博碩士論文 106222016 詳細資訊

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姓名 詹家郡(Chia-Chun Chan)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
論文名稱 有缺陷的石墨烯的水接觸角滯後現象
(Contact angle hysteresis on defective graphene)
★ 細菌地毯微流道中的次擴散動力學★ Role of strain in the solid phase epitaxial regrowth of dopant and isovalent impurities co-doped silicon
★ hydrodynamic spreading of forces from bacterial carpet★ What types of defects are created on supported chemical vapor deposition grown graphene by scanning probe lithography in ambient?
★ 以掃描式電容顯微鏡研究硼離子在矽基板中的瞬態增強擴散行為★ 應變及摻雜相互對以磷離子佈植之碳矽基板的固態磊晶成長動力學之研究
★ 雜質在假晶型碳矽合金對張力之熱穩定性影響★ Revisiting the role of strain in solid-phase epitaxial regrowth of ion-implanted silicon
★ 利用選擇性參雜矽基板在石墨稀上局部陽極氧化反應★ Thermal stability of supersaturated carbon incorporation in silicon
★ 氧化銅上的石墨烯在快速化學氣相沉積過程中的成核以及成長動力學★ Reduction dynamics of locally oxidized graphene
★ 微小游泳粒子在固定表面的聚集現象★ Role of impurities in semiconductor: Silicon and ZnO substrate
★ The growth of multilayer graphene through chemical vapor deposition★ Characteristic of defect generated on graphene through pulsed scanning probe lithography
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摘要(中) 石墨烯是一種由單層的碳原子組成的,真正的二維材料。碳原子排列成
且它只吸收 2.7%的光,所以對肉眼來說幾乎是透明的不可見的,這些特性
摘要(英) Graphene, a real 2-dimension material composed of one layer of carbon atom
with honeycomb-like lattice, impressed scientist by its special properties. For
example, graphene has extremely high carrier mobility and mechanical strength
due to the sp2 structure. Furthermore, graphene only absorbs 2.7% of light and is
almost transparent to eye and hence graphene is appropriate to be a protective
coating layer. To be a protective coating layer, more surface properties of graphene
need to be fully understood. However, scientists have not reached an agreement at
some properties, for example, the wetting property, or water contact angle. In the
past decade, expert groups all around the world have extensively reported both
experimental and theoretical results, which are somehow inconsistent. In these
wettability measurements, CVD graphene was most used because pristine
graphene was too crumbled and rGO had too much oxygen and organic group
remained. However, unavoidable defects, i.e. grain boundaries, wrinkles and holes,
were also created in CVD and transfer process as well. These defects affected
results of contact angle measurement but did not receive much concern because
defect was inevitable in graphene. Fortunately, contact angle hysteresis provides a
remarkable solution.
關鍵字(中) ★ 石墨烯
★ 接觸角
★ 拉曼光譜
★ 接觸角滯後
關鍵字(英) ★ graphene
★ contact angle
★ Raman
★ contact angle hysteresis
論文目次 摘要..........................................i
目錄......................................... iii
List Of Figures...............................v
Chapter 1. Introduction.......................1
Chapter 2. Background ........................5
2-1. Introduction To Graphene ................5
2-1-1. Graphene History.......................5
2-1-2. Chemical Vapor Deposition Of Graphene .7
2-1-3. Kinds Of Defect In Graphene ...........10
2-2. Wetting Property ........................12
2-2-1. Wetting Property Of Graphene ..........12
2-2-2. Contact Angle And Contact Angle Hysteresis Measurement ..................................18
2-2-3. Application And Physics Of Contact Angle Hysteresis....................................25
2-3. Raman Spectroscopy..................................28
Chapter 3. Experiment Setup And Method .......33
3-1. Sample Preparation ......................33
-iv3-1-1. Substrate Cleaning .................33
3-1-2. Cvd Graphene Growth ...................35
3-1-3. Graphene Transfer......................37
3-2. Measurement Setup........................39
3-3. Defect Creation .........................41
3-3-1. Ion Implantation.......................41
3-3-2. Low Damage Plasma .....................43
3-4. Micro-Raman Spectroscopy.................45
Chapter 4. Result And Discussion..............47
4-1. Defect Creation .........................47
4-2. Contact Angle And Hysteresis.............52
4-2-1. Ion Implanted Graphene ................52
4-3. Discussion...............................57
Chapter 5. Conclusion ........................61
Reference ....................................62
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指導教授 溫偉源(Wei-Yen Woon) 審核日期 2019-1-29
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