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姓名 蔡沛芸(Pei-Yun Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 遙測科技碩士學位學程
論文名稱 利用綜合遙測資訊建置之高程模型觀測近岸地形時序變遷
(Using Integrated Remote Sensing Data to Reconstruct Coastal Elevation Model and Detect Temporal Changes)
★ 結合多種遙測衛星數據觀測湄公河水資源變化★ 利用多時期之衛星影像改進孟加拉地區之地表水量化
★ 利用ALOS SAR影像觀測2008當雄地震同震及震後形變量★ 利用衛星影像觀測2004年印度洋地震震後之海岸地形垂直變化
★ 整合Sentinel-1與TerraSAR-X 永久散射體雷達差干涉法以監測地表變形★ 利用區域電離層模式校正Sentinel-1差分干涉以偵測臺灣地表變形
★ 利用衛星影像間接建立全台海岸地形模型★ 應用Sentinel-1衛星TOPS合成孔徑雷達及最小基線長分析技術監測越南河內的地層下陷
★ Sentinel-1 Radar Interferometry Decomposes Land Subsidence in Taiwan★ 以自相似算法進行衛星影像融合和水線判釋
★ 基於卷積神經網路於光學衛星影像進行跨衛星之雲偵測★ 利用衛星遙測資訊於稻米產量預測
★ 利用ICESat-2及Sentinel-2反演南海近岸水深★ 利用行動測深系統產製淺水區深度模型
★ 以多元衛星影像監測青藏高原湖泊長期水量變化★ 使用動態門檻值選取對衛星影像進行非監督式變遷偵測
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摘要(中) 近岸測深技術能用以蒐集海岸地區受自然與人為影響而產生之變遷資訊。為彌補船測法在水深過淺處之施測限制,本研究測試光學衛星測深演算法之應用,並致力於拓展遙測技術反演近岸水深之應用。
為進一步提升反演精度,另有兩項操作測試施作於反演流程中。針對Landsat-7及Sentinel-2等高度再訪率(revisit time)影像,我們將多張影像平均以降低隨機誤差造成的水深誤判;此外,也在南海應用測試中,討論底質分類能否有效降低在複雜底質種類測區因固有反照率(albedo)造成之誤判。
摘要(英) Coastal terrain is an important factor to understand natural and anthropogenic forcing contributed to the coastal processes. However, it has long been difficult to map the elevation in the intertidal and shallow water areas, due primarily to the limitation in vessel navigation. In this study, we test an algorithm of satellite derived bathymetry (SDB), aiming to broaden remote sensing applications in coastal areas. Since the physical principle of SDB based one Beer’s law had been well developed in the last two decades, we focus on the model transferability to see whether a multispectral model used to estimate water depth trained in one particular location can be adopted in another one. There are two application test for evaluate this technical question –the first is Application test in South China Sea is used to evaluate feasibility of model transfer in spatial domain, while Application test in Houwan (Kenting National Park) is to confirm model transferability in temporal domain. A total of 4 series of optical satellite missions are used in this study, including Sentinel-2 and WorldView-2 data for Dongsha and Taiping Island, and Landsat-7 and SPOT data for Houwan coastline.
To increase the accuracy of depth measurements, for Landsat-7 and Sentinel-2 images we average out multiple retrieving results to avoid random noises in each individual image. Besides, different categories of substrates are classified separately to create their own corresponded model, in prevention of estimation bias from the inherent albedo of various substrates.
Results in Application in South China Sea indicates that the retrieval depth is limited to ~10m with a root-mean-square-error (RMSE) between 1.5-3 m, as validated with ground-truth provided by air-borne LiDAR surveys. An operation of substrates classification can increase the accuracy of RMSE between 0.1-1 m. In Application in Houwan, coastal dynamic of Houwan area investigating temporal changes of coastline is achieved, where a RMSE of the digital surface model (DSM) is 1.6 m as overlapped with DSM built by a drone campaign. In conclusion, the test of 3 applications as “model transfer application”, “substrates classification” and “multiple images averaging conduct” show a great potential to improve the quality and application in SDB, whose can achieve RMSE at 0.1-1m in coastal areas.
關鍵字(中) ★ 衛星水深反演
★ 近岸水深
★ 遙測
★ 多光譜衛星
關鍵字(英) ★ Satellite Derived Bathymetry
★ Multispectral
★ Remote Sensing
★ Nearshore Bathymetry
論文目次 1. Introduction and Motivation 1
1.1. Coastal Dynamic 1
1.1.1. Coastal Dynamic Issue with Human Activities 1
1.1.2. Alternative Management Options 2
1.2. SDB Strategies and Objectives 2
1.3. Two Application Test by the Three Study Sites 6
2. Background 7
2.1. Bathymetry Mapping 7
2.1.1. Coastal Elevation Model 7
2.1.2. Shipborne Sonar 8
2.1.3. LiDAR Device 10
2.2. Remote Sensing for SDB 11
2.3. Intertidal Zone 12
2.3.1. Tidal Constituents 12
2.3.2. Zoning of Coastal Area 13
2.4. Study Sites 14
2.4.1. Coast Alteration in South China Sea 16
2.4.2. Coast Alteration in Houwan Bay of Kenting National Park 19
2.5. Satellite Images 19
2.5.1. Imagery for Bathymetry 19
2.5.2. Imagery for Intertidal Zone: 21
2.5.3. Introduction of Satellite Data: 22
3. Methodology 24
3.1. Work Flow 24
3.2. Data Preprocessing 26
3.3. Satellite Derived Bathymetry (SDB) 28
3.4. Improvement of SDB I: Model Transfer Application 29
3.5. Improvement of SDB II: Substrate Classification 29
3.6. Improvement of SDB III: Averaging of Medium Spatial Data 32
3.7. Accuracy Assessment 33
4. Application in South China Sea 35
4.1. Retrieval Methods of South China Sea 35
4.2. Mapping Result of South China Sea 40
4.2.1. Medium Spatial Resolution Images 40
4.2.2. High Spatial Resolution Images 44
5. Application in Houwan Bay of Kenting National Park 49
5.1. Retrieval Methods in Houwan Coastal Area 49
5.1.1. Retrieval Processing of Intertidal Zone in Houwan 57
5.1.2. Retrieval Processing of Bathymetry in Houwan 58
5.1.3. High Resolution Integration Model in Houwan 59
5.2. Mapping Result in Houwan Coastal Area 60
5.2.1. Overall Accuracy 60
5.2.2. Intertidal Zone Elevation 60
5.2.3. Near-shore Bathymetry 62
5.2.4. Integration Model of Recent Period 64
6. Discussion 65
6.1. Source of Errors 65
6.2. Bathymetry Retrieval Assessment 67
6.2.1. Overall Discussion of Bathymetry 67
6.2.2. Comparison of Different Processing Disposition 69
6.3. Intertidal Zone Retrieval Assessment 73
7. Conclusion and Future Work 76
8. Reference 78
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指導教授 曾國欣(Kuo-Hsin Tseng) 審核日期 2019-7-15
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