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(The effects of visual training on sporting performance in volleyball players)
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摘要(中) 視覺跟踪能力在許多運動中很重要,並且可以對性能產生重大影響,其中掃視眼球運動的質量是諸如排球等體育運動不可缺少的方面。儘管如此,教練們很少培訓運動員的視覺能力,眼球運動訓練在體育運動中並不是一個新問題,但運動員認為花費太多時間。在這裡,我們旨在調查一種簡單的方法來提高運動員的視覺能力,目的是通過七天的排球運動員的視覺訓練,在短時間內提高運動員的運動成績。在實驗1中,我們將受試者分為兩組,一組為動態視覺訓練組,另一組為對照組。作為衡量運動成績的一項指標,所有參賽者都進行了排球扣球表現測試。一週後,實驗組和對照組的扣球表現沒有區別。在實驗2中,受試者分組方式與實驗依相同,我們降低了實驗1中的扣球測試的難度,並增加視覺測試的前測與後測。我們分析了路線正確率,扣球成功率和扣球的準確性,並與視覺測驗變化量比對。發現扣球成功率的變化量和扣球的準確性的變化量皆與視覺測驗變化量有正相關。在實驗3中,扣球測驗與實驗2相同,而受試者僅有一組。受試者將進行安慰劑視覺訓練而不跟踪任務,並與實驗2的數據進行比對。其結果顯示雖然安慰劑視覺訓練組也有視覺訓練任務,但其結果與對照組相似。這些結果表明視覺追踪確實有助於改善運動的表現。在實驗4中,我們對實驗2裡的動態視覺訓練組進行追蹤,一個月後再次進行扣球測試與視覺測試。發現扣球的路線正確率與扣球成功率與一個月前經過訓練後沒有差別,而扣球的準確性卻下降但比一個月前經過訓練前高。使用實驗2的數據分析視覺能力與扣球能力的相關性,得到扣球成功率與精準度與視覺能力的變化有關;路徑正確率與視覺能力的變化無關,而視覺能力的高低與扣球能力的好壞無關。
摘要(英) Visual tracking ability is important in many sports and can have a significant influence on performance. Despite this, coaches rarely train athletes’ visual ability and, while eye movement training is not a new issue in sport, it is thought to cost too much time for the athletes. Here, a simple way to improve athletes’ visual ability with the aim of enhancing sporting performance was investigated, using seven days of visual training in volleyball players. In Experiment 1, the participants were divided into two groups, one receiving the dynamic visual training task and the other being an untrained control group. As an measure of athletic performance, all participants participated in a volleyball spiking performance test. After a week, despite improvement in the visual task there was no difference between the spiking performance of the experimental (trained) group and the control (untrained) group, which was measured in terms of correctness of route, success rate of the spike and accuracy of the spike. In Experiment 2, the participants were grouped in the same way as the Experiment 1. The spike test was altered so that it no longer required detection of and reacting to a target location and increased the pretest and posttest of the visual test. Volleyball performance accuracy was measured in the same way as Experiment 1 and change in performance was compared with visual test performance change. It was found that the amount of change in the success rate of the spike and the change in the accuracy of the spike was positively correlated with the amount of change in the visual test. In Experiment 3, the spike test was the same as Experiment 2, and there was a single group of participants. These participants performed a visual training task without tracking with the aim of testing for the specificity of the training effect (i.e. was visual motion important). Data obtained were also compared with the data from Experiment 2. Although this group showed significant improvement on the visual training task, the volleyball performance results were similar to the control group. These results suggest that it is visual tracking that helped to improve sporting performance. In Experiment 4, retention of any of the beneficial effects was tested, with retesting of the dynamic vision training group from Experiment 2, who performed the spike test and the visual test again after one month. It was found that the correct rate of the spike and the success rate of the spike did not differ after one month, and, while the accuracy of the spike decreased, itt was higher than prior to training one month ago.
This data suggests there may be significant benefits to sporting performance to be gained from suitable visual cognitive training, although interactions with levels of performance and sporting event outcomes require further study.
