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姓名 施正澎(Cheng-Peng Shih)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣科學學系
論文名稱 MPAS-GSI Hybrid同化GPS掩星資料對2016年尼伯特颱風預報的影響
(The Impact of GPS RO Data on 2016 Typhoon Nepartak Prediction by the MPAS-GSI Hybrid Model)
★ Prediction of Tropical Cyclogenesis with GNSS RO Data Assimilation through the WRF Hybrid 3DEnVar
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摘要(中) 一套全新的MPAS-GSI系統結合美國國家大氣研究中心(NCAR)所發展的全球跨尺度天氣預報模式(MPAS),與中央氣象局(CWB)和NCAR開發調整的兩種不同系集變分混成資料同化系統(CWB-GSI、DTC-GSI)用來改善颱風預報的初始場。由於熱帶氣旋的生命週期以海洋上為主,但海洋上經常缺乏傳統觀測資料,而模式同化的觀測資料通常仰賴傳統觀測。因此近年發展新的全球定位系統無線電掩星資料(GPSRO),利用無線電掩星觀測的技術,可以得到高解析的大氣垂直剖面線資料,在缺少觀測的海洋上是一大幫助。
本研究將以此新穎的方法(MPAS-GSI)並加入GPSRO觀測,來探討對2016年的強烈颱風尼伯特(Nepartak)進行個案模擬並探討RO觀測對於MPAS模式的影響。實驗分為兩大部分,第一部分使用CWB的DMS key來構成GFS/GSI及MPAS系統的架構,共分高低解析度兩組進行,一組使用60-15公里,另一組使用60-15-3公里的模擬,並加入渦漩初始化(bogus)的過程。從實驗中得知無論高低解析度的實驗有同化RO資料的實驗均能改善MPAS模式的預報路徑,也與ECMWF分析場的區域校驗較為接近。以上本實驗達成了GSI往MPAS單向的效果,在後期建置雙向系統時遇到了技術上的困難,因此引進第二套系統企圖解決問題。
摘要(英) Model for Prediction Across Scales-Atmosphere (MPAS-A) is a new global non-hydrostatic atmospheric model, which uses unstructured variable resolution meshes with smoothly varying mesh transitions, well suited for a higher-resolution mesoscale atmosphere simulation. For typhoon prediction, observations over ocean are important for a numerical model to better represent the real atmosphere. Global Positioning System (GPS) radio occultation (RO) data have characteristics of global coverage, high vertical resolution, and high accuracy, so they can provide useful information for the data-sparse region.
In this study, GPSRO data are assimilated with GSI, and the analysis is provided as the initial condition for the MPAS-A model using a new technique. The impact of RO observations to the track forecast of Typhoon Nepartak (2016) is investigated. The study consists of two parts: In the first part, the Central Weather Bureau Grid-point Statistical Interpolation (GFS/GSI) hybrid system is used for the assimilation, and the MPAS model forecasts are conducted with 60-15 and 60-15-3 km resolutions. The typhoon bogus is employed during the assimilation process. The experiments with RO data show better track forecast in both high- and low-resolution configurations, and the analysis fields are comparable with the ECMWF analysis. However, these results are obtained using one-way connection from GSI to MPAS; i.e., the data assimilation cycles are not conducted using the MPAS model itself. We tried to build the two-way assimilation system, but we encountered some serious technical problems.
To solve the two-way issue, in the second part, we successfully set up a brand new MPAS-GSI framework developed by NCAR. The impact of the GPSRO data to the typhoon forecasts are thus studied in both 3DVar and Hybrid methods using the MPAS/GSI system. The five-day forecast results show that the typhoon still makes landfall at Taiwan without the bogus process and that the cases with RO data exhibit better track forecasts. However, the track errors in these experiments are not as accurate as those in the first part. As this new two-way system is still at the testing stage, there is still a lot of room for improvement, and more developments can be expected in the future.
關鍵字(中) ★ 全球跨尺度天氣預報模式
★ 全球資料同化格點統計內插系統
★ 全球無線電掩星
關鍵字(英) ★ MPAS
論文目次 摘要 iii
Abstract iv
致謝 vi
目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 viii
一、前言 1
二、掩星觀測及模式介紹 5
2-1、GPS掩星觀測技術 5
2-2、資料同化技術 6
2-3、全球資料同化模擬系統簡介 9
2-3-1、GSI系統 9
2-3-2、MPAS模式 9
2-3-3、GFS/GSI及MPAS系統 11
2-3-4、MPAS/GSI系統 12
三、實驗設計與模擬結果 14
3-1、資料來源 14
3-2、GFS/GSI及MPAS系統的實驗結果 14
3-3、MPAS/GSI系統的實驗結果 16
3-4、敏感性實驗 21
3-4-1 GFS/GSI及MPAS系統的敏感性實驗 21
3-4-2 MPAS/GSI系統的敏感性實驗 23
四、結論與未來展望 25
五、參考文獻 27
六、圖表 32
附表 32
附圖 39
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指導教授 黃清勇 陳舒雅(Ching-Yuang Huang Shu-Ya Chen) 審核日期 2019-1-23
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