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姓名 施驊珊(Hua-Shan Shi)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 太空科學研究所
論文名稱 冥王星與其它矮行星的大氣季節性演化
(The Seasonal Evolution of the Atmospheres of Pluto and Other Dwarf Planets)
★ 日冕拋射物質現象在太陽第23週期之統計研究★ 土星環粒子隨時間變化之表面溫度模擬
★ RHESSI觀測M型太陽閃焰的動態結構分析★ 太陽活動寧靜期日冕層影像與解析磁場模型之影像套疊與應用
★ 土衛八Iapetus的外球層模型★ 月球表面反射太陽風質子之粒子模擬
★ 土衛六-泰坦的大氣層密度和溫度的三維分佈★ 日冕物質拋射速度與緯度和太陽活動週期的關係
★ 隨季節變化之灶神星冰極模擬★ 藉由卡西尼太空船MIMI/LEMMS觀測資料分析土星高能電漿入射來源之統計
★ 土星環鄰近地區之帶電塵埃粒子動力學★ 直接模擬蒙地卡羅法於彗星之噴氣和塵埃噴流之應用
★ 克普勒任務觀測G型星超級閃焰的資料分析★ The Measurements of the Gas Density Distributions and Composition in the Water Plumes of Enceladus by the INMS Instrument on Cassini
★ 木星環系統帶電粒子動力學分析與 全球碰撞分布地圖--為JUNO任務預測★ 土衛六泰坦大氣的甲烷在土星系統的分佈
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摘要(中) 過去幾十年,古柏帶的矮行星對我們而言過於遙遠,以致於無法透過地面望遠鏡或太空望遠鏡進行詳細的觀測研究。而NASA的新視野號於2015年7月飛越冥王星系統,使我們對這些遙遠的物體有更多了解。透過新視野號近距離的飛掠觀測,發現冥王星上的大型心型地區—湯博區。湯博區是此次太空任務最重要的發現之一,它位於冥王星北半球的赤道至中緯地區,與冥衛一凱倫處於潮汐鎖定的對位。史波尼克高原位於湯博區的左半邊,為冥王星最高反照率的冰層地形,觀測資料顯示該地區主要是由氮冰及其他種類,如:甲烷、碳氫化合物的冰塊凝結而成。除此之外,冥王星的大氣組成在這次的觀測任務中被精確地觀測,稀薄的大氣層主成分為氮氣及少量的二氧化碳。由上述兩項結果推論,冥王星的大氣變化很可能是由史波尼克高原上的氮冰所控制。
摘要(英) Dwarf planets in Kuiper belt are too far for us to study in detail by telescopic observations from Earth for past several decades. After the New Horizons spacecraft’s flyby observations of the Pluto-Charon system in July 2015, we now have a better understanding of these faraway objects.
The Sputnik Planitia of Pluto is one of the most important discoveries of the New Horizons spacecraft at its flyby observations of the Pluto-Charon system in July 2015. SP is located at the northern mid-latitude hemisphere in the antipodal position to Charon on the opposite side. It contains a large quantity of the nitrogen ice on Pluto and the content of Pluto’s atmosphere is likely controlled by the variable sublimation rate of the Sputnik Planitia’s ice.
In this work, we use a coupled treatment to compute the surface temperature and pressure of the Sputnik Planitia on Pluto when it revolves around the sun in its eccentric orbit with special attention to the sublimation process of the nitrogen ice stored in the Sputnik Planitia. In addition, we will apply this model to other Pluto-like dwarf planets in Kuiper belt which surfaces could be mainly composed of nitrogen ice. This set of model calculations allows us to explore the range of the atmospheric contents and mass loss process of the icy dwarf planets.
關鍵字(中) ★ 冥王星
★ 史波尼克高原
★ 熱模型
★ 氮冰
關鍵字(英) ★ Pluto
★ Sputnik Planitia
★ thermal model
★ nitrogen ice
論文目次 摘要 .............................................i
Abstract ........................................ii
致謝 ...........................................iii
Contents .........................................v
List of Figures ................................vii
List of Table ..................................xii

Chapter 1. Introduction ..........................1

1.1 Origins ......................................1
1.2 Discovery of Pluto ...........................2
1.3 Resonance with Neptune .......................3
1.4 Binary System of Pluto-Charon ................4
1.5 Dwarf Planets on Kuiper Belt .................6

Chapter 2. Observation ...........................8

2.1 Past observation of Pluto by Ground-Based Telescope and Hubble Space Telescope .....8
2.2 New Horizons Mission .........................9
2.3 The Surface Composition of Pluto ............10
2.4 The Atmosphere of Pluto .....................12

Chapter 3. Atmospheric Evolution Model ..........18

3.1 Pluto Thermal Model .........................18
3.1.1 Nitrogen Sublimation and Condensation .....19
3.1.2 Thermal Conduction ........................21
3.2 Pluto’s Orbital Model .......................23

Chapter 4. Results and Discussion ...............26

4.1 Solar Insolation ............................26
4.2 Pluto′s Diurnal Variation ...................52
4.3 Pluto′s Seasonal Variation ..................56

Chapter 5. Conclusion ...........................61

Bibliography ....................................62
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指導教授 葉永烜(Wing-Huen Ip) 審核日期 2018-8-22
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