博碩士論文 106226031 詳細資訊

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姓名 郭韋廷(Wei-Ting Kuo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 應用Ronchi Test於準直儀精密校正
(Precision Calibration of Collimator Using Ronchi Test)
★ 中小型光學鏡組之高密度全場波前量測★ 使用液晶空間光線調制器之相移式光柵-十字狹縫量測裝置
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★ 相移式干涉儀之系統校正及量測軟體的撰寫★ 非球面干涉儀之離軸對心校正
★ 高數值孔徑顯微物鏡設計★ Double Zernike Polynomial 校準光學系統
★ 薄型化光展量疊加太陽能集光器★ A Similarity-Guided Spots Sorting Method to Increase the Dynamic Range of a Shack Hartmann Sensor
★ 雷射微型投影機波前量測技術★ 旋轉掃描式非球面干涉儀之演算法開發及應用
★ 校準低敏型Shack-Hartmann波前感測器★ 利用Slanted-edge方法以及相位回復演算法量測光學系統的成像像差
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摘要(中) 本論文分為兩部分,第一部分是設計一套Ronchi Test光學量測系統,用以量測出光學準直儀(collimator)的離焦(defocus)程度,避免準直儀再度失焦。應用Ronchi Test於大型鏡面的量測時,需要使用空間頻率較高的光柵,提高量測的靈敏度,然而空間頻率高的光柵會使光束產生繞射現象,在觀察面上會觀察到由繞射光束彼此部分重疊而產生的干涉條紋,稱為剪切干涉效應。因此本論文中設計了一套成像光學系統與光學機構,擷取此干涉條紋(Ronchigram)。另一方面,使用Matlab模擬光束重疊的干涉條紋情況,將兩者交叉比對後,根據準直儀上的旋鈕刻度,計算出準直儀的離焦程度,同時也與光學設計軟體Code V的數值進行對照,以確認Ronchi test的實驗結果正確。此外,透過調整旋鈕與觀察Ronchigram的變化,也能夠找出此準直儀的best focus,完成準直儀的精密校正。
第二部分在附錄,是一雷射二極體控制器的製作,主要零件是一顆雷射驅動IC,iC-HT,透過Matlab操作Arduino UNO進行訊號傳輸的控制,能夠驅動不同波長的雷射與控制雷射的光功率。此雷射控制器能夠與相機配合,透過光源的程式化,控制光源強度、波型、頻率,匹配相機的trigger速度,進行光源的高動態範圍(HDR, High Dynamic range)拍攝,提高拍攝效率,完成實驗數據擷取。
摘要(英) There are two section in this study. The first section is to develop a customized “Ronchi Test” device to test the defocus of collimator in order to achieve the goal of precision calibration. Due to the requirement of precision measurement of high-quality mirror, it is necessary to use a grating with a large spatial frequency to raise sensitivity. If the grating period is small enough to approach the wavelength of light, the diffraction effect will cause the shear-plate interference. In this study, it is designed an optical image system and an optical mechanism to capture the Ronchigram. In another way, Zernike polynomials were used to rebuild the OPD shot by interferometer for the purpose of simulating the Ronchigram that was formed by shear-plate interference. Adjust the knob of M2 of collimator to compare the captured Ronchigram with the simulated Ronchigram and find out the matched Ronchigram. Use the matched Ronchigram and the dial of knob to calculate the defocus of collimator. At the same time, using the optical design software Code V confirm the result. By observing the Ronchigram also can find out the best focus of collimator, complete the precision calibration of collimator
The second section is in appendix, it’s about developing a laser diode controller. The key component is a laser driver IC, iC-HT. By using Matlab operates Arduino UNO controlling signal transmission to drive laser of different wavelengths and control the laser power. The controller can be programmed by Matlab to control the intensity, waveforms and frequency of the light source to match the trigger speed of camera to improve the shooting efficiency by using high dynamic range shooting of the light source, and capture the experimental data.
關鍵字(中) ★ 朗其測試
★ 精密校正
★ 準直儀
關鍵字(英) ★ Ronchi Test
★ collimator
★ calibration
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 x
一、 緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2文獻回顧 3
1-3研究動機與目的 6
二、原理 8
2-1光學像差理論 8
2-2 Zernike多項式(Zernike polynomials) 11
2-3 Ronchi Test 14
2-4剪切干涉效應 16
2-4-1 干涉 16
2-4-2 繞射 17
2-4-3 Ronchi Test中的剪切干涉效應 19
2-4-4 相位位移 21
2-5視場角 23
三、應用Ronchi Test於準直儀精密校正 24
3-1 硬體架構 25
3-2 光學與機構設計 26
3-2-1 Ronchi Ruling設計 26
3-2-2成像光學系統與機構設計 28
I. Image system 29
II. 機構設計 30
3-2-3光源設計 32
3-3 實驗方法 34
3-3-1程式模擬Ronchigram 34
3-3-2實驗擷取Ronchigram 38
四、實驗結果與分析 41
4-1 實驗結果 41
4-2 Code V模擬驗證 46
4-3 量測精度分析與結論 50
附錄:雷射二極體驅動器 52
附錄-1 設計動機 52
附錄-2 設計過程 53
附錄-3 設計結果 56
附錄-3-1 雷射二極體驅動器硬體 56
附錄-3-2 雷射二極體驅動器軟體 57
附錄-4 雷射驅動器應用 59
參考文獻 60
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指導教授 梁肇文(Chao-Wen Liang) 審核日期 2019-8-14
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