關鍵字(中) ★ 動態視覺
★ 排球
★ 視覺訓練
論文目次 摘要………………………………………………………………………………… I
TABLE OF CONTENT……………………………………………………………IV
LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………………VIII
LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………….......XI

Chapter 1: Introduction………………………………………..………..…… ………..1
1.1 Exercise Maintains Health……………………….…………………1
1.1.1 Lack of Exercise Makes People Unhealthy………………………...1
1.1.2 The Benefits of Exercise…………………………………………...1
1.2 Exercise and Cognitive Performance………………………………….…2
1.2.1 Does Exercise Also Have an Impact on Cognitive Function in
The Elderly?.....................................................................................3
1.2.2 The Effect of Exercise on Children′s Cognitive Function………….4
1.2.3 Are Different Types of Exercise Related to Cognitive Function? …5
1.3 Physical Training Aids in Sport Performance Improvement……………..6
1.3.1 Muscle Training Improves Sport Performance…………………….6
1.3.2 Exercise Skills to Improve Sport Performance…………….………7
1.4 Visual Ability and Sport Performance…………………………………....8
1.4.1 The Relationship Between Visual Ability and Sport Performance...9
1.4.2 Is There a Difference in Visual Ability Between Athletes and

1.5 Cognitive Training………………………………………..……………..10
1.5.1 Brain Training Games ………………………………...…………..11
1.5.2 Are Brain Training Games Effective? ……………………………12
1.6 Perceptual-Cognitive Transfers in Athletes…………………………..13
1.6.1 Cognitive Expertise ………………………………………………13
1.6.2 Transfer and Brain Areas………………………………………….14
1.7 Research Aims…………………………………………………………..15
Chapter 2: Experiment 1…………………….……………..……………..19
2.1 Introduction …………………………………..………………19
2.2 Materials and Methods………………………..…………… ..23
2.2.1 Participants ………………………………………….………23
2.2.2 Training program for the visual tracking task…….……….23
2.2.3 Spike accuracy test….……………………………..……….28
2.2.4 Procedure……………………….……………………………31
2.3 Results ……………………………………………………………….33
2.3.1 Statistics…………………………………………………………..33
2.3.2 Behavioral performance…………………………………………34 Participant profiles…………………………………………34 Task training………………………………………………….34 Spike performance…………...……………………………….36
2.4 Discussion………………………………………………………….44
Chapter 3: Experiment 2…………………………………………………………46
3.1 Introduction.……………………………………………………….46
3.2 Materials and Methods…………………………………..………….48
3.2.1 Participants………………………………………..…………48
3.2.2 Training program for the visual tracking task……………...48
3.2.3 Spike accuracy test…………………………………………49
3.2.4 Procedure……………..……………………………………...51
3.3 Results……………………………………………………………..53
3.3.1 Statistics………………………………………………………..53
3.3.2 Behavioral performance………………….…………………….53 Participant profiles………………………………………….53 Visual task…………………………………………………54 Spike performance…………………………..………………59
3.4 Discussion………………………………………………………….64
Chapter 4: Experiment 3………………….…………………………….…. ………66
4.1 Introduction …………………………………………………………..66
4.2 Materials and Methods …………………………………..………….68
4.2.1 Participants ………………………………………..………….68
4.2.2 Training program for the no tracking visual task…………... 68
4.2.3 Spike accuracy test ……..…………………………………….71
4.2.4 Procedure …………………………………………..…………71
4.3 Results ………………………………………………………….….…73
4.3.1 Statistics……………….………………………………………73
4.3.2 Behavioral performance…………………………………………73 Participant profiles……………………...……………………73 Task training…………………………………………………74 Spike performance…………………………………………....74
4.4 Discussion …………………………………………………………85
Chapter 5: Experiment 4…………………….………………………….….………86
5.1 Introduction……………………………………………..………….. 86
5.2 Materials and Methods …………………………………………….87
5.2.1 Participants ………………….…….……………………………87
5.2.2 Program for visual test ……………………………………...87
5.2.3 Spike accuracy test …………………………………………….88
5.2.4 Procedure ………….………………………..…………………...88
5.2.5 Analysis………………………………………….……………..89
5.3 Results ……………………………………………………………...90
5.3.1 Previous sporting changes and visual task changes……………..90
5.3.2 Visual task………………………………………….………..…..90
5.3.3 Spike performance………………………………………….……92
5.4 Discussion ……………………………………………………….…95
Chapter 6: General Discussion…………………….…………………….……...……97
6.1 Experiment 1.........................................................................................97
6.2 Experiment 2.........................................................................................98
6.3 Experiment 3.........................................................................................99
6.4 Experiment 4........................................................................................101
6.5 Future directions…..……………………………………….................102
Chapter 7: References……………...……….…………………………….…. …..…103
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