 31 -
2-5 行為意圖 - 33 -
2-6 操作型定義 - 34 -
三、研究方法 - 36 -
3-1 研究架構 - 36 -
3-2 浙江智慧圖書館創新服務模式概況 - 37 -
3-2-1 資源組織統一化與資源分享 - 37 -
3-2-2 個性化推薦智慧程度完善 - 38 -
3-2-3 互動服務呈現個性化 - 39 -
3-2-4 圖書館服務趨於智慧化與自助化 - 40 -
3-2-5 移動服務趨於多元化 - 41 -
3-3 研究假說 - 43 -
3-4 問卷設計 - 46 -
3-5 資料分析方法 - 51 -
3-5-1 敘述性統計 - 51 -
3-5-2 因素分析 - 52 -
3-5-3 信度分析 - 53 -
3-5-4 效度分析 - 55 -
3-5-5 結構方程模式 - 56 -
四、實證結果與分析 - 59 -
4-1 數據收集 - 59 -
4-2 敘述性統計分析 - 60 -
4-3 信度分析 - 63 -
4-4 建構效度分析 - 64 -
4-5 模型適配度分析 - 67 -
4-5-1 絕對適配度 - 67 -
4-5-2 增值適配度 - 68 -
4-5-3 簡約適配度 - 68 -
4-6 研究假說驗證 - 69 -
4-7 因素分析 - 74 -
4-8 皮爾森相關分析 - 75 -
4-9 研究模型分析 - 76 -
五、結論及未來研究方向 - 80 -
5-1 研究結論 - 80 -
5-2 管理意涵與研究貢獻 - 83 -
5-3 研究限制與未來研究方向 - 85 -
5-3-1 研究限制 - 85 -
5-3-2 未來研究方向 - 86 -
5-4 相關實用性建議 - 87 -
參考文獻 - 89 -
附錄 研究問卷 - 105 -
參考文獻 參考文獻

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指導教授 沈建文(Chien-wen Shen) 審核日期 2020-1-17
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