摘要(英) |
The fifth generation (5G) wireless communication involves many features such as high-energy efficiency, high spectrum efficiency, and low latency. The Internet contents are increasing like the content that generated by users in social media, which brings a big challenge to Radio Access Network (RAN). Using Fog-cloud network that takes the advantages of Fog computing and C-RAN, is one of the key techniques for the Fifth-Generation (5G) Mobile Communications System. Fog-cloud network is capable of caching the popular contents in the Fog computing based access points (F-APs) under limited storage capacity. Furthermore, the High Power Node (HPN), the devices in the cloud radio access network (C-RAN), assures that all of the users will be serviced by its broad coverage area. In the recent years, the user’s demand for the latency has been increasing. How to reduce the latency of local users to retrieve contents in a fog- clouds network is the focus of our attention. Our work proposes the Latency-aware caching assignment scheme, which is helpful to calculate and organize the contents that users need. Based on the quality of the user’s channel, as known as the transmission rate, this scheme finds out the contents that fully meet users’ requirements and stores the contents in the most suitable F-AP. The results show that the best way to decrease the latency is by reducing the frequency of accessing the cloud service. This scheme has been significantly reduced the frequency of accessing the cloud service, and overall network delay also been effectively declined. |
參考文獻 |
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