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姓名 李子伶(Tzu-Ling Li)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 認知與神經科學研究所
論文名稱 年輕與老年族群之控制化與自動化抑制交互影響的行為與事件相關電位特徵
(Characteristics in the Behavior and Event-related Potentials of the Interaction between Controlled and Automatic Inhibition in the Young and Elderly Groups)
★ 作業轉換能力之訓練與轉移效果探討★ 全域型與局部型物體地標對人類空間巡行能力之貢獻
★ 兒童早期至晚期疼痛同理心的神經發展: 事件相關電位研究★ 同理心老化的認知神經機轉:功能性磁振造影研究
★ 動作參數對於選擇性抑制的影響★ 社會場景對於護理人員同理心之調控
★ 泛自閉症障礙症候群處理情緒人聲的不典型表現:腦電波研究★ 即時回饋類型對於雙手協調動作學習之影響
★ Diversity and Commonality of Cognitive Profile among Static, Strategic and Interceptive Sports-Expertise★ Application of a Brain Computer Interfacing System in Comparing Visual verses Haptic Induction of Motor Imaginary Task
★ An FMRI Investigation of Malleable Numerical Representation★ 動態照明在辦公環境應用之可行性評估與眼動儀偵測視覺疲勞之研究
★ Difference and Relationship between Voluntary and Involuntary Inhibition in Elderly and Young Groups★ 以簡單施力作業及重複效應檢驗動作意象與執行之對應關係
★ 空間性及時間性資訊變化對序列學習影響之探討★ 運用VGG網絡對靜息態功能性磁振造影成分圖進行區分
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摘要(中) 抑制功能對控制行為至關緊要;而且它容易受到老化的影響。本研究進行了三項實驗來探討控制化和自動化抑制之間的交互作用在年輕和年長族群有何差異。實驗一採用以位置為基礎的負向促發 (Location-based Negative Priming) 作業,其中受試者需要對促發項 (prime) 與探測項 (probe) 中的目標物做按鍵反應。我操弄了促發項反應至探測項呈現間時距 (response to prime interval, RSI)以探索負向促發效果隨時間的演變以及其年齡差異;結果發現,不論是年輕族群還是年長族群,負向促發效果的時間演變在不同的RSI下保持穩定。然而相較於年輕族群,年長族群的最大負向促發效果發生的時間點較晚。在實驗二中,我將Go/Nogo作業與負向促發作業結合在促發項中:促發項中的目標物可能為白色或黃色,受試者只對白色目標物作反應;結果發現在年輕族群中促發項-探測項的組合為Go-Go時,其負向促發效果比Nogo-Go大得多;相對地,在年長族群中Go-go和Nogo-go之間的負向促發效果差異則不明顯。最後,在實驗三中,則是將Go/Nogo作業和負向促發作業結合在促發項與探測項中,並且使用事件相關電位 (ERP) 測量反應後的快速大腦活動變化;此時,行為資料顯示老年組Nogo-Go情況的負向促發效果大於其Go-Go情況,但這兩種情況的負向促發效果在年輕人中是相當的;在事件相關電位方面,我發現Nogo促發項導致N1振幅小於Go促發項,而Nogo探測項導致年輕人的N2振幅小於年長者的。綜上所述,我認為控制化抑制和自動化抑制會受到選擇注意力的調節而產生影響,而此調節之影響在年輕人身上較為明顯,可能反映選擇性注意力在老化過程中的衰退。
摘要(英) Inhibitory functions are crucial for keeping our behaviors under control, and it is prone to the influence of aging. In the current study, I carried out three experiments to explore the interaction between controlled and automatic inhibition in the young and elderly groups. In Experiment 1, I adopted a location negative priming (LNP) task where the participant responded to both the prime and the probe. I manipulated the duration between the response to prime and the probe onset (RSI) to explore the evolution of the NP effect across time and also compared age difference in the time course of NP. In Experiment 2, I combined Go/No-go task with LNP task where if the participant saw yellow target in the prime, the participant should not respond and vice versa. In Experiment 3, I combined Go/No-go and LNP task in both prime and probe, and measured brain activities with event-related potentials (ERP). I found that for both the young or elderly groups, the temporal evolvement of NP remained stable across RSIs. However, I found the maximal significant NP effect in the elderly occurred later relative to the young group. In addition, while the NP effect of Go-Go was much larger than Nogo-Go in the younger group, NP difference between Go and No-go was not significant for the elderly. Finally, in the ERP experiment, the behavioral data showed that the NP effect of Nogo-Go was larger than Go-Go prime in the elderly group but the NP effect of the two conditions were comparable in the young group. For the ERP results in both age groups, I found No-go prime resulted in the N1 smaller amplitude time-locked to the probe response as compared to that of the Go prime. No-go probe led to larger N2 amplitude in the young group but smaller amplitude in the elderly group. I conceptualize the results as the manifestation of selective attention on both the controlled and automatic inhibitory mechanisms, which is more obvious in the young than in the elderly group, reflecting the impact of aging on selective attention.
關鍵字(中) ★ 老化
★ 位置的負向促發作業
★ 選擇注意力抑制
關鍵字(英) ★ Aging
★ Location-based Negative Priming
★ Selective Attention Inhibition
論文目次 中文摘要 .................................................................................................................. ii Abstract ................................................................................................................... iii 誌謝..........................................................................................................................iv Content ...................................................................................................................... v Figure of content.....................................................................................................vii Table of content....................................................................................................... ix Chapter 1 Introduction..............................................................................................1
Cognitive Aging and Inhibitory Functions .....................................................................1 Controlled Inhibition and Automatic inhibition ............................................................3 Go/No-go task and Aging ................................................................................................5 Negative priming and Aging ...........................................................................................8 Aims of the current study..............................................................................................11
Chapter 2 Experiment 1: Aging-related Changes in the Temporal Dynamics of Location-based Negative Priming ...........................................................................13
Material and methods ............................................................................................14
Participants ............................................................................................................................. 14 Stimuli and apparatus .............................................................................................................. 15 Procedure................................................................................................................................ 15
Results ...........................................................................................................................16
Discussion ......................................................................................................................20
Chapter 3 Experiment 2: Effects of Aging on Controlled and Automatic Inhibitory Processing ...............................................................................................................22
Material and methods ...................................................................................................23
Participants ............................................................................................................................. 23
Stimuli and apparatus .............................................................................................................. 23 Procedure................................................................................................................................ 23
Results ...........................................................................................................................24
Discussion .....................................................................................................................28
Chapter 4 Experiment 3: The Brain Dynamics of the Interaction between Automatic and Controlled Inhibition in Different Age Groups...............................30
Material and methods..................................................................................................30
Participants ............................................................................................................................ 30 Stimuli and apparatus ............................................................................................................ 31 EEG recording ....................................................................................................................... 32 EEG pre-processing...............................................................................................................32 ERP analysis..........................................................................................................................33
Results ...........................................................................................................................34
Discussion .....................................................................................................................55
Chapter 5 General Discussion and Conclusions .....................................................58 References ...............................................................................................................63 Appendix .................................................................................................................72
Appendix A: Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) ..............................................72
Appendix B: Digit Span Forward and Digit symbol coding tasks in the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Third Edition.........................................................................73
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指導教授 張智宏(Erik Chang) 審核日期 2019-1-30
